영어 회화 준비 (feat. Naver Clova)

Kiwoong Park·2022년 3월 16일

네이버 오늘의 회화

자취의 외로움을 잊기 위해 클로바와 함께하는 영어 공부를 시작하기로 했다.

How do I put this?

"how do I put this" should suffice if you really have no idea how to express that thought : 그것을 어떻게 말해야 할까요?

22.03.16(수) ~ under the knife

  • fire away, I'll help you with anything: 말만 하세요, 제가 뭐든 도와드릴게요
  • stomach bug : 장염
  • I'm going under the knife for my knee: 나는 무릎 수술을 받을 예정이야

    under the knife : 수술을 받다

  • You're looking a bit green around the gills : 안색이 안좋아 보여요.

    gills는 보통 '물고기의 아가미'를 가리키지만, 사람의 신체와 관련시켜 턱에서 귀밑사이로 이어지는 부분을 가리키기도 함

  • How come you requested time off next month?
  • You're in good hands then

    in good[capable, efficient, safe] hands : (맡겨서) 안심할 수 있는, 잘 관리되는

22.03.17(목) ~ in good hands

  • How come you requested time off next month?
  • I'm going under the knife for my knee
  • What's the problem with it
  • I'd have pain in my left knee for years
    \rarr I've had pain in my left knee for years
  • Oh, I hope the surgery helps
  • The surgeon is apparently one of the best in the world
  • You're in good hands then
  • Yeah, I'll be happy to get the problem fixed

22.03.18(금) ~ It went velly up

  • How's Frank's catering business doing
  • Unfortunately, it won't velly up?
    \rarr it went belly up

    go belly up : 쫄딱 망하다.
    belly는 사람이나 동물 몸의 '배', 즉, belly up은 배가 위로 올라온 상태를 나탄내는데, 물고기가 죽으면 배가 뒤집혀 위쪽을 향하는 것에 생겨난 말입니다.

  • What was the problem?
  • He really struggle to attract customers
    \rarr struggled
  • That's too bad
  • Yeah, so he is trying to figure out what to do next
  • Maybe, he needs to go back to the drying board
    \rarr drawing board

    (go) back to the drawing board
    (이전의 계획 등이 실패한 후) 계획을 다시 잡다. 처음부터 다시 시작하다
    drawing board, 즉 화판으로 무언가를 시작하기 전에 처음으로 구상하는 화판

  • I think he has a fresh business plan already

22.03.19(토) ~ burn the midnight oil

  • Derek, do you wanna have a dinner tonight
  • Sorry, but I'll be burning the midnight oil

    burn the midnight oil : 밤늦게까지 (일, 공부)를 하다
    과거에 전기가 존재하지 않았던 시대에는 밤에 기름을 이용한 등불을 켜고 불을 밝히면서 생긴 표현.

  • How come you still have worked to finish
  • I haven't meet next work schedule yet
    • I haven't made next week's work schedules yet

      made는 e와 함께 '으' 발음으로 끝남, 발음에 영향을 주지 않는 1음절

  • Oh, that's a pretty urgent task then
  • Yeah, I wish i hadn't kept putting it off
  • Maybe, you need to manage your time a bit better
  • You might have a point

22.03.21(월) ~ you drive a hard bargain

  • How much you selling your tradmil for
    • How much are you selling your treadmill for
  • I'm not going to accept any less than 500 dollars
  • You drive a hard bargen
    • You drive a hard bargain

      drive a hard bargain : 깐깐하게 흥정하다, 까다롭게 흥정하다

  • It still in really good condition
    • It's still in really good condition
  • How about 400 dollars?
  • Sorry, but I won't budget
    • Sorry, but I won't budge an inch

      won't budge an inch(버진 인치) : 조금도 양보하지 않을 거다, 미동도 하지 않을 것이다.
      budge : 약간 움직이다, 꼼짝하다, 의견을 바꾸다

  • I don't think I can afford it then
  • Thanks for your interest in anyway
    • Thanks for your interest, anyway

22.03.22(화) ~ You're on the right track

  • I'm feel like I'm finally getting good at chess
  • You're on the right track

    be on the right track : 잘하고 있다, 제대로 하고 있다.

