🖥️ Overview
- Can simplify code, increase efficiency
- Kernels are generally multithreaded
- Process: program in execution → 자원공유 x
- Each process occupies(점유) resources required for execution
- Thread: a way for a program to split itself into two or more simultaneously(동시에) running tasks
- Smaller unit than process
- Threads in a process share resources
- A thread is comprised(구성) of
- Thread ID, program counter, register set, stack(local var, function) → 공유x resources
Process vs. Thread
Thread Control Block (TCB)
- Thread Control Block (TCB) : A data structure in the operating system kernel which contains thread-specific information needed to manage it
- Examples of information in TCB
- Thread id
- State of the thread (running, ready, waiting, start, done)
- Stack pointer (stack을 공유하지 않기 때문)
- Program counter
- Thread's register values
- Pointer to the process control block (PCB)안에 속히기때문
Why Thread?
- Process creation is expensive in time and resource
Ex) Web server accepting thousands of requests
- Compared with single-threaded process
- Scalability(확장성)
- Utilization(활용) of multiprocessor architectures
- Responsiveness(반응성)
Ex_ GUI Thread
- Compared with multiple processes
- Resource sharing
- 글로벌 변수로 간단하게 공유, 많은 공유가 필요하면 Thread
- Economy(절약)
- Creating process is about 30 times slower than creating thread
Multicore Programming
- Multicore or multiprocessor systems putting pressure on programmers, challenges include:
- Dividing activities (분배)
- Balance (비슷하게 분배)
- Data splitting
- Data dependency
- Testing and debugging
- 디버깅이 어렵고 복잡 → How? Log File ( 파일에 Print )
Concurrency vs. Parallelism
- Concurrency supports more than one task making progress
- Single processor / core, scheduler(time sharing, multi tasking) providing concurrency
Ex) Concurrent execution on single-core system:
- Parallelism implies(의미) a system can perform more than one task simultaneously(동시에)
Ex) Parallelism on a multi-core system:
Multicore Programming (Cont.)
- Types of parallelism
- Data parallelism – distributes subsets of the same data across multiple cores, same operation on each thread
→ Ex_ TA 4명이 100명을 채점하는 것 (각 25명씩)
- Task parallelism – distributing threads across cores, each thread performing unique operation
→ Task가 dependency하지 않을 때, 병렬처리의 속도가 빠르다
- As # of threads grows, so does architectural support for threading
- CPUs have cores as well as hardware threads
- Consider Oracle SPARC T4 with 8 cores, and 8 hardware threads per core
Amdahl’s Law
- S is serial portion(비율), N processing cores
Ex) Application is 75% parallel / 25% serial, moving from 1 to 2 cores results in speedup of 1.6 times
- As N approaches infinity, speedup approaches 1 / S
- Serial portion of an application has disproportionate(불균형) effect on performance gained by adding additional cores
🖥️ Multithreading models
User thread: thread supported by thread library in user level
- Created by library function call (not system call)
- Kernel is not concerned(관여하다) in user thread
- Switching of user thread is faster than kernel thread (그리고 가볍다)
Kernel thread: thread supported by kernel
- Created and managed by kernel
- Scheduled by kernel
- Cheaper than process (process > kernel thread > user thread)
- More expensive than user thread
Major issue: correspondence between user treads and kernel threads
Many-to-one model
- Many user threads are mapped to single kernel thread
- Threads are managed by user-level thread library
- Ex) Green threads, GNU Portable Threads
One-to-one model
- Each user thread is mapped to a kernel thread
- Provides more concurrency
- Problem: overhead
- Threads are managed by kernel
- Ex) Linux, Windows, Solaris
Many-to-Many model
- Multiplex many user level threads to smaller or equal number of kernel threads
- Compromise(타협) between n:1 model and 1:1 model
Two-level model
- Variation(변형) of N:M model
- Basically N:M model
- A user thread can be bound to a kernel thread
- Ex) IRIX, HP-UX, Tru64, Solaris( <=8 )
Scheduler Activation and LWP
- Communication between the kernel and the thread library
in many-to-many model and two-level model
- Scheduler activation is one scheme for communication between user thread library and kernel
- In many-to-many model and two-level model, user threads are connected with kernel threads through LWP
- Lightweight process (LWP) ( job description , 주문서)
- A data structure connecting user thread to kernel thread
- Basically, a LWP corresponds(해당) to a kernel thread, but there are some exceptions
- To the user-level thread library, a LWP appears to be a virtual processor
- Connection between user / kernel threads through LWP

- Kernel provides a set of virtual processors(LWP’s)
- User level thread library schedules user threads onto virtual processors
- If a kernel thread is blocked or unblocked, kernel notices it to thread library( upcall )
- Upcall handler schedules properly(제대로)
- If a kernel thread is blocked, assign the LWP to another thread
- If a kernel thread is unblocked, assign an LWP to it
🖥️ Thread libraries
- Thread library: set of API’s to create and manage threads
- User level library
- Kernel level library (kernel의 scheduler 자체)
- Examples)
- POSIX Pthreads
- old) LinuxThreads (고유명사)
- new) NPTL (Native POSIX Thread Library)
- GNU Portable Threads
- Open source Pthreads for win32
- Win32 threads
- Java threads
POSIX Pthreads

