Policy Parameterization

Human Being·2023년 1월 12일

Reinforcement Learning

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Actor-Critic with Softmax Policies

가정: finiate set of action & continuous states

  • softmax : eziΣj=1Kezi\frac{e^{z_i}}{\Sigma^K_{j=1} e^{z_i}}
    • guarantee the result of probability is positive and summed to one
  • choice for policy parameterization(θ\theta) for finite action: by Softmax
    • π(as,θ):=eh(s,a,θΣbAeh(s,b,θ)\pi(a|s,\theta) := \frac{e^{h( s,a,\theta}}{\Sigma_{b\in A}e^{h(s,b,\theta)}}

critic은 현재 state에서 오직 하나의 feature vector만 필요하다

  • v^(s,w)=x(s)\nabla \hat v (s,w) = x(s) 이므로
  • ww+αwδv^(S,w)w \leftarrow w + \alpha^w \delta \nabla \hat v (S,w)
  • 고로 critic's weight update는 alpha * TDR times the feature vector

action은 현재 state와 action에 종속적이기에 state-action feature vector가 필요하다

  • h(s,a,θ):=θTxh(s,a)h(s,a,\theta) := \theta^Tx_h(s,a)
  • gradient: lnπ(as,θ)=xh(s,a)Σhπ(bs,θ)xh(s,b)\nabla \ln \pi (a|s,\theta) = x_h(s,a) - \Sigma_h \pi(b|s,\theta) x_h(s,b)
    • (state-action feature for the selected action) - (state-action feature multiplied by the policy summed over all actions)

Gaussian Policies for Continuous Actions

Gaussian Distribution (=Normal Distribution)

  • f(x)=1σ2πe12(xμσ)2f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma \sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^2}
    • μ\mu == mean
    • σ\sigma == variance of the distribution

Gaussian policy

  • π(as,θ):=1σ(s,θ)2πexp((aμ(s,θ))22σ(s,θ)2)\pi(a|s,\theta) := \frac{1}{\sigma(s,\theta)\sqrt{2\pi}}\exp(-\frac{(a-\mu(s,\theta))^2}{2\sigma(s,\theta)^2})
  • μ(s,θ):=θμTx(s)\mu(s,\theta) := \theta^T_{\mu}x(s)
  • σ:=exp(θσTx(s))\sigma := \exp(\theta^T_{\sigma}x(s))
  • θ:=[θμθσ]\theta := \begin{bmatrix} \theta_{\mu} \\\theta_{\sigma} \end{bmatrix}

action의 범위가 학습이 진행됨에 따라 점점 줄어들면서
각 상태 별 최적의 행동을 선택하게 한다

Gradient of the Log of the Gaussian Policy

  • lnπ(as,θμ)=1σ(s,θ)2(aμ(s,θ))x(s)\nabla \ln \pi(a|s,\theta_{\mu}) = \frac{1}{\sigma(s,\theta)^2}(a-\mu(s,\theta))x(s)
  • lnπ(as,θσ)=((aμ(s,θ))2σ(s,θ)21)x(s)\nabla \ln \pi(a|s,\theta_{\sigma}) = (\frac{(a-\mu(s,\theta))^2}{\sigma(s,\theta)^2}-1) x(s)

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