[ OS ] 03. Processes

38A·2023년 4월 9일

Operating System

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🖥️ Overview

  • Process = program in execution + resource

Process State

  • New: being created
  • Running: in execution
    - Only one process can be running on a processor at any time
  • Ready: waiting to be assigned to a processor
  • Waiting: waiting for some event to occur
  • Terminated

Ready / Running State

⭐️ Process Control Block (PCB)

  • OS manages processes using PCB : Tree Structure
    - Process Control Block (PCB): repository for any information about process ( like 주민등록등본 )

🖥️ Process scheduling

  • Scheduling: assigning tasks to a set of resources
    본질 : Select
  • Process scheduling: selecting a process to execute on CPU
    - Only one process can run on each processor at a time
    - Other processes should wait
  • Objectives(목표) of scheduling
    - Maximize CPU utilization(활용) : 가능하면 많이 일하게
    - Users can interact(교류) with each program
  • Switching :
    - performance 관점에서는 적게할수록 ⬆️
    - responsive(반응) 관점에서는 많이할수록 ⬆️ Ex_ 로봇, 자율주행

Scheduling Queue

  • Scheduling queue: waiting list of processes for CPU time or other resources
    - Ready queue, job queue, device queue
  • Each queue is usually represented by a linked list of PCBs

Queueing Diagram

  • Representation of process scheduling
    - A process migrates(이동) among various scheduling queues throughout its lifetime


  • Scheduler selects processes from queues in some fashion(방법)
    - Long-term scheduler (job scheduler)
    - Short-term scheduler (CPU scheduler)
  1. Short-term scheduler (CPU scheduler)
  • 알고리즘 자체가 단순할 수 밖에 없다 → 워낙 자주 호출되기 때문
    - Executed frequently (at least once every 100 msec.).
    - Scheduling time should be very short.
  1. Long-term scheduler (job scheduler)
  • 레디큐의 사이즈를 조절하는 역할, 가끔씩만 돌아서 사이즈 조절을 하면 된다
  • Controls degree of multiprogramming (레디큐의 사이즈)
    - In stable state, average process creation rate == average process departure(이탈) rate
  • Executed less frequently
    - Executed only when a process leaves the system
  • Hopefully, long-term scheduler should select a good mix of I/O-bound and CPU-bound processes
    - Vim, word, cmd - I/O bound processor : I/O에서 시간을 많이 쓰는 프로세서
    - Compiler, 동영상 인코더 - CPU bound processor

  • In some systems, long-term scheduler may be absent(없거나) or minimal ➡️ 가장 많이 사용
    Ex) UNIX, Windows
    - System stability(안정성) depends on physical limitation or self-adjusting nature of human ( 불필요한 프로그램을 사용자가 끈다 )
  • Some time-sharing system has medium-term scheduler
    - Reduce degree of multiprogramming by removing processes from memory

Context Switch

  • Switching running process requires context switch
    - Save state (context) of current process (PCB)
    - Restore state (context) of the next process
  • Context switch: the computing process of storing and restoring the state (context) of a CPU such that multiple processes can share a single CPU resource
  • Context includes
    - Register contents
    - OS specific data
    • Extra data required by advanced(고급) memory-management technique
      Ex) page table, segment table, ...
  • When to switch?
    - Multitasking
    - Interrupt handling

  • 둘다 널리 쓰이진 않음
  • Context switching requires considerable(상당한) overhead
  • H/W supports for context-switching
    - H/W switching (eg. single instruction to load / save all registers)
    cf. However, S/W switching can be more selective(선택적) and save only that portion(부분) that actually needs to be saved and reloaded
    - Multiple set of register for fast switching
    Ex) UltraSPARC

🖥️ Operations on processes

Process creation

  • Create-process system call
    - Creates a process and assigns a pid (process ID)
  • Process tree
    - Parent-child relation between processes

