[ DB ] 02. Relational Algebra

38A·2023년 4월 24일

Database System

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🖥️ Relational algebra

  • Algebra
    • Mathematical system consisting of
      - Operands: variables or values from which new values can be constructed
      - Operators: symbols denoting procedures that construct new values from given operands
  • Relational Algebra
    • A procedural language consisting of a set of operations that take one or two relations as input and produce a new relation as their output

Select: σ

  • The select operation selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate
  • Notation: σp(r)σ_p(r)
    ∧ (and), ∨ (or), ¬ (not)


Project: ∏

  • A unary operation that returns its argument relation, with certain attributes left out
  • Notation:A1,A2,A3,...,Ak(r)∏_{A1,A2,A3,...,Ak}(r)
    ➡️ Duplicate rows are removed


Cartesian product: ×

  • The Cartesian-product operation (denoted by ×) combines information from any two relations
  • Binary operator (2 operands) ➡️ cf. σ, ∏ : unary operator(1 operand)


Join: ⋈

  • The join operation combines a select operation and a Cartesian- Product operation into a single operation
    𝑟θ𝑠=σθ(𝑟×𝑠)𝑟⋈_\theta𝑠 = σ_\theta(𝑟×𝑠)


Union: ∪

  • The union operation combines two relations as a superset of both
  • Notation: rsr∪s
  • ⭐️ For rsr∪s tobevalid,
    1. r, s must have the same number of attributes (same arity)
    2. The attribute domains must be compatible
    • E.g., the 2nd column of r deals with the same type of values as does the 2nd column of s

➡️ ⭐️ Duplicate remove


Set-intersection: \cap

  • The set-intersection operation finds tuples that are in both the input relations
  • Notation: rsr\cap s
  • Assumptions:
    • r,sr, s have the same arity
    • Attributes of r and s are compatible


Set-difference: –

  • The set-difference operation finds tuples that are in one relation but are not in another
  • Notation: rsr – s
  • Assumptions:
    • r,sr, s have the same arity
    • Attributes of r and s are compatible


Assignment Operation: ⬅️

  • It is convenient at times to write a relational-algebra expression by assigning parts of it to temporary relation variables
  • Notation: ⬅️
  • With the assignment operation, a query can be written as a sequential program


Rename: ρ

  • The rename operator, r, sets names to relational-algebra expressions
  • Notation: ρnew_name(E)ρ_{new\_name}(E) E : Entity ( Relation or Attribute )

HGU 전산전자공학부 홍참길 교수님의 23-1 Database System 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.

Example problem

Find the records of the instructor(s) who get(s) the largest salary

tmp1tmp_1 ⬅️ ρinst1(instructor)×ρinst2(instructor)ρ_{inst1}(instructor) × ρ_{inst2}(instructor)
tmp2tmp_2 ⬅️ σinst1.salary<inst2.salary(tmp1)σ_{inst1.salary < inst2.salary}(tmp_1)
tmp2tmp_2 ⬅️ inst1.ID,inst1.name,inst1.dept_name,inst1.salary(tmp2)∏_{inst1.ID, inst1.name, inst1.dept\_name, inst1.salary}(tmp_2)
A. instructortmp3instructor - tmp_3

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