Used to answer queries about PM, e.g., PM(X∣Y)
Used to estimate a plausible model M from data D
1. Likelihood
- Evidence e is an assignment of values to a set E variables in the domain.
- E={Xk+1,...,Xn}
- Simplest query:
- this is often referred to as computing the likelihood of e
- Notice that E and X1,...,Xk are disjoint set.
2. Conditional Probability
P(X∣e) is the a posteriori belief in X, given evidence e.
- Marginalization: the process of summing out the "unobserved" or "don't care" variables z is called.
3. Most Probable Assignment
- most probable joint assignment (MPA) for some variables of interest.
- What is the most probable assignment of
maxx1,...,x4P(x1,...,x4∣e)? where e is the evidence, and x1,...,x4 are random variables of interest?MPA(Y∣e)=arg maxy∈Y P(y∣e)=arg maxy∈Yz∑P(y,z∣e)
- maximum a posteriori configuration of Y.
- Used in classification / explanation tasks.

Now we want,
How can we compute the Posterior Distribution?
Applications of A Posteriori Belief
- Prediction: what is the probability of an outcome given the starting condition?
- Diagnosis: what is the probability of disease/fault given symptoms?
Landscape of inference algorithms
Exact inference algorithms (Classical)
- Elimination algorithms
- Message-passing algorithms (sum-product, belief propagation)
- Junction tree algorithms
Approxmiate inference techniques (Modern)
- Stochastic simulation / sampling methods
- Markov chain Monte Carlo methods
- Variational algorithms
Variable Elimination
- Query: P(e)
- Eliminate nodes one by one all the way to the end,
P(e)=d∑P(e∣d)p(d) The computational complexity of the chain elimination is O(n∗k2) where n is number of elimination steps, and k is the dimension of the Vector.
Example) Markov Chain
Let transition matrix M be a 3x3 matrix in a markov chain, where there are three states.
- Let X, nodes in a markov chain be the state that
- What is the probability distribution of a random walk the the transition matrix, M?
- What is the probability distribution of a random walk when t→∞?
If we denote the stationary distribution as π,The problem formation above looks similar to the eigenvalue decomposition form, Mv=λv, with λ=1.(πM)T→MTπT=1∗πT In other words, the transposed transition matrix MT has eigenvectors as πT with eigenvalue of 1.
We can find the stationary distribution of a given transition matrix through eigenvalue decomposition of the transition matrix. Stationary distribution is the eigenvector with λ=1.
Message Passing
- Doesn't work in a cyclical graph
Message backpropagation can be stuck in a cycle.
- Variable Elimination through Message Passing allows us to marginalize out unnecessary variables, with better Complexity.
Example: Variable Elimination

Given the graph above, what is the posterior probability, P(A∣h)?
Initial factors:
Joint probability factorizes in such manner because the graph is a directed model.
Choose elimination order: H,G,F,E,D,C,B
- Conditioning (fix the evidence node h on its observed value h~
where σ(h=h~) is a dirac-delta function.
So far we have removed P(h=h~∣e,f), and introduced a new term mh(e,f). Now e and f become dependent.
Through introducing a term for Message Passing, we are essentially converting a Directed Graphical Model to an Undirected Graphical Model.
Delta function is a function with 1 on the value that the observation h holds and 0, otherwise.

- Step2:
-Eliminate G
Since there is no term that depends on G, we can eliminate G without having to introduce any new message factor.mg(e)=g∑P(g∣e)=1

- Step3:
-Eliminate F
If we eliminate F, we need to connect (E,A) together, since a new factor will be introduced to make them dependent.

- Step4:
-Eliminate Eme(a,c,d)=e∑p(e∣c,d)mf(a,e)
-Eliminate C
-Eliminate B
- Final Step:
We have created message passing from A to H, using graph elimination. Since the initial state we were eliminating from was the joint distribution of the variables in the graph, we can finally calculate the conditional distribution, P(a∣h~).
p(a,h~)=p(a)mb(a) p(h~)=a∑p(a)mb(a) →P(a∣h~)=∑ap(a)mb(a)p(a)mb(a)
- Complexity Analysis
If we were to integrate every single variables, the complexity would be O(K6), since we are marginalizing out 6 Variables. However, through Message Passing, at each step the complexity would be O(K2), resulting in total of 6∗O(K2)
Overview of Graph elimination
Begin with the undirected GM or moralized Bayesian Network (meaning changing the Directed Graph to an Undirected Graph.
Graph G(V,E) and elimination ordering I
Eliminate next node in the ordering I
- Removing the node from the graph
- Connecting the remaining neighbors of the nodes
The reconstituted graph G′(V,E′)
- Retain the edges that were created during the elimination procedure
- The graph-theoretic property: the factors resulted during variable elimination are captured by recording the elimination clique. (Notice that Intermediate terms of form mx(Y,Z) correspond to the cliques resulted from elimination.