Process Creation on UNIX

  • fork(): create process and returns its pid
    - In parent process, return value is pid of child
    - In child process, return value is zero
    • Error, return negative value
  • exec() family: execute a program.
    The new program substitutes(대체) the original one
    - execl(), execv(), execlp(), execvp(), execle(), execve()
  • wait(): waits until child process terminates

Example of Process Creation

More About fork()

Resource of child process

  • Data (variables): copies of variables of parent process - Child process has its own address space
    - The only difference is the pid of child returned from fork().
  • Files
    - Opened before fork(): shared with parent
    - Opened after fork(): not shared

More About exec Family

  • Functions in exec family (declared in <unistd.h>)
    - int execl(const char *path, const char *arg0, ..., const char *argn, char * NULL → 마지막을 의미); → l : list
    - int execv(const char *path, char *const argv[] → 마지막은 NULL); → v : vector
    - int execlp(const char *file, const char *arg0, ..., const char *argn, char * NULL); → p가 붙으면 Path 자동검색
    - int execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]); → p가 붙으면 Path 자동검색
    - execle(), execve() : envirionment 다음에 설명

More About wait()

pid_t wait(int *stat_loc);

  • stat_loc : an integer pointer
    - If state_loc == NULL, it is ignored
    - Otherwise: receives status information from child process
    • wait(&stat); // in parent process
    • exit(code); // in child process
    • code → stat 전달
      - code == (stat >> 8) → parent에서 복원 & 0xff
  • Return value of wait
    - pid of the terminated child
    - -1 means it has no child process

Process Creation in win32

  • CreateProcess()
    - Similar to fork()(+exec()) of UNIX, but much more parameters to specify properties of child process
  • WaitForSingleObject() → Process or Thread
    - Similar to wait() of UNIX
  • void ZeroMemory(PVOID Destination, SIZE_T Length );
    - Fills a block of memory with zeroes.

process termination

  • Normal termination
  • exit(int return_code): invoked by child process
    - Clean-up(정리) actions
    • Deallocate memory
    • Close files
  • return_code is passed to parent process
    - Usually, 0 means success
    - Parent can read the return code
int status = 0;
wait(&status); // wait until the child is terminated. 
ret = WEXITSTATUS(status); // return_code from the child

Multiprocess Architecture – Chrome Browser

  • Many web browsers ran as single process
    - If one web site causes trouble, entire browser can hang(중단) or crash
  • Google Chrome Browser is multiprocess with 3 different types of processes:
    • Browser process manages user interface, disk and network I/O
    • Renderer process renders web pages, deals with HTML,
      Javascript. A new renderer created for each website opened
      - 렌더러 프로세스는 웹 사이트를 구성하는 HTML 및 CSS 코드를 구문 분석하고, 페이지에 포함된 JavaScript 코드를 실행하는 역할
    • Plug-in process for each type of plug-in
  • 브라우저에서 열린 각각의 탭이나 창마다 해당 웹 사이트를 처리하는 고유한 렌더러 프로세스가 생성. 이는 여러 개의 탭이나 창을 열었을 때, 각각의 웹 사이트가 독립된 환경에서 실행되도록 하여 하나의 웹 사이트에서 발생한 문제가 다른 웹 사이트에 영향을 주는 것을 방지

🖥️ Inter-Process Communication (IPC)

  • Goal of IPC: cooperation(협력)
    - Information sharing → Shared file, ...
    - Computation speedup → Multiple CPU or I/O
    - Modularity → Dividing system functions
    - Convenience → Editing, printing, compiling in parallel
  • IPC models
    - Message passing model
    - Shared-memory model

Shared-memory Systems

  • Shared-memory segment
    - Special memory space that can be shared by two or more processes.
    - Form of data and location is determined by those processes, not OS
    • Processes should avoid simultaneous(동시) writing by themselves
    • Advantage
      - Fast
      → Suitable(적합) for large amount of data
  • Ex) producer-consumer problem

