강의 출처 : The Complete JavaScript Course 2022 Jonas (Udemy)
new array를 return하는 것이 아니라 조건에 부합하는 첫번째 아이템을 return한다.
const firstWithdrwal = movements.find(mov => mov < 0);
console.log(firstWithdrwal); //-400
const account = accounts.find(acc => acc.owner === 'Jessica Davis');
console.log(account); //{owner: 'Jessica Davis', movements: Array(8), interestRate: 1.5, pin: 2222, username: 'jd'}
btnTransfer.addEventListener('click', e => {
const amount = Number(inputTransferAmount.value);
const receiverAcc = accounts.find(
acc => acc.username === inputTransferTo.value
inputTransferTo.value = inputTransferAmount.value = '';
if (
amount > 0 &&
receiverAcc &&
currentAccount.balance >= amount &&
receiverAcc.username !== currentAccount.username
) {
//Doing the transfer
//Update UI
조건에 부합하는 element의 index 값을 return한다.
btnClose.addEventListener('click', e => {
if (
currentAccount.username === inputCloseUsername.value &&
currentAccount.pin === Number(inputClosePin.value)
) {
const index = accounts.findIndex(
acc => acc.username === currentAccount.username
//Delete account
accounts.splice(index, 1);
//Hide UI
containerApp.style.opacity = 0;
inputCloseUsername.value = inputClosePin.value = '';
불리언 값을 return 한다. 조건에 부합하는 element가 하나라도 있다면 true를 return한다.
console.log(movements.includes(-130)); //true
//some : Condition
console.log(movements.some(mov => mov === -130)); //true
const anyDeposits = movements.some(mov => mov > 0);
console.log(anyDeposits); //true
btnLoan.addEventListener('click', e => {
const amount = Number(inputLoanAmount.value);
if (amount > 0 && currentAccount.movements.some(mov => mov >= amount * 0.1)) {
//Add movement
//Update UI
inputLoanAmount.value = '';
모든 elements가 조건에 부합할 때만 true를 return한다.
console.log(movements.every(mov => mov > 0)); // false
console.log(account4.movements.every(mov => mov > 0)); //true
// Separate callback
// to not repeat myself
const deposit = mov => mov > 0;
nested array와 작업할 때 유용하게 쓸 수 있음.
flat Method는 callback function을 받지 않는다.
const arr = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], 7, 8];
console.log(arr.flat()); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
const arrDeep = [[[1, 2], 3], [4, [5, 6]], 7, 8];
console.log(arrDeep.flat(1)); //[[1, 2], 3, 4, [5, 6], 7, 8] first level까지만 flat하게 만듬.
console.log(arrDeep.flat(2)); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
const accountMovements = accounts.map(acc => acc.movements);
const allMovements = accountMovements.flat();
console.log(allMovements); //[200, 450, -400, 3000, -650, -130, 70, 1300, 5000,
3400, -150, -790, -3210, -1000, 8500,-30, 200, -200, 340, -300, -20, 50, 400, -460,
430, 1000, 700, 50, 90]
const overallBalance = allMovements.reduce((acc, mov) => acc + mov, 0);
console.log(overallBalance); //17840
flat chaining
const overalBalance = accounts
.map(acc => acc.movements)
.reduce((acc, mov) => acc + mov, 0);
// 보통 map을 먼저 사용 => flat
flat Method와 map Method가 합쳐진 것
map이 받는 callback 함수를 받는다.
const overalBalance2 = accounts
.flatMap(acc => acc.movements)
.reduce((acc, mov) => acc + mov, 0);
console.log(overalBalance2); //17840
sort 는 기존의 array를 수정한다.
const owners = ['Jonas', 'Zach', 'Adam', 'Martha'];
console.log(owners.sort()); // ['Adam', 'Jonas', 'Martha', 'Zach'] A-Z 순서로 배열
console.log(owners); //['Adam', 'Jonas', 'Martha', 'Zach']
console.log(movements); //[200, 450, -400, 3000, -650, -130, 70, 1300]
console.log(movements.sort()); //[-130, -400, -650, 1300, 200, 3000, 450, 70]
sort method는 string에 기반하여 분류한다.
return < 0, A, B (keep order)
return > 0, B, A (switch order)
movements.sort((a, b) => {
if (a > b) return 1;
if (b > a) return -1;
movements.sort((a, b) => a - b);
console.log(movements); //[-650, -400, -130, 70, 200, 450, 1300, 3000]
movements.sort((a, b) => {
if (a > b) return -1;
if (b > a) return 1;
movements.sort((a, b) => b - a);
console.log(movements); //[3000, 1300, 450, 200, 70, -130, -400, -650]
const x = new Array(7);
console.log(x); // [empty × 7] length가 7인 빈 array가 만들어짐.
