2022, Rethinking Audio-Visual Synchronization for Active Speaker Detection [MLSP]

DongKeon Park·2023년 4월 26일

paper, github



  • Existing research lacks a clear definition of active speakers
  • Fail to model audio-visual synchronization and often classify unsynchronized videos as active speaking


  • New definition that requires synchronization between audio and visual speaking activities
  • Cross-modal contrastive learning strategy
  • Positional encoding in attention modules for supervised ASD models to leverage the synchronization cue

Experimental results

  • Model can successfully detect unsynchronized speaking as not speaking, addressing the limitation of current models

1. Introudction

Importance of active speaker detection (ASD)

  • ASD is crucial for various downstream tasks such as speaker recognition, speaker diarization, speech separation, and human-computer interaction


  • No consistent definition of active speakers in the literature
    • with some studies requiring synchronized speaking signals from the same person in both audio and visual modalities
    • while others allow non-synchronized signals from different but related persons
      • (e.g., Dubbed movies)

Audio-visual synchronization

  • Aligns with the definition in the Active Speakers in the Wild (ASW) dataset [ref]
  • Requiring audio-visual synchronization is more practical than not requiring
  • Dubbed movies (translated movies or documentaries with a narrator)
    • Challenging to determine which person should be considered speaking in the video
      - Which person should be considered speaking in the video, the person shown in the visual scene, the unseen narrator, or both?
      - What degree of relevance should be used in the definition of active speakers?
      - ⇒ It is clear whether audio and visual speaking signals are synchronized or not.
  • If the signals are not synchronized, there are generally two cases

    (1) Mismatch

    • The audio and the face track do not correspond to the same speaking content

    (2) Misalignment

    • The content and identity are the same for audio and face tracks, but one modality is delayed
  • Perceptual studies that suggest delays become detectable by ordinary people if they are greater than 125ms for audio delay and 45ms for visual delay.


  • Use cross-modal contrastive learning
  • Apply positional encoding in an attention module when fusing audio and visual embeddings
    • can temporally align
  • Perform better on synthesized unsynchronized videos along with natural videos.

2. Related Work

Active Speaker Detection

  • Utilizing the audio-visual correlation in videos
    • “Look who’s talking: Speakerm detection using video and audio correlation,” in Proc. ICME, 2000
    • “Audio-visual speaker localization via weighted clustering,” in Proc. MLSP, 2014
  • Improving the modality encoding method
    • Naver at ActivityNet Challenge 2019–task B active speaker detection (AVA)
  • Focus on the fusion method or leverage context
    • UniCon: Unified context network for robust active speaker detection, in Proc. ACM Multimedia, 2021
    • How to design a three-stage architecture for audio-visual active
      speaker detection in the wild,” in Proc. ICCV, 2021

none of the existing methods explicitly model audio-visual synchronization

Audio-Visual Synchronization

  • Owens and Efros [14]
    • Learn audio and visual representations using audio-visual synchronization cues in a self-supervised way
  • Chung and Zisserman [15]: "Out of time: automated lip sync in the wild" in Proc. ACCV, 2016 (github)
    • SyncNet to detect the synchronization between lip movement and speech
  • Kim et al. [5]: “Look who’s talking: Active speaker detection in the wild,” in Proc. Interspeech, 2021 (github)
    • Self-supervised learning with SyncNet for ASD and achieved promising performance.
  • Ding et al. [16]
    • Dynamic triplet loss and multinomial loss for self-supervised audio-visual synchronization learning.
  • Chen et al. [17]
    • Studied synchronization in an in-the-wild setting
  • Other domain
    • Audio-visual speech separation [18]
    • Speech-driven talking face generation [19]
    • Lip to speech synthesis [20]

3. Case study

Two research questions

(1) Can current models correctly label unsynchronized videos as "Not Speaking"?

(2) What do current models really learn?

Problem of exsisting model

  • Current models tend to make false-positive predictions on unsynchronized videos, they fail to detect unsynchronized videos as "Not Speaking.

3.1. Unsynchronization test by augmentation

Create unsynchronized video segments (mismatched and misaligned) from original test videos

  • both the AVA validation set and the ASW test set
  • unsynchronized videos take different proportions but have the same total number of videos

1) Mismatched video segments

  • How to make?
    • Randomly swapping the audio of speaking segments of the original videos
      • For each face track, replace the audio of each speaking segment with another random speaking segment from different videos
  • Show lip movements in the video and speaking voices in the audio, but these activities do not match
    • ASD labels are set as negatives

2) Misaligned video segments

  • How to make?
    • Shifting the original audio of speaking segments in time
      • Randomly shift the speaking segment's original audio to the left or right by a time shift greater than 125ms, the human detectable threshold of any delay

Performance on existing research

  • Performance with five different proportions of unsynchronized videos
    • Both models do not properly model audio-visual synchronization
    • Hypothesis
      • Rely on individual modality features and basic audio-visual correlations to classify videos
      • Ignore the synchronization cue

3.2. Understanding what existing ASD models learn

What existing ASD models learn?

