[ Algorithm ] 09. Shortest Paths

38A·2023년 5월 20일

알고리즘 분석

목록 보기
  • Input : directed graph G = (V, E) with weight function w : E → R
  • Determine the path p with minimum weight from source to destination
  • Weight w(p) of path p : sum of edge weights on path p
  • shortest-path weight u to v :
  • Variants
    • Single-source shortest path : find shortest paths from a given source vertex s \in V to every vertex v \in V
    • Single-destinations : find shortest paths to a given destination vertex. By reversing the direction of the each edge in the graph, the problem is reduced to single-source problem
    • Single-pair : find shortest path from u to v. No easier(더 빠르게 X) than single-source problem
    • All-pairs shortest-paths : find shortest path from u to v for all u, v \in V

  • Single-source shortest path
    • Bellman-Ford algorithm
    • In DAG
    • Dijkstra’s algorithm
  • All-pairs shortest-paths
    • Floyd-Warshall algorithm

Shortest Path Properties

Lemma 24.1
Again, we have optimal substructure: the shortest path consists of shortest subpaths:
➡️ Proof: suppose some subpath is not a shortest path
- There must then exist a shorter subpath
- We could substitute the shorter subpath for a shortest path
- But then overall path is not shortest path. Contradiction

  • Define δ(u,v) to be the weight of the shortest path from u to v. Shortest paths satisfy the triangle inequality: δ(u, v) \le δ(u, x) + δ(x, v)

Negative-weight edges

  • OK, as long as no negative-weight cycle are reachable from the source
  • If we reach a negative-weight cycle, we can just keep going around it and get w(s, v) = -\infin for all v in the cycle
  • Some algorithms work only if there are no negative-weight edges


  • Shortest paths can’t contain cycles
    • We assumed that there is no negative-weight cycles
    • Positive-weight cycle : Just omit(생략) it to get a shorter path
    • Zero-weight cycle : There is no reason to use them. Assume that our solutions won’t use them.

🖥️ Single Source Shortest Path

  • Find shortest paths from a given source vertex s \in V to every vertex v \in V
  • Output for each vertex v \in V :
    • d[v] = δ(s, v)
      • Initially, d[v] = \infin
      • Reduces d[v] as algorithm progress.
        But always maintain d[v] \ge δ(s, v)
      • d[v] : shortest-path estimate(추정)
    • π\pi[v] = predecessor(전임자) of v on a shorteat path from s.
      • If no predecessor, π\pi[v] = NIL
      • π\pi induces a tree – shortest-path tree



  • A key technique in shortest path algorithms is relaxation
    • Idea: for all v, maintain upper bound d[v] on δ(s,v)!

[1] Bellman-Ford algorithm

  • Solves the single-source shortest-paths problem in general case in which edge weights may be negative
  • Allow negative-weight edges and produce a correct answer as long as no negative-weight cycles are reachable from the source
  • Returns a boolean value
    • negative-weight cycle – FALSE
    • No such cycle – TRUE

Pseudo-codeThe first loop relaxes all edges |V| - 1 times

Time : Θ(VE)


Neg. Weight Cycle Example➡️ d가 계속 작아지고 풀리지 path가 안나옴

[2] SSP in DAG

  • Problem: finding shortest paths in DAG
    • Bellman-Ford takes Θ(VE) time ➡️ How can we do better?
    • Idea: use topological sort
      • Since it is a DAG, there are no cycles
      • Every path in a DAG is subsequence of topologically sorted, so processes vertices on each shortest path from left to right, then it would be done in one pass


PseudocodeTime : Θ(V+E)

[3] Dijkstra’s Algorithm

  • If there are no negative weight edge, we can beat(faster than) Bellman-Ford
  • Similar to breadth-first search : weighted version of breadth-first search
    • Grow a tree gradually(서서히), advancing from vertices taken from a queue.
    • Instead of a FIFO queue, uses a priority queue
    • Keys are shortest-path weights (d[v])

  • Have two sets of vertices :
    • S = vertices whose final shortest-path weights are determined
    • Q = priority queue = V – S.
  • For the graph G=(V,E), maintains a set S of vertices for which the shortest paths are known
  • Repeatedly selects the vertex u (u ∈ V-S), with the minimum shortest-path estimated, adds u to S, and relaxes all edges leaving u
  • What is the design strategy? ➡️ Greedy


Example - Find shortest path from s to t


  • Theorem 24.6
    • loop invariant : At the start of each iteration of the while loop of lines 4-8, d[v] = δ\delta(s,v) for each vertex v ∈ S

Negative weight edge, Does not work

The glgorithm now terminates because the queue is empty. However, the path A→C→B→D has total length 5 + (-4) + 1 = 2 < 4; thus the length of the shortest path from the source A to D was not correctly evaluated

Time Analysis

  • Like Prim’s algorithm, performance depends on implementation of priority queue
    • Binary heap :
      • Each operation takes O(lg V) time → O(E lg V)
    • Fibonacci heap :
      • O(V lg V + E) time

🖥️ All Pairs Shortest Path

Floyd - Warshall Algorithm

  • The easiest way!
    • Iterate Dijkstra’s and Bellman-Ford |V| times(V번 반복)!