Producer-Consumer Problem

  • Producer and consumer communicate information (item) through shared memory
    - Producer: produce information for consumer
    - Consumer: consume information written by producer
    Ex) compiler – assembler, server – client
    - Note! Producer and consumer should be synchronized
    → Discussed in chapter 6
  • Unbounded buffer (사이즈 무한)
    - No practical(실질적인) limit on buffer size
    - Producer can always produce
  • Bounded buffer
    - Producer must wait if buffer is full.
    - full condition : producer wait
    - empty condition : consumer wait

Producer-Consumer Problem using Bounded Buffer

  • Representation of buffer
    - Buffer is represented by circular queue
#define BUFFER_SIZE 6
typedef struct {
} item;
item buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
int in = 0; // tail or rear 
int out = 0; // head or front
  • Empty / full condition
    - Empty : in == out
    - Full : ( in + 1 ) % BUFFER_SIZE == out
    - Cf. Buffer can store at most BUFFER_SIZE – 1 items

Circular Queue

  • Circular queue: fixed-size buffer whose logical structure is circular
    • Last element is followed by first element
  • Inserting an item- buffer[in] = newItem;
    - in = (in + 1) % n;
  • Extracting(뽑아내다) an item - item = buffer[out]
    - out = (out + 1) % n;

Producer-Consumer Problem using Bounded Buffer

  • Producer
item nextProduced; // local에 존재, 나머지는 shared memory!
while (1) {
	// produce an item in nextProduced
	while (((in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE) == out); // waiting, full condition
	buffer[in] = nextProduced; // Queue insertion
	in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE;
  • Consumer
item nextConsumed; // local에 존재, 나머지는 shared memory!
while (1) {
	while (in == out); // waiting, empty condition
	nextConsumed = buffer[out];
	out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; // Queue deletion
	// consume the item in nextConsumed

Message-Passing Systems

  • Process communication via passage-passing facility provided by OS
  • Advantage
    - No conflict → 동시에 write해도 OS가 arrange해줌
    → Suitable(적합) for smaller amounts of data
    - Communication between processes on different computer
  • But slower than shared memory
    대용량은 Shared momory가 더 좋음
  • For message passing, communication link should be exist between the processes
  • Essential operations
    - send
    - receive
  • (Logical) Implementation methods
    - Direct / Indirect
    - Synchronous / Asynchronous
    - Buffering (How to)
    • Zero / bounded / unbounded capacity

Direct / Indirect Communication

  • Direct communication: connection link directly connects processes
  • Indirect communication: processes are connected via mailbox


  • During communication, messages are stored in temporary queue (buffer)
  • Three kinds of buffer capacity(용량)
    • Zero capacity: only blocking send is possible
      - 대기열의 최대 길이가 0, 링크에 대기 중인 메시지가 있을 수 없다
    • Bounded capacity: buffer has finite length n
      - If buffer is full, sender must be blocked
      - Otherwise, sender can resume
    • Unbounded capacity: buffer has infinite capacity
      - Sender never blocks

🖥️ Example of IPC system

[System V] Shared-Memory

✔️ shmget() – Create shared memory

int shmget(key_t key, int size, int shmflg);
return seg_id, if fail return -1

➡️ 주소는 절대적인 주소가 아닌, process안에서만 통용된다. physical주소로 mapping


key : Key of shared memory segment

  • IPC_PRIVATE : key를 IPC_PRIVATE로 설정하면, key값은 중복되지 않는 임의의 값으로 자동으로 생성

size : memory block size

  • 할당할 메모리의 byte단위 크기, 주로 Buffer size

shmflg : flags

  • S_IRUSR : User readable
  • S_IWUSR : User writable
  • IPC_CREAT : key에 해당하는 메모리가 없으면 공유메모리를 생성 ( 0666 )
  • IPC_EXCL : key 값에 해당하는 공유 메모리가 있다면 실패 반환, 접근 막음

