[JS] map, filter, reduce method

Hyodduru ·2021년 12월 17일


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강의 출처 : The Complete JavaScript Course 2022 Jonas (Udemy)

Creating DOM Elements


insertAdjacentHTML() method는 이미 사용 중인 element를 다시 parsing 하지 않아서 'innerHtml'보다 작업이 덜 드므로 빠르다.

element.insertAdjacentHTML(position, text);

Position Option

  • 'beforebegin': Before the element itself.
  • 'afterbegin': Just inside the element, before its first child.
  • 'beforeend': Just inside the element, after its last child.
  • 'afterend': After the element itself.


const calcdisplayMovements = function (movements) {
  containerMovements.innerHTML = '';

  movements.forEach(function (mov, i) {
    const type = mov > 0 ? 'deposit' : 'withdrawal';
    const html = `
    <div class="movements__row">
      <div class="movements__type movements__type--deposit">${i + 1} 
      <div class="movements__value">${mov}€</div>
    containerMovements.insertAdjacentHTML('afterBegin', html);

textContext와 innerHTML의 차이 :

  • textContext : text 그 자체를 return한다.
  • innerHTML : HTML의 모든 요소를 return한다. ex) tag

Data Transformations : map, filter, reduce


map returns a new array containing the result of applying an operation on all original array elements


filter returns a new array containing the array elements that passed a specified test codition


reduce boils(reduce) all array elements down to one single value. ex) adding all element together

The map Method

기존의 array 바꾸지 않음. 새로운 array를 return.

const movements = [200, 450, -400, 3000, -650, -130, 70, 1300];
const eurToUsd = 1.1;

const movementsUSD = movements.map(mov => mov * eurToUsd);


const movementsUSDfor = [];
for (const mov of movements) movementsUSDfor.push(mov * eurToUsd);

const movementsDescriptions = movements.map(
  (mov, i) =>
    `Movement ${i + 1}: You ${mov > 0 ? 'deposited' : 'withdraw'} ${Math.abs(

//['Movement 1: You deposited 200', 'Movement 2: You deposited 450', 'Movement 3: You withdraw 400', 
//'Movement 4: You deposited 3000', 'Movement 5: You withdraw 650', 'Movement 6: You withdraw 130', 
//'Movement 7: You deposited 70', 'Movement 8: You deposited 1300']

filter method

const deposits = movements.filter(function (mov) {
  return mov > 0;
console.log(movements); //[200, 450, -400, 3000, -650, -130, 70, 1300]
console.log(deposits); //[200, 450, 3000, 70, 1300]

const depositsFor = [];
for (const mov of movements) if (mov > 0) depositsFor.push(mov);
console.log(depositsFor); // [200, 450, 3000, 70, 1300]

const withdrawals = movements.filter(mov => mov < 0);
console.log(withdrawals); //) [-400, -650, -130]

reduce method

array를 return하는 것이 아니라 하나의 value를 return한다는 점 기억할 것!

acc = accumulator -> Snowball

const balance = movements.reduce((acc, cur) => acc + cur, 0);
console.log(balance); //3840

let balance2 = 0;
for (const mov of movements) balance2 += mov;
console.log(balance2); //3840

//Maximum value
const max = movements.reduce((acc, curr) => {
  return acc > curr ? acc : curr;
}, movements[0]);

console.log(max); //3000

The Magic of Chaining Methods

const eurToUsd = 1.1;
const totalDepositUSD = movements
  .filter(mov => mov > 0)
  .map(mov => mov * eurToUsd)
  .reduce((acc, mov) => acc + mov, 0);
console.log(totalDepositUSD); //5522.000000000001

주의 사항)

  • chaining 너무 자주하면 좋지 않음! 과하게 사용하지 말 것.
  • 기존의 array를 바꾸는 splice나 reverse와 같은 함수를 chaining에 사용하지 말 것
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