Abort asynchronous task

q6hillz·2022년 4월 17일


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How to abort Asynchronous task

There’s a special built-in object for such purposes: AbortController. It can be used to abort not only fetch, but other asynchronous tasks as well.

The usage is very straightforward:

The AbortController object

Create a controller:

let controller = new AbortController();

A controller is an extremely simple object.

  • It has a single method abort(),
  • And a single property signal that allows to set event listeners on it.

When abort() is called:

  • controller.signal emits the "abort" event.
  • controller.signal.aborted property becomes true.

Generally, we have two parties in the process:

  1. The one that performs a cancelable operation, it sets a listener on controller.signal.
  2. The one that cancels: it calls controller.abort() when needed.

When a fetch is aborted, its promise rejects with an error AbortError, so we should handle it, e.g. in try..catch.

Fetch메소드를 실행시키면 promise로 관리.

let controller = new AbortController();
let signal = controller.signal;

// The party that performs a cancelable operation
// gets the "signal" object
// and sets the listener to trigger when controller.abort() is called
signal.addEventListener('abort', () => alert("abort!"));

// The other party, that cancels (at any point later):
controller.abort(); // abort!

// The event triggers and signal.aborted becomes true
alert(signal.aborted); // true

with the fetch()

// abort in 1 second
let controller = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), 1000);

try {
  let response = await fetch('/article/fetch-abort/demo/hang', {
    signal: controller.signal
} catch(err) {
  if (err.name == 'AbortError') { // handle abort()
  } else {
    throw err;

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