  • And it's all things to your lesson
    • And it's all thanks to your lessons
  • I guess it's time to teach you the advanced move moves
  • Do you think I'm ready for it
  • Yeah, I think you've mastered the basics
  • Okay, then show me everything you know
  • Alright, let's take a look at some new strategies
    • All right, Let's take a look at some new strategies

22.03.23(수) ~ It's gone pear-shaped

  • Linda, is your baking business doing well?
  • It's fun pair shaped
    • It's gone pear-shaped

      go pear-shaped : 망하다, 잘못되다
      서양 배는 마치 조롱박처럼 윗부분은 좁고 밑부분은 볼록하게 생긴 모양. 울퉁불퉁한 배 모양이 된다는 의미에서 '망하다', '잘못되다' 등과 같이 부정적인 결과에 이르게 됨을 의미

  • What happen to your store?
  • There is too much local competition
  • You need to do something to stand out from the crowd
  • Do you have any ideas?
  • How about specialize in birthday cakes
    • How about specializing in birthday cakes
  • That might be a good idea, actually

22.03.25(금) ~ be the bearer of bad news

  • Peter, the CEO rejected your request to transfer to Seattle
  • That's a really disappointing
  • I'm sorry to be the bear of bad news
    • I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news

      be the bearer of bad news : 나쁜 소식을 전하다
      bearer는 '메시지 등을 전달하는 사람'을 가리킴. 그래서 누군가에게 나쁜 소식을 전하면서 유감스러운 마음을 나타낼 때 I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news

  • It's not your fault, Jasmine
  • He said he still needs to you here this year
  • Well it's nice to know he values me
  • And he implied that he'll reconsider the next year
  • That's fair enough, I guess

22.03.27(일) ~ just say the word

  • Do you still need a ride to the airport?
  • Yes, I'll be ready to leave in about ten minutes
  • Okay. Just say the word

    Just say the word : 말만 하세요

  • I could meet you downstairs if you () like
    • I could meet you downstairs if you'd like
  • In the coffee shop on the first floor?
  • Yeah, it's better than waiting around ( ) office
    • Yeah, It's better than waiting around in the office
  • Good idea, I'll see you there when you ( ) done
    • Good idea, I'll see you there when you're done.
  • Yeah, I'll try to get a move on

22.03.31(목) ~ I have a lot on my plate

  • Would you like to go out for lunch time, Todd?
  • Sorry, but I have a lot ofon my plate

    have a lot on one's plate : 할 일이 산더미처럼 있다. 말 자체로는 '(음식이) 접시에 많이 있다' 의 의미 그 자체로 쓰이는 것도 가능하지만 할일이 산더미 처럼 많다 라는 의미로도 잘 쓰임

  • Oh Sound's like you are having a haptic hectic day?

    hectic : 정신없이 바쁜

  • Yeah, there are several tasks I need to finish ASAP
  • What's so urgent?
  • I'm sending our product samples to various retailers
  • That's a lot of work to put on your shoulders
  • At least Sally is helping me out

22.04.01(금) ~ Is the pope Catholic?

  • Are you getting tickets for the music festival?
  • Is the pope cathorlicCatholic?

    pope은 교황을, Catholic은 가톨릭 신자인을 각각 의미하기 때문에, 뜻 그대로 '교황이 카톨릭 신자인지?' 묻는 뻔하고 물어보나 마나 한 질문을 들었을 때 '당연한 거 아냐?' '그걸 말이라고 해?'라고 되묻는 의미로 사용한다.

  • I figured you would be
  • I wouldn't miss it for the world

    for the world 무슨 일이 있어도

  • Do you know when the tickets go on sale?

    go on sale 판매에 돌입하다.

  • I haven't heard a peep about it

    not hear a peep about ~ ~에 대해 아무 얘기도 듣지 못하다. peep은 훔쳐 봄(특히 아주 작은 틈으로), 살짝 봄

  • Well, I guess thethey'll come out this week
  • Yeah, I'll be ready

22.04.02(토) ~ Has the cat got your tongue?

  • Lucinda, why aren't the reports on my desk?

