Deeper Conversational AI - Part 2

먕먕·2022년 12월 8일

Deeper Conversational AI

Part 2 : Generation-Based Deep Conversational AI

Vanilla Seq2Seq ConvAI

  1. Choose the data : Human to human Conversations
  2. Choose the model : Large pre-trained
  3. Train the model with data : Supervised learning
  4. Evaluate : Automatic or Human Evaluation

two generative models for vanilla seq2seq system

  • Vanilla Seq2Seqq conversational model(encoder-decoder)
  • Causal Decoder

Maximum Likelihood Estimation(MLE) : 가장 데이터를 잘 설명하는 분포를 likelihood를 통해 구함. output은 probability distribution over the vocab

Greedy Decoding

  • start with token SOS
  • generate distribution over the vocabulary
  • choose the token with maximum probability(greedy step)
  • output is the token, repeat again as the input
  • end when model generate EOS token

Automatic Evaluation

  • Perplexity : 가능한 경우의 수를 의미하는 분기계수(branching factor)
  • N-gram overlapping ⇒ BLEU
  • Distinct N-grams ⇒ response diversity

    그러나 test data에서 정확도가 높다는 것이지, 사람의 평가도 필요함

Human Evaluation

Likert(리커트 척도)

  • judge가 Humanness, Fluency, Coherence 세가지에 대해서 0-5까지 평가함

Dynamic Likert

  • judge가 모델과 interact하고, judge가 평가


  • 모델 2개(하나는 human일수도 있음)의 response를 비교해서 평가

Dyamic A/B

  • interaction을 보여줌

Limitations in Vanilla ConvAI

  1. Lack of Diversity
    local minimum에 빠져서 high frequency response만 제공함
    to week Parameterization(매개변수화 : 하나의 표현식에 대해 다른 parameter를 사용해 다시 표현하는 과정)
    not enough capacity to capture one-many relation
  2. Lack of consistency
    train data의 다른 speaker들이 다른 성격, 특징,선호드를 가짐
    encode attributes information 기능이 없으므로 계속 다른 speaker들의 불일치한 반응을 생성해냄
  3. Lack of knowledge
    outside(external) knowledge가 필요함
    cannot carry out engaging conversation
  4. Lack of Empathy
    human emotion
  5. Lack of Controllability
    need mechanism to control dialogue output for
    • Response style
    • topics
    • engagement
    • toxic and inappropriate responses
  6. Lack of versatility(다재다능)
    task oriented system needs modules(NLU-DST-DP-NLG) + access external KB ⇒ challenging

Deeper ConvAI Solutions

  1. Lack of diversity ⇒ Diversify Responses
    a. training, decoding 전략 : Maximum Mutual Information
    b. model 구조 : conditional variational autoencoder
    c. more data, large model : large scale pre-training
    d. decoding 전략 : top-k sampling, Nucleus Sampling

    vanilla seq2seq 문제점 : small conversational corpus, overfit easily, generate repetitive response, not grammatical
    해결 : use pre-trained model(2가지 있음)

    • Large scale pretraining
      ex) BART T5 (random mask), meena blenderbot(large conversational data) GPT(initialization for casual decoder, autoregressive)
    • Nucleus sampling
      • beam search, greedy search decoding은 반복적 대화를 생성해냄
      • top-N ranking words에서 sampling함
  2. Lack of consistency
    a. learning speaker embedding : speaker attributes feature vector
    b. conditioning on persona descriptions

    둘 다 특정 dataset이 필요함 : human-to-human conversations + persona features

    • Personalization via TransferTransfo
      • GPT로 fine-tuning
      • (persona + histroy + reply)가 한 sequence
      • dialogue history + persona description이 주어지면 주어진 persona가 반영된 response를 줌
    • Personalization via Speaker Model
      • spaeker embedding을 주고 persona 정보를 encode함
  3. Lack of knowledge
    a. Textual

    • IR Systems : TF_IDF , BM25
    • Neural Retriever : DPR

    b. Graph
    dialogue history → knowledge graph → subgraph → encoder → decoder → response
    1 hop reasoning : all knowledge in dialogue
    multi hop reasoning : neural retriever

    c. Tabular
    convert tabular knowledge into triples(?) tribles?
    KVR, Mem2Seq, Neural Assistant

    d. Service API interaction
    user request를 처리하기 위해 API가 필요할 수도 있음
    response와 API call 두개를 다 generate해야함

  4. Lack of empathy
    a. emotional response generation
    - MojiTalk
    - Emotional Chatting Machine
    b. Understand user’s emtion + response generation
    - Empathetic Dialogues
    - MoEL
    - Cairebot

  5. Lack of controllability
    a. low-level attribute ⇒ Conditional Training+Weight Decoding

    conditional training + weight decoding

    b. fine-tuning ⇒ arXivstyle and Holmes-style
    fine-tune with special loss function on word/sentence level

    inject the target style into model

    c. perturbation ⇒ PPLM(Plug and Play Conversational Models) + Residual Adapters
    control the style and topic of the responses
    d. conditioned generation ⇒ Retrieve&Redefine + PPLM + CTRL

  6. Lack of versatility(+task or more)
    ToDs + Chit-Chat
    task oriented나 chit-chat 외에도, (구조를 보면 다들 비슷비슷하다 따라서 유사하게) output은 input에 따라 무궁무진하게 바뀐다

    • Attention over Parameters

      예를 들어 호텔 예약 관련 발화라면 hotel + book을 합쳐서~(mixing multiple decoder)
    • Adapter-Bot
      use fixed backbone(DialGPT) + encode each dialogue skill with independently trained adapters + BERT(skill manager) is trained to select each adapter based on history
    • Blender-bot

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