Node.js is simply a runtime environment of JavaScript used outside the browser that allows developers to build serverside and network applications usi
To create a node.js project, we first need to create a new folder and connect it with a new git repository. After this process we use the npm init com
In order to create a server, we need to make sure that we have express installed in our npm and import it to our JavaScript file. Just by importing, J
A middleware is a function which has access to the request and response objects (req, res) along with the next object. The next middleware function is
A router is a guide that receives a request and directs the request to various handlers within a program. In the browser, a router is a library that d
Pug.js is a npm package that lets us write HTML code on JavaScript. It is an easy-to-code template engine used to code HTML in a more readable format.
Arrays are used in almost every database in order to store and retrieve information by the user whenever needed. If we have an array in our database,
MongoDB is an open source NoSQL database management program. What differentiates MongoDB from other SQL-based databases is the fact that it is object-
CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) is an acronym which refers to the four basic operations a software appliaction should be able to perform - Create,
A promise is a JavaScript object that represents either the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation and its resulting value. Norma
With our models, we can start creating content by adding actual data through our controllers. Since we have a model which describes how our data will
Almost every website we use today has a login/logout functionality where the user can create an account and save information regarding information on
Now that we can create an account and login, we should also be able to edit our profile information. We can make this happen because we have a middlew
Webpack is a static module bundler for JavaScript applications that takes all the code from an application and makes it usable in any web browser. Usi
Player Setup
Most of the time, node.js is not used to render templates. In fact, we can change the frontend without inputting any form.To register a view controlle
Let's now add a recorder functionality on the upload video page.First we create a js file for the recorder and process them on webpack. This will crea
FFmpeg is a free and open -source software consisting of a suite of libraries and programs for handling video, audio, and other multimedia files and s