[ Algorithm ] 10. String Matching

38A·2023년 6월 9일

알고리즘 분석

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Notation and terminology

  • T[1..n]: the text
  • P[1..m]: the pattern
  • P occurs with shift s in T if T[s+j] = p[j] for 1≤j≤m.
  • If P occurs with shift s in T, then we call s a valid shift; otherwise, an invalid shift

[1] The naïve string-matching algorithm

Problem in the naïve algorithm

  • O((n-m+1)m) time → if m = n / 2, O(n2^2)
  • The naïve string matching is inefficient because information gained about the text for one value of s is entirely ignored in considering other values of s.
    • If P = aaab and we find s = 0 is valid, then none of the shifts 1, 2, or 3 are valid → 1, 2, 3 are invalid

[2] Rabin-Karp algorithm

  • Main Idea
    : length m string is regarded as m digits radix-d number.
  • P[1..m] : Convert it into m-digit number p
  • Substring T[s+1..s+m] : Convert it into m-digit number ts
    Ex) ∑={0,1,2,...,9}, P[1..m] = 31425,
    ➔ p = 31,425
  • If p = ts_s, then string matching!
  • String matching problem
    ➔ is converted into number comparison problem


Convert string into number

  • Use Horner’s rule
    p = P[m] + 10(P[m-1]+10(P[m-2]+....+10(P[2]+10P[1])...))
  • Ex) When P[1..m] = 31425, → Ө(m)
    p= 5+10(2+10(4+10*(1+10*3))) = 31,425
    → What if Σ\Sigma = {a, b ... z} : *10 → *26
  • Is there faster way to calculate ts_s?

  • Calculate t0_0 similarly.
    Then, we can calculate ts+1_{s+1} from ts
    • ts+1_{s+1} = 10(ts_s-10m-1T[s+1])+T[s+m+1]
    • i.e., remove high order digit T[s+1] and bring low order
  • Ex) When ts_s = 31415 and T[s+5+1]= 2, → Text = ... 314152 ...
    ts+1_{s+1} = 10(31415 – 10000*3) +2 = 14152 → Ө(1)
    Computing p & t0_0 : Θ(m)
    Computing t1_1, ...tnm_{n-m} : Θ(n-m) or Θ(n)
    → Ө(1) n-m개 ( n - m + 1(t0_0) )

Comparing p with ts_s

  • How long will it take to compare p with ts_s?
    • Constant time if m is very small
    • Otherwise ... → constant time이라고 할 수 없다
  • Cure for the problem : Use ‘modulo’ operation.
    When comparing two numbers, we do not compare the numbers directly. Instead, take ‘modulo q’ operation and compare.
  • However,the solution of working ‘modulo q’ is not perfect, since ts_s ≡ p (mod q) does not imply ts_s = p.
    • Valid : ts_s ≡ p (mod q) and ts_s = p
    • Spurious hit : ts_s ≡ p (mod q) but ts_s ≠ p
    • However, if ts_s ≠ p (mod q) , there is no chance that ts_s = p.
  • Ex) 67399 != 31415 but, 67399 ≡ 31415 (mod 13)


Modulo operation

  • q : The modulus q is typically chosen as a prime number such that d*q just fits within one computer word in d-ary alphabet.
  • Recalculation of p and t
    • p = original p (mod q)
    • ts+1_{s+1}=(d(ts_s - T[s+1]h) + T[s+m+1]) (mod q) → Ө(1)

→ Constant time


  • Θ(m) preprocessing time --- calculation of p and t0_0
  • Θ((n-m+1)m) worst-case running time → 모두 mod q 값이 동일
    • Θ(n-m+1) times to find all s such that p = ts_s
    • Θ(m) time to check if each s is really valid
    • However we expect few valid shifts
      → 그러나 유효한 변화가 거의 없을 것으로 예상, 실제로는 worst보다 빠를 것이다

[3] String matching with finite automata

[4] Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm

  • Consider the operation of the naïve string matcherWhen 6th pattern character fails to match the corresponding text character, where can we resume the match again?

  • We don’t have to resume the match from the character right next to it!
  • In general, it is useful to know the answer to the following question :
    Given that pattern characters P[1..q] match text characters T[s+1..s+q], what is the least shift s’ > s such that
    P[1..k] = T[s’+1..s’+k], where s’ + k = s + q?
  • The necessary information can be precomputed by comparing the pattern against itself
    → Text 필요 x, Pattern으로 비교 가능

Prefix function Π\Pi



First character of the pattern does not match character of the text. (P[1] ≠ T[i])
Shift pattern by 1
     == increment text index by 1
           (no change of pattern index)


Character (other than first) of the pattern does not match character of the text. (P[q+1] ≠ T[i])
➔ Shift pattern by value Π\Pi value
(Prefix of P has already been compared)


Character of the pattern matches character of the text. (P[q+1] = T[i])
➔ Increment text index and pattern index by 1And if all patterns are matched
match is found




  • Using the amortized analysis (Sec 17.3)
    KMP-MATCHER : Θ(n)


Exercise in Class

1. How many spurious hits does the Rabin-karp matcher (modulo q = 11)When looking for the pattern p = 26?

→ 26 % 11 = 4, %11 = 4인 결과는 4개 그 중 3개가 spurious hits

2. Compute the prefix function Π\Pi for the pattern

3. Run the KMP

HGU 전산전자공학부 용환기 교수님의 23-1 알고리듬 분석 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.

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