  • Umm, what I want it to say was ...

    • what I wanted to say was ...

      원어민은 wanted to 워닛 투로 발음함.
      미국식 영어에서 t발음이 앞의 n발음과 같이 결합되면 묵음이 되는 현상이 있음

    단어실제 발음한글 발음
    wanted towanned to워닛 투
    want to Rwann R워느 R
  • Has the cat got your tongue

    Has the cat got your tongue? : 왜 말을 못해요?
    이 표현은 아무 말도 않고 가만히 있는 사람에게 "왜 말을 못해?"라고 다그치듯 물어볼 때 아주 잘 쓰이는 표현. 오래 전에 서양에서 말로 잘못한 사람의 혀를 잘라 고양이에게 준 것에서 유래했다는 설도 있고, cat이라는 단어가 포함된 채찍으로 때리는 형벌을 받은 사람이 그 고통 때문에 아무 말도 못 한 것에서 전해졌다는 설도 있음. Spit it out 이나 Are you tongue-tied? 또는 Have you got nothing to say?도 비슷한 의미

  • There was a problem with my laptop

  • And, I'm waiting

  • My laptop crashed this morning

  • Okay, it's time to just come clean about it

    come clean 사실을 털어놓다, 실토하다.

  • I'm afraid I lost the reports send me to do them again

    • I'm afraid I lost the reports and need to them again

      reports and need가 연음으로 발음되어 send로 들림

22.04.03(일) ~ It meant a lot to her

  • Jina is really upset about losing her neckless
  • It meant a lot to her

    mean a lot to A : A에게 아주 소중하다. meant는 동사 mean의 과거형 또는 과거분사형으로 멘트와 같이 발음함

  • what was so special about it?
  • It belonged to her late grandmother
  • Oh, than it must be hold a lot of sentimental value
  • Yes, It can't be replaced
  • It just show there are some () things money can't buy
  • You are exactly right

22.04.04(월) ~ he is chip off the old block

  • My son won first prize at his school's science fair

  • He is cheap of the old block

    • He is a chip off the old block

      be a chip off the old block : 부전자전이다, 모전여전이다. chip은 감자 칩, 전자 기기 칩, 도박 칩 등 여러 의미가 있으나 여기서 표현은 떨어져 나온 조각을 뜻함. 즉 오래된 벽돌에서 떨어져 나온 조각을 의미하여 비유적으로 부모와 똑같이 닮은 것을 의미함.

  • I'm not so sure about that

  • You're really into science at school

    • You were really into science when we were at school

      when we were at school웬위월엣 스큘 연음으로 들려
      into ~ (관심 등) ~ 에 빠져 있는

  • Was I? try to job my memory

    • jog my memory

      jog one's memory: ~의 기억을 되살리다

  • Don't you remember that you got a prize for chemistry?

  • Oh, you're right!

  • Yeah, you arewere always conducting experiments at home

22.04.05(화) ~ don't give up your day job

  • Jeff, this table you made is really wabbly

    wabbly: 불안정한, 흔들리는

  • Yes, so are the chairs
  • Don't give up your day job

    그냥 본업에 충실해

  • I won't, this is just the a hobby of mine

    just a : 저슷더 로 들려서 the로 들리지만 그 취미일 이유가 없음

  • What is it you enjoy about carpentry?

    what is it으로 질문했지만 무엇인가를 묻는 것이 아닌 왜 즐기는지를 묻는 것

  • It's just a great way for me to relieve stress
  • In that case, keep it up
    • keep it up : 계속해 나가다
  • I will, and practice makes perfect

22.04.06(수) ~ they are dime a dozen here

  • This city has a lot of coffee shops

  • Yeah, There are dimond dozen here

    be a dime a dozen : 매우 흔하다, 흔해 빠졋다
    dime은 10센트 짜리 동전을, dozen은 12개짜리 한 묶음을(흔히 '한 다스'라고 부르는) 각각 가리킴. 그래서 a dime a donze은 단돈 10센트에 살 수 있는 12개짜리 한 묶음이라는 뜻에서 아주 흔한 것을 가리키는 표현.