Windows Treads

Java Threads
- Java threads are managed by the JVM
- Typically, implemented using the threads model provided by underlying OS
- Java threads may be created by
- Extending Thread class
- Implementing the Runnable interface → 여러개 implment할 수 있음
Using Thread Class
using Running Interface

Implicit Threading
- Creation and management of threads done by compilers and run-time libraries rather than programmers
- Three methods
- Thread Pools
- OpenMP
- Grand Central Dispatch
- Other methods include Microsoft Threading Building Blocks (TBB), java.util.concurrent package
Tread Pools
- Create a number of threads in a pool where they await work
- Advantages
- Usually slightly(약간) faster to service a request with an existing thread than create a new thread
- Allows the number of threads in the application(s) to be bound to the size of the pool
- Separating task to be performed from mechanics of creating task allows different strategies for running task
- Ex_ Tasks could be scheduled to run periodically
gcc -fopenmp main.c
- Provides support for parallel programming in shared-memory environments
- Set of compiler directives and an API for C, C++, FORTRAN
- Identifies parallel regions – blocks of code that can run in parallel
➡️ Loop unrolling : 루프를 작은 반복으로 분해하고 다른 코어에서 동시에 실행하여 실행 성능을 향상시키는 것
🖥️ Threading issues
fork() and exec()
- fork() on multithreaded process
- Duplicates all threads in the process?
- Duplicates only corresponding thread?
→ UNIX supports two versions of fork
- fork() : 전부 다 복사
- fork1() : 호출한 현재 thread만 복사
- exec() on multithreaded process
- Replace entire(전체) process
- Ex_ process in 3 threads → fork()시 3개의 thread 모두 복사
- Thread cancellation
- Terminating a thread before it has completed
→ 바로 죽이는 명령 x
- Problem with thread cancellation
- A thread share the resource with other threads
cf. A process has its own resource
→ A thread can be cancelled while it updates data shared with other threads
→ Process보다 더 주의
➡️ Disable : Enable할 때까지 보류 상태로 유지
Signal handling
- Signal: mechanism provided by UNIX to notify(알리다) a process a particular(특정) event has occurred
→ user mode에서 event처리 cf. kernel mode interrupt
- A signal can be generated by various sources
- The signal is delivered to a process.
- The process handles it
- Default signal handler (kernel)
- User-defined signal handler
- Types of signal
- Synchronous: signal from same process
Ex) illegal(잘못된) memory access, division by 0
- Asynchronous: signal from external sources
Ex) <Ctrl>-C → signal handler 실행 → terminate
- The operating system uses signals to report exceptional situations to an executing program
- A signal is a limited form of IPC used in Unix and other POSIX-compliant(호환) operating systems
- Essentially it is an asynchronous notification sent to a process to notify it of an event that occurred

- Question: What thread the signal should be delivered?
- Possible options
- To the thread to which the signal applies(적용되는)
- To every thread in the process
- To certain(특정) threads in the process
- Assign a specific thread to receive all signals
➔ depend on type of signal
- Another scheme: specify(지정) a thread to deliver the signal
Ex) pthread_kill(tid, signal) in POSIX
→ kill or 그냥 signal로 가능 / 죽이는건 cancel
Thread-local storage
- In a process, all threads share global variables
- Sometimes, thread-local storage(TLS) is required
- Many OS’s support thread specific data
Ex) A key is assigned to each thread.
- thread_demo2.c
→ main의 avg 배열을(local var) child thread가 주소로 접근
why? join으로 main이 기다리기 때문
- Thread-local storage(TLS) allows each thread to have its own copy of data
Ex) __thread int tls; // on pthread
- Each thread has its own ‘int tls’ variable
- Different from local variables
- Local variables visible only during single function invocation
로컬 변수는 특정 함수 내에서 선언되어 해당 함수가 호출될 때 생성되고, 함수 실행이 끝나면 소멸
- TLS visible across function invocations
함수 호출이 끝나더라도, 해당 변수는 스레드에서 여전히 유지
- Similar to static data
- TLS is unique to each thread
Static data는 해당 변수가 선언된 파일 내에서만 전역적으로 사용
- Useful when you do not have control over the thread creation process (i.e., when using a thread pool)
TLS를 사용하면 각 스레드에서 작업을 처리하는 동안 스레드 간 변수의 공유와 동기화를 수행할 수 있다. 이를 통해 스레드 풀에서 작업자 스레드를 관리하면서도, 스레드 간에 변수의 값을 안전하게 유지

Scheduler activation (already covered)
HGU 전산전자공학부 김인중 교수님의 23-1 운영체제 수업을 듣고 작성한 포스트이며, 첨부한 모든 사진은 교수님 수업 PPT의 사진 원본에 필기를 한 수정본입니다.