OPIC 준비 #5

임얼쑤·2020년 11월 18일


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그림 (B)에서 처럼 선을 타고 위로 올라가는 느낌으로, 가야함. 근데 그냥 위로 올라가기만 하면 소리가 뜬다. (작게밖에 못냄) 제대로 낼라면 코쪽에를 조준해서 뒤로 빠진다는 느낌으로 가야한다.

  1. 위로 바로간다기 보다
    일자로 이어지는 코를 통한 선을 통해 위로 가는 느낌임

  2. 턱 아래쪽에서 시작되는 느낌 ( 위쪽이 아니라 )

  3. 끝음 떨이지지 않기

  4. 중중중중

  5. 모음이 계속 이어지는 느낌( 소리가 팍 떨어지는 구간이 없음. = 놓는구간 )

  6. 목열기

  7. 빨리하려고 하지 말고, 천천히 정확하게 하기

  8. 한 호흡으로

  9. 리듬감 살려서 한다는 느낌으로


My second hobby is listening to music.
you know, Im studying for server developer so half of my day I'm typing a code.
coding is interesting, but i often get bored. that's why i listen to music to make the boredom go away.
Not only typing the code but also listening to music makes me more attentive.
I think i listen to music about 4 or 5 hours in a day.
My favorite genre is hiphop music and my favorite artist is asap rocky.
he is a famous rapper, fashion model and also my role model.
I like the way he talks and his music takes me another world.
he is a swagger, and i want to learn about his attention.
I recommand his song, the name asap forever.
I think that song expresses well what i said.
thank you.

what is different about university and collage

I have two groups of friends. One is a high school friends, the other is a university friends.
I met my high school friends almost everyday before i in university, but after I came to university,
we have not met each other like before because we're a little far away.
But instead, I met my university freinds almost everyday, and we are getting a lot closer.
I still close with my high school friends and I feel i got two groups of family.
nowadays, I'm too busy to meet my friends and we just meet each other one or two month.
But because social network got great progress, we could have communicate with each other many times
although we rarely see.
When it happens to meet each other, I really fun and happy.
I like my freinds and I like this relationship. thank you.


I have two groups of friends, they are my high scool friends and university friends.
Before I got in the university, I met my high school friends almost everyday but after i got in the university,
we dont meet each other like before becuase we are a litte far away.
instead of meeting them, I now meet my university friends almost everyday, and we are getting a lot closer.
I'm still close with my high school friends and I feel i have two groups of family.
nowadays, I'm too busy to meet my friends and we just meet each other once or twice a month.
We are still communicating with my high school friends through social network/media. These days, social networks are having a very good progress for communication.
When i meet them, I'm really happy and enjoying.
I like my freinds and I like this friendship. thank you.

relationship -> 가족,여친에게만 사용
what is different about university and collage ->
collage : 좀 작은 단위, 전문대나 학원 등등 생각하면 될듯, university : 대학


  1. 자신감이나 영어 한다는 느낌을 놓고 소극적으로 말하면 바로 말이 풀린다.

  2. 작게해도 괜찮으니까, 정확하게 발음하는것이 중요.

  3. 끊는게 중요하다. 끊을 때 못 끊으니까 리듬이 끊기는 것. 의미 단위, 주어 ,동사, 구문,문장 단위 등으로 끊어야 한다. 그리고 그러려면 의미 단위를 생각하고 있어야 한다. ( 안 그러면 어디까지가 내가 하고싶은말이었는지 몰라서 끊는 단위가 헷갈림 )

  4. 의미전달에 있어서 좀 더 직관적이게 말을 하고 글을 써야한다. After, Before 생각.

  5. 단어 -> 동사 좀 더 의미에 맞는 단어 사용. 위의 문장에서 got -> have 등

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