✔️ shmat() – Attach shared memory to address space of a process

: 공유 메모리를 마치 프로세스의 몸 안으로 첨부

void* shmat(int shmid, char *shmaddr, int shmflg);
return memory address, if fail return -1

➡️ void* : 특정 type에 국한 x


shmid : shmget() 리턴으로 얻은 shmid(seg_id)
shmaddr : mapping 위치 ( NULL : kernel이 알아서 지정 )
shmflg : attach flags

✔️ shmdt() – Detach shared memory from address space of process

: 프로세스에 첨부된 공유 메모리를 프로세스에서 분리

void shmdt(char *shmaddr);
return 0, if fail return -1

✔️ shmctl() – Controls and deallocate a shared memory block

: 공유 메모리 정보 확인 / 변경 / 제거

shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);
IPC_RMID : RM(remove)ID

➡️ 명령 직후 삭제 x, 쓰는 process가 없을 때 (shm_attach == 0) 삭제 예약

[POSIX] Shared Memory

  • IPC POSIX Producer
  • IPC POSIX Consumer
  • shm_open(): 성공시 file descriptor를 return
  • shm_unlink(): 공유 메모리를 제거
    → 공유 메모리는 커널이 종료되기 전까지는 제거되지 않음
  • ftruncate(): 실제 공유되고 있는 메모리 사이즈로 shm_fd의 크기를 조절
  • mmap(): fd로 지정된 파일에서 offset을 시작으로 length바이트 만큼을 start 주소로 mapping
  • munmap(): 지정된 주소 공간에 대한 mapping 해제
    → process 종료 시 자동으로 unmap

[POSIX] Message Passing

  • msg struct
struct {
   long  data_type;
   char  data_buff[BUFF_SIZE];

✔️ msgget() - create a message queue

int msgget( key_t key, int msgflg );
return 메시지 큐 식별자, if fail return -1


key : 시스템에서 다른 큐와 구별되는 번호
msgflg : 옵션

snd_queue = msgget((key_t)snd_key, IPC_CREAT | 0666);
rcv_queue = msgget((key_t)rcv_key, IPC_CREAT | 0666);

✔️ msgsnd() - send a message to a message queue

int msgsnd( int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg );
return 0, if fail return -1


msqid : 메시지 큐 식별자
msgp : 전송할 자료

msgsz : 전송할 자료의 크기

struct {
 	long  data_type;
 	char  data_buff[BUFF_SIZE];
  • 전송 데이터는 long 값을 첫번째에 가지고 있어, 원하는 데이터만 걸러낼 수 있다. 따라서, 데이터의 크기에 long 값이 반드시 들어가기 때문에 type을 나타내는 long크기는 제거한다.
    ➡️ sizeof(msg) - sizeof(long)

msgflg : 동작 옵션

  • 전송 실패시 0은 큐에 공간이 생길 때까지 wait
  • IPC_NOWAIT은 바로 -1을 리턴
if(-1 == msgsnd(snd_queue, &msg, sizeof(msg) - sizeof(long), IPC_NOWAIT)){
	perror("msgsnd error: ");

✔️ msgrcv() - receive a message from a message queue

ssize_t msgrcv( int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg );
return data size, if fail return -1


msqp : 수신한 데이터

msgtyp : 메시지 큐에 있는 데이터 중 어떤 데이터를 읽어 들일지에 대한 옵션

  • 0이면 큐의 첫번째 자료를 read
  • 양수일 경우, 양수로 지정한 값과 동일한 데이터 타입의 자료 중 첫번째 Read
  • 음수일 경우, 음수 값을 절대 값으로 바꾼 후, 이 절대값과 같거나 가장 작은 데이터 타입의 데이터를 Read

msgflg : 동작 옵션

  • 전송 실패시 0은 큐에 공간이 생길 때까지 wait
  • IPC_NOWAIT은 바로 -1을 리턴
msgrcv(rcv_queue, &rcv_data, sizeof(msg) - sizeof(long), 0, IPC_NOWAIT);