  • Remove key information from audio and visual tracks
    • Silencing the audio tracks

    • Masking the bottom 30% of visual frames of each face track with zero to cover the lips

      Performance on existing research

    • Both RothNet and TalkNet deteriorate dramatically in both cases

      • Showing that both models use voice activity and lip movement information for ASD

Combined model

  • Then, the authors train a voice activity detection (VAD) model and a lip movement detection model modified from the audio and visual frontends of TalkNet
  • The probability of speaking is calculated as the product of the probabilities predicted by the two models
  • The combined model's mAP in the AVA val set is 90.72%, close to that of TalkNet, indicating that using only a VAD and a lip movement detection model is able to perform comparably with the SoTA ASD models

4. Method

4.1. Cross-modal contrastive learning


  • To address the lack of unsynchronized data in the training dataset


  • Augment the features in the embedding space to enforce contrastive learning
  • Positive samples (Sets: ΓΓ)
    • at lest one yit=1y_i^t=1
  • Negative samples
    • Randomly exchanging the audio embeddings AγA_\gamma of a face track with audio embeddings of another positive sample Aϕ(γ)A_{\phi(\gamma)}
      • γ\gamma and ϕ(γ)\phi(\gamma) are indexes of two randomly selected face tracks from Γ\Gamma, and ϕ(γ)\phi(\gamma) is different from γ\gamma
    • Mathematically, the additional contrastive samples are (Vγ,Aϕ(γ),yγ)(V_\gamma, A_{\phi(\gamma)}, y_\gamma), where γ,ϕ(γ)Γ,ϕ(γ)γ\gamma, \phi (\gamma) \in \Gamma, \phi (\gamma) \neq \gamma.
    • We only use the face tracks which contain positive frames for contrastive learning


  • L=BCEloss(fb(Vi,Ai),yi)+βBCEloss(fb(Vγ,Aϕ(γ)),0)\mathcal{L} = \mathrm{BCEloss}(f_b(V_i, A_i), y_i) + \beta\cdot \mathrm{BCEloss}(f_b(V_\gamma, A_\phi(\gamma)), \textbf{0})


  • Augmented training set only contains mismatched videos as negative samples
  • Demonstrate that such trained models are able to handle not only mismatched videos but also misaligned videos during inference

4.2. Model architecture: Sync-TalkNet

  • This section describes the model architecture used in the proposed method.
  • The Sync-TalkNet architecture is based on the TalkNet model and consists of two frontends:
    • a visual frontend and an audio frontend
      • The visual frontend takes the RGB face frames of face track i as input,
      • The audio frontend ingests the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficient (MFCC) vectors computed from the corresponding audio signals of face track i.
  • The backend makes predictions of speaking probability in every video frame
    • the visual and audio embeddings through several attention modules
      • pi=fb(Vi,Ai)RT\mathbf{p}_i=f_b(V_i, A_i)\in R^T

      • Attention\text{Attention}

        Attention(X,Y)=softmax(Query(Y^)Key(X^)Td)Value(X^),    where  X^=X+PE, Y^=Y+PE.  \mathrm{Attention}(X, Y)={\rm softmax}(\frac{\textit{Query}(\hat{Y})\textit{Key}(\hat{X})^T}{\sqrt{d}})\textit{Value}(\hat{X}),\\       \text{where  }\hat{X}=X+\textit{PE},\text{ }\hat{Y}=Y+\textit{PE}.   
      • The cross-modal features are computed with cross-attention module, where FiavF^{a\rightarrow v}_i and FivaF^{v\rightarrow a}_i are concatenated and passed through the self-attention layer.

Positional Encoding (PE)

  • The proposed method adds positional encoding to the attention modules to leverage synchronization cues.
  • Without the positional encoding, the cross-attention layer is permutation-invariant for the
    inputs, which makes it difficult for the model to learn the synchronization between visual and audio

5. Experiment

5.1 Performance of the proposed method

Unsynchroinzation test

  • The results show that Sync-TalkNet and Sync-RothNet outperform the two baseline models, RothNet and TalkNet, in the augmented test sets.

  • Sync-TalkNet achieves better results than TalkNet on the ASW test set and slightly lower results on the AVA val set.

  • The proposed method leverages both the advantages of supervised and self-supervised ASD models, achieving excellent performance on both original and unsynchronized augmented datasets.

Narrated videos detection.

  • Trained on the ASW dataset, to detect unsynchronized dubbed movies in the AVA validation set

  • True positive rate (TPR)

    • the ratio of positively predicted frames to positively labeled frames
    • lower TPR indicates the more likely the video is from a dubbed movie.

    • Manual checking confirmed that the three videos with the lowest TPR are dubbed movies, while the three with the highest TPR are not dubbed movies.
    • Suggests that Sync-TalkNet may be useful for detecting unsynchronized dubbed videos

5.2 Ablation study

The effects of positional encoding and cross-modal contrastive learning

  • Cross-modal contrastive learning is crucial for learning synchronization
  • Removing positional encoding causes a performance drop, but not a catastrophic one
    • As the model can still learn weak timeline information with the guidance of contrastive learning
    • Impact of applying positional encoding on both cross-attention and self-attention modules, with results indicating that doing so helps Sync-TalkNet better perceive timeline information
Currently pursuing my Ph.D. in GIST, I am deeply intrigued by the field of speaker diarization and committed to making meaningful contributions to it.

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