→ Dense graph : E = O(V2^2)

  • Any other faster algorithms?
    • Floyd-Warshall Algorithm

  • Negative edges are allowed
  • Assume that no negative-weight cycle
  • Dynamic Programming Solution
    • Optimal substructure

The structure of a shortest path

  • Intermediate vertex
    • In simple path p = <v1_1,...,vL_L>, any vertex of p other than v1_1 and vL_L(제외), i.e., any vertex in the set {v2_2,...,vL1_{L-1}}
  • Key Observation
    • For any pair of vertices i, j in V.
    • Let p be a minimum-weight path of all paths from i to j whose intermediate vertices are all from {1,2,...,k}(중에 있다. 모두 path에 포함되는건 x) → Prob
    • Assume that we have all shortest paths from i to j whose intermediate vertices are from {1,2,...,k-1} → Subprob
    • Observe relationship between path p and above shortest paths(subprob)

Key Observation

  • A shortest path does not contain the same vertex twice.
    • Proof: A path containing the same vertex twice contains a cycle(No simple path). Removing cycle give a shorter path.

  • p is determined by the shortest paths whose intermediate vertices from {1,...,k-1}
  • Case1: If k is not an intermediate vertex of p
    • Path p is the shortest path from i to j with intermediates from {1,...k-1} (without k)
  • Case2: If k is an intermediate vertex of path p
    • Path p can be broken down into i -- p1 → k - p2 → j
    • p1 is the shortest path from i to k with all intermediate vertices in the set {1,2,...,k-1}
    • p2 is the shortest path from k to j with {1,2,...,k-1}

A recursive solution

  • Let dij(k)_{ij}^{(k)} be the length of the shortest path from i to j such that all intermediate vertices on the path are in set {1,2,...,k}
    Ex_d13(4)_{13}^{(4)}1, 2, 4, 3
  • Let D(k) be the n Χ n matrix [dij(k)_{ij}^{(k)}]
  • dij(0)_{ij}^{(0)} is set to be wij_{ij} (no intermediate vertex).
  • dij(k)_{ij}^{(k)} = min(dij(k1)_{ij}^{(k-1)} , dik(k1)_{ik}^{(k-1)} + dkj(k1)_{kj}^{(k-1)} ) (k≥1)
    → min(k가 intermediate vertex인 경우, 아닌경우)
  • D(n) = (dij(n)_{ij}^{(n)}) gives the final answer, for all intermediate vertices are in the set {1,2,...,n} : dij(n)_{ij}^{(n)} = δ(i,j) for all i,j ∈ V

Extracting the Shortest Paths

  • The predecessor pointers pred[i,j] can be used.
  • Initially,
    • pred[i,j] = NIL (if i = j or wij_{ij} = \infin)
    • pred[i,j] = i (if i ≠ j or wij_{ij} < \infin)
  • Whenever the shortest path from i to j passing through an intermediate vertex k is discovered, we set pred[i,j] = k

  • Observation:
    • If pred[i,j] = NIL, shortest path does not exist
    • If there exists shortest path and the shortest path does not pass through any intermediate vertex, then pred[i,j] = i
    • If pred[i,j] = k, vertex k is an intermediate vertex on shortest path form i to j

  • How to find?
    • If pred[i,j] = i, the shortest path is edge (i,j)
    • Otherwise, recursively compute
      (i , pred[i,j]) and (pred[i,j] , j)

Computing the weights bottom up




  • Θ(n3^3) → Θ(|V|3^3)
  • Faster than previous algorithms
    O(|V|4^4), O(|V|3^3lg|V|)
  • Problem: ⭐️ Space Complexity Θ(|V|3^3)
  • It is possible to reduce this down to Θ(|V|2^2) by keeping only one matrix instead of n

Modified Version

Transitive Closure

  • Given directed graph G = (V, E)
  • Compute G^* = (V, E^*)
  • E^* = {(i, j) : there is path from i to j in G}
  • Could assign weight of 1 to each edge, then run FLOYD-WARSHALL
  • If dij_{ij} < n, then there is a path from i to j
  • Otherwise, dij_{ij} = \infin and there is no path

  • Using logical operations OR, AND
  • Assign weight of 1 to each edge, then run FLOYD-WARSHALL with this weights.

🖥️ Exercise in class

1. Dijkstra's algorithm

After vertex D is extracted from PQ and all edges incident from vertex D are relaxed, what is distance of B, C, E?➡️ B = 3(A), C = 8(B), E = 10(D)

2. Floyd's algorithm

→ DP

3. All pair shortest path

  • SSP → All-pair
    • Dijkstra : Θ\Theta(V3^3)
    • Bellman-Ford : Θ\Theta(V4^4)
  • Floyd : Θ\Theta(V3^3)
    ➡️ Time complexity 비슷, Why use Floyd?
    A. It can deal with negative edge

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