//why? 하나의 인자만 전달할 경우 그 인자 수만큼의 아이템을 가진 empty array를 만들어내는 배열의 특징이 있음.
console.log(x.map(() => 5)); // [empty × 7] 아무 효과 없음.
// x.fill(1);
// console.log(x); //[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] 빈 array를 해당 인자로 채운다.
// x.fill(1, 3, 5); //어느 곳을 정확히 채우고 싶은지 명확히 할 수 있음.
// console.log(x); //[empty × 3, 1, 1, empty × 2]
x.fill(1, 3);
console.log(x); //[empty × 3, 1, 1, 1, 1]
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7];
arr1.fill(23, 4, 6);
console.log(arr1); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 23, 23, 7]
const y = Array.from({ length: 7 }, () => 1);
console.log(y); //[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
const z = Array.from({ length: 7 }, (_, i) => i + 1);
console.log(z); //[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
current value 쓰이지 않으므로 첫번째 parameter자리에 _ 적어주기.
참고) querySelecterAll : nodelist를 return한다. something like an array but not REAL array! 그렇게에 map, reduce과 같은 method 가지고 있지 않음.
labelBalance.addEventListener('click', () => {
const movementsUI = Array.from(
el => Number(el.textContent.replace('€', ''))
console.log(movementsUI); //[1300, 70, -130, -650, 3000, -400, 450, 200]
//querySelectorAll을 array로 만드는 또다른 방법
const movementsUI2 = [...document.querySelectorAll('.movements__value')];
- Add to orginal : .push(end), /unshift(start)
- Remove from original : .pop(end), .shift(start), .splice(any)
- Others : .reverse, .sort, .fill
- Computed from original : .map(loop)
- Filtered using condition : .filter
- Portion of original : .slice
- Adding orginal to other : .concat
- Flattening the original : .flat, .flatMap
- Based on value : .indexOf
- Based on test condition : .findIndex
- Based on test codition : .find
- Based on value : .includes
- Based on test condition : .some, .every
- Based on separator string : .join
- Based on accumulator : .reduce (Boil down array to single value of any type : number, string, boolean, or even new array or object)
- Based on callback : .forEach (Does not create a new array. just loops over it)
const backDepositSum = accounts
.flatMap(acc => acc.movements)
.filter(mov => mov > 0)
.reduce((sum, cur) => sum + cur, 0);
const numDeposits1000 = accounts
.flatMap(acc => acc.movements)
.filter(mov => mov >= 1000).length;
const numDeposits1000 = accounts
.flatMap(acc => acc.movements)
// .reduce((count, cur) => (cur >= 1000 ? count + 1 : count), 0);
.reduce((count, cur) => (cur >= 1000 ? ++count : count), 0);
console.log(numDeposits1000); //6
// 참고) count + 1 대신 count++라고 하면 0이 나옴 why?
let a = 10;
console.log(a++); //10 더하더라도 여전히 previous value
console.log(a); //11
console.log(++a); //12
const { deposits, withdrawals } = accounts
.flatMap(acc => acc.movements)
(sums, cur) => {
// cur > 0 ? (sums.deposits += cur) : (sums.withdrawals += cur);
sums[cur > 0 ? 'deposits' : 'withdrawals'] += cur;
return sums;
{ deposits: 0, withdrawals: 0 }
console.log(deposits, withdrawals); //25180 -7340
const convertTitleCase = function (title) {
const capitalize = str => str[0].toUpperCase() + srt.slice(1);
const exceptions = ['a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'or', 'on', 'in', 'with'];
const titleCase = title
.split(' ')
.map(word => (exceptions.includes(word) ? word : capitalize(word)))
.join(' ');
return capitalize(titleCase); // 이렇게 해야 첫문장에 and가 나왔을 때도 And됌!
console.log(convertTitleCase('this is a nice Title'));
console.log(convertTitleCase('this is a LONG Title but not too long'));
console.log(convertTitleCase('and here is another title with an EXAMPLE'));