✔️ msgctl() – control/deallocate message queue

메시지큐 상태 정보 · 변경 · 삭제

int msgctl ( int msqid, int cmd, struct msqid_ds *buf )
return 0, if fail return -1



  • IPC_RMID : 메시지 큐를 삭제 ➡️ buffer가 필요없으므로 0으로 지정
  • IPC_STAT : 현재 상태를 buf에 저장
  • IPC_SET : 현재 상태를 buf 값으로 변경

buf : 메시지 큐 정보를 받을 버퍼

msgctl(snd_queue, IPC_RMID, 0);
msgctl(rcv_queue, IPC_RMID, 0);

지금까지 같은 컴퓨터 안의 communication

🖥️ Communication in client-server systems

  • Socket : logical endpoint for communication
    • Data communication
  • RPC (Remote Procedure Call)
    • Procedure call between systems
      - Procedural(절차적) programming
  • Pipes
    - Often used for Input / output redirection
  • RMI (Remote Method Invocation) of JAVA
    - Invocating method of object in other system
    • Object oriented programming


  • Identified by <ip address>:<port #>
  • Each connection is identified by a pair of sockets

  • Port: logical contact point(접점) to a computer recognized by TCP and UDP protocols
    - A computer may have multiple ports (0 ~ 65535)- Well-known services have their own ports below(미만) 1024
    Ex) telnet: 23, ftp: 21, http: 80
    → Server always listens corresponding port
    - Ports above 1024 can be arbitrary(임의로) assigned for network communication
  • Server opens a port to accept connection request.
  • Initiating connection
    - Client arbitrary assigns a port above 1024
    Ex) a client assigned a port 1625
    - Client request a connection to server.
    Ex) a web server (port # of web service: 80)
    - If server accepts request, connection is established
    Ex) <> - <>

Java Socket

  • Socket classes
    - ServerSocket: accepts request for connection → open port
    - Socket: in charge(담당) of actual communication

Remote Procedure Calls (RPC)

  • RPC: procedure call mechanism between systems
    ➡️ 네트워크를 통해 다른 컴퓨터나 프로세스에서 실행 중인 함수나 프로시저를 호출하는 프로그래밍 기술
  • On server, RPC daemon listens a port
  • Client sends a message containing identifier of function and parameters
  • RPC is served through stubs
    - Client invoke remote procedure as it would invoke a local procedure call
  • Stub: a small program providing interface to a larger program or service on remote side
    - Client stub / server stub
    - Locate port on server
    - Marshal / unmarshal parameters
  • Parameter marshaling
    Motivation: each system has its own data format
    ➔ Parameter should be transferred in machine-independent standard representation
    - Ex) XDR (eXternal Data Representation)
    • Marshalling: Packaging (native format ➔ standard format)
    • Unmarshalling: Unpackaging (standard format ➔ native format)


  • IPC에 속함, 가상의 data 통로
  • Pipes acts as a conduit(도관) allowing two processes to communicate
  • Ordinary pipes
    - Unidirectional(단방향) communication between parent and child
    - Typically, a parent process creates a pipe and uses it to communicate with a child process that it created.

Ordinary Pipes

  • Ordinary pipes allow unidirectional communication in standard producer-consumer style
    - Producer writes to one end (the write-end of the pipe)
    - Consumer reads from the other end(the read-end of the pipe)
    - Require parent-child relationship between communicating processes
  • Windows calls these anonymous(익명) pipes

Remote Method Invocation (RMI)

  • RMI: Java feature to invoke method on remote object
    ➡️ Java 애플리케이션에서 로컬 객체처럼 원격 객체에 접근하여 메서드를 호출

HGU 전산전자공학부 김인중 교수님의 23-1 운영체제 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.

HGU - 개인 공부 기록용 블로그

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