Deeper Conversational AI - Part 1

먕먕·2022년 12월 8일

NeurlPS 2020 - Deeper conversational AI

Part 1 : Conversational AI Overview

conversational system의 기능

  • task oriented dialogues
    • information consumption(정보 소비)
    • task completion(임무 수행)
    • decision support(open edded, none specific answer)
  • social chit-chat
    • turing test(just chat, no goals)

Modularized Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems

  • help acheive pre-defined goals/tasks with least turns
  • dealing with(다루다) APIs/databases

    user 음성 → NLU → DST → DP → NLG → (기계)음성

1. NLU(Natural Language Understanding)

try to map the utterance(말) into semantic frames(의미론적) = turn level task

input : user utterance (ex: For two people, thanks!)
output : semantic information
constraint : number of people is equal to two

  • domain/intent detection ⇒ classification task
    - classify sentence into specific domain or intent
    - cnn, lstm, attention model
  • slot tagging ⇒ sequence labelling(IOB)
    - extract value(=slot value)
    - IOB task, name entity recognition task
    - cnn, lstm, rnnem, joint pointer
  • slot filling ⇒ compute the slot-F major as the evaluation metrics
    - calculate the frame accuracy


  • Joint Intent / Slot Prediction
  • Better Scalability
  • Better Robustness

2. DST(Dialogue State Tracking)

map partial dialogue into dialogue state

input : dialogue(turn with its previous states)
output : dialogue state

  • Rule-based
    expert-designed rules(state-update by adding slot values)
    RNN based
  • Classification DST(one clasfficier per slot)
    필요한 context마다 분류기를 걸어놓고 이 대화에 이 context가 포함되었나 아닌가, 값은 무엇인가 확인 ⇒ need ontology with predefined values = need to know how many labels will be needed
    - cnn, lstm, context att, hierachical lstm, bert

compute slot accuracy for evaluation metrics
joint Acc

since the limitation of classification, move foward to generation based approach

  • Generation DST
    generate state as a sequence or dialogue state updates
    have to multiple foward
  • Scalability
    - Multi-Domain(dataset : MultiWoz)
    - Cross-Domain(dataset : SGD)
    - Cross-Lingual
  • Other State Representations
    - Graph
    - Queries
    - data-flow

3. DP(Dialogue Policy(action) Learning)

design a system action for interacting with people’s based on dialogue states
input : dialogue state + KB results
output : system action

  • Supervised Learning
    learn (dialogue state, assistant action) from collected corpus
  • Reinforcement Learning : learn from interaction with the user(simulator) ⇒ task success rate / dialogue length (클수록 큰 보상)


  • RL for DP
  • User Simulator
    Agenda-based, reward shaping
  • Learning dialogue policy using few well-annotated dialogues

4. NLG(Natural Language Generation)

generate corresponding sentence and get back to user
input : system speech-act + slot-value(option)
output : natural language response

  • Template-Based
  • Generation-Based
    - SC-LSTM
    - Seq2Seq
    - Structural NLG
    - Hierarchical Decoding
    - NLG
    - Hierarchical Decoding
    - Controllable NLG
    논점 : how can we evaluate?
    • calculate the slot error rate
  • Hybrid : Template + Generation
    - Rewriting Simple Templates


  • Scalability
    - Few-shot domain learning for NLG
    - Unsupervised NLG

Retrieval-Based Chit-Chat Dialogue Systems

  • free-form, open-domain
  • engaging users for long conversation
  • rare API, knowledge

Retrieval-based(검색 기반)

learn a scoring function between dialogue history&response candidate

  • PolyEncoder(pretrained)
  • Blended-Skill-Task
  • Pros(response is from the pool of the response candidates→ safer response)
    • fluent, correct
    • poor scalability : no suitable candidate in new domain

⇒ solution : generation-based model

Generation-based(next chapter)

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