Adversarial nets
- Generator : generates samples by passing random noise through a multilayer perceptron
- Discriminator : learns to determine whether a sample is from the model distribution or the data distribution
Value function V(G,D)
D and G play two-player minmax game with value function :
- Discriminator D tries to make D(x)=1, and D(G(z)))=0
- classify real data to 1, fake one to 0
- Generator G tries to make D(G(z)))=1
- "deceive" the discriminator to classify fake data to 1
Algorithm of Training GAN
- optimizing the D to completion on finite datasets is prohibitive
- computationally expensive
- lead to overfitting
- k steps of optimizing D, while only one step of optimizing G
- trained based on MNIST, the Toronto Face Database (TFD), and CIFAR-10
- generator : mixture of rectifier linear activations
- discriminator
- maxout activations
- dropout applied when training
- input noise z to only the bottom layer
Advantages and Disadvantages
- Generator can be updated without data examples, and only with discriminator's gradient flow
- can represent sharp, even degenerate distributions
- no explicit representation of pg(x)
- D should be well synced with the generator, or else can lead to mode collapse