    그림과 같이 there 과 they're 과 their의 발음이 같기 때문에 뜻 이해를 통해 유추해야함

  • I guess it's because the city is famous for coffee

  • Maybe we should stop and try a cup

  • Sure, i'd love to

  • But, how do we choose a good place

  • let's take a chance on this one

    take a chance on ~ : 에 대해 운에 맡기고 해 보다

  • It looks good to me

22.04.07(목) ~ it's in mint condition

  • I'm trying to sell my old cell phone
  • Does it still work perfectly?
  • Yeah, it's ain mint condition

    be in mint condition: 새것이나 다름없는 상태이다. 영어로 '~한 상태이다'라는 의미를 나타낼 때 be in ~ condition이라고 표현. 여기서 in 과 condition 사이에 어떤 상태인지를 나타내는 형용사를 넣어서 말함.

  • I'd definitely be interested in buying it then
  • I thought you already had this model
  • No, This is only the previous one
  • In that case, this willwould be a step up

    step up: 한 단계 오른 것

  • Okay, Please bring it to work, so I can take a look at it

22.04.08(금) ~ I can't wrap my head around it

  • Why did Brad buy such an expensive car?
  • I can't lapwrap my head around it either

    wrap one's head around: ~을 헤아리다, 감을 잡다

  • I mean he already had financial troubles
  • Yeah, it's a really strange thing to do
  • Don't you think he's just trying to impress his girlfriend?
  • I think you've hit the nail on the head

    hit the nail the head : 정확히 맞는 말을 하다, 정곡을 찌르다

  • He's going to regret it in the long run
  • Yeah, he'll probably ask us for a loan

22.04.09(토) ~ You're asking the wrong person

  • What channel is the soccer match on tonight?
  • You're asking the wrong person
  • Oh, I forgot you're not into sports
  • Well, I don't mind watching basketball sometimes
  • How come you like basket ball?
  • I used to play for a team when I was younger
  • You're a full of surprises
  • Yeah, not a lot of people know that!

22.04.10(일) ~ It depends on our decision

  • What did the client say about the hotel blueprint?

    blueprint : 설계도, 청사진

  • He said we can change a few things
  • It depends on our decision then
  • Yeah, I'm surprised he agreed to some changes
  • Me too, so what should we do?
  • I'd like to simplify some design features
  • What do you have in mind?
  • Let's change the lobby and round jerry us lounge areas

    lounge areas가 연음으로 라운줴리어스

22.04.11(월) ~ Don't burn any bridges

  • I'm planning on quiting my job tomorrow
  • Don't burn any bridges

    burn bridges : 관계를 끊다

  • Why do you say that?
  • You'll need a good reference for your next job
  • That's a good point
  • Just follow the company's resignation procedure
  • Ok, I'll make sure I give my notice

    give one's notice : 미리 퇴사 통보를 하다.

  • Yeah, it's only one more month

22.04.12(화) ~ I just had my head in the clouds

  • Bert, are you okay?
  • Oh, sorry! I just had my head in the clouds

    have one's head in the clouds : 딴생각을 하다.

  • What were you so deep in thought about?

    be deep in thought about : ~을 골똘히 생각하다.

  • I was trying to figure out the quickest route to the beach
  • You can just take highway 3 straight there
  • But, highway 3 is closed for construction
  • Oh, well that throughs spendthrows a spanner in the works

    throw a spanner in the works: 계획에 차질이 생기다, 일의 진행을 막다

  • Yeah, I'll need to take a different route

22.04.13(수) ~ They're few and far between

  • I can't find an ATM anywhere around here

    anywhere around here : 이 근처 어디에서도

  • Yeah, there are they're few and far between

    few and far between : 가뭄에 콩 나듯 있는, 아주 드문, 흔치 않은

  • Do you know where the nearest one is
  • There are might be one in the subway station
  • That's a bit out of my way, though

    out of one's way : 멀리 돌아가는, ~의 길에서 벗어나는

  • Which way are you head itheaded?

    be headed : 향하다, 가다

  • I'm going along this straight street towards library
  • Oh, then you can use ATM at the library

22.04.14(목) ~ It's hard to swallow

  • Did you beilieve Hallord's excuse for skipping the party?