- A design strategy for some(every x) optimization problems.
- Make the choice that looks best at the moment.
➡️ local optimum
- Not always lead to a globally optimum solutions.
- But come up with the global optimum in many cases.
Activity Selection Problem
- Ex_ Get your money’s worth at amusement park
➡️ goal: ride as many rides as possible
- We want to schedule several activities that require exclusive use of a common resource, with a goal of selecting a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities(서로 사이좋게 지낼 수 있는)
- An activity ai is represented [si,fi), where si is a start time and fi is a finish time.
- ai and aj are compatible if [si,fi) and [sj,fj) do not overlap
- Assume that the classes are sorted according to increasing finish times; f1 < f2 < ... < fn.
The Structure of an Optimal Schedule
- the subset Si,j begin after activity ai finishes and end before activity aj starts
- Assume that activity ak is part of an optimal schedule of the classes in Si,j
- Then i < k < j, and the optimal schedule consists of a maximal subset of Si,k, {ak}, and a maximal subset of Sk,j
➡️ Optimal substructure? Yes.
am be the activity in Sij with the earliest finish time. Then,
1. am is used in some maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of Sij
2. Sim = ϕ, so that choosing am leaves Smj as the only nonempty subproblem.
Dynamic Programming vs. Greedy
- Number of subproblems
- Dynamic programming : Two subproblems are used in an optimal solution and there are
(j-1) – (i+1) + 1 = j – i – 1 choices when solving the subproblem Si,j
- Greedy : Only one subproblem is used in an optimal solution and when solving the subproblems Si,j, we need consider only one choice
An activity-selection problem:greedy algorithm
A Variation(변형) of the Problem
- Instead of maximizing the number of classes we want to schedule,
we want to maximize the total time the classroom is in use.
- DP approach still remains unchanged.
- But greedy choices can't solve :
– Choose the class that starts earliest/latest
- Choose the class that finishes earliest/latest
- Choose the longest class
➡️ 어떤걸 하더라도 풀 수 x
⭐️ Greedy choice property
– An optimal solution can be obtained by making choices that seem best at the time, without considering their implications for solutions to subproblems.
Huffman Codes : Text Encoding
- Widely used
- Very effective technique for compressing data
- An optimal prefix code
- Goal: develop a code that represents a given text as compactly(간결하게) as possible
- A standard encoding is ASCII, which represents every character using 7 bits:➡️ Require 133bits = 17bytes
- Of course, this is wasteful because we can encode 12 characters in 4(24 = 16 > 12) bits:➡️ Require 76bits = 10bytes
- An even better code(variable length) is given by the following encoding:➡️ Require 65bits = 9bytes
Prefix code
- No codeword is a prefix of some other codeword
prefix: Ex_10110, 1011 is 4th prefix
- The optimal data compression by a prefix code
- Easy to decode
- Non-prefix codes are ambiguous(모호한, 2가지 이상 해석가능한)
- If code is ambiguous, then it is not prefix code. Thus, if it is prefix code, it is unambiguous
Decoding / encoding tree : Fixed-length code
Decoding / encoding tree : Variable-length code
Cost of encoding a file
- T: tree corresponding to the coding scheme c in the alphabet C
- f(c): the frequency of c in the file
- dT(c): the depth of c’s leaf in the tree
- B(T): the number of bits required to encode a file
Huffman's Algorithm
Huffman-Code(C) {
n = len(C)
Q = C
for i = 1 to n-1
do allocate a new node z
left[z] = Extract-Min(Q)
right[z] = Extract-Min(Q)
f[z] = f[left[z]] + f[right[z]]
Insert(Q, z)
return Extract-Min(Q)
➡️ Running time: O(n lg n) : lg n을 n번 반복
Exercise in class
1. Coin exchange by greedy, counter example
➡️ Denomanation of coins = { 1, 10, 25 }, change = 30
2. Coin exchange by DP
Recurrsive equation
V : change
num[V] :min number of coins for change V
coins[1...m] : denomanation of each coin from to m➡️ O(nm)
3. Activity selection problem
Show counter example
The greedy approach of selecting the activity of least duration from among those that are compatible with previously selected activities.➡️ will pick a2, but the solution is a1, a3
4. Huffman
Left branch : 0
Right branch : 1➕ After 'c' is extracted from queue, What is the frequency of new node??
➡️ 2
5. Greedy로 풀려면 꼭 증명?
➡️ Yes, Greedy choice property
HGU 전산전자공학부 용환기 교수님의 23-1 알고리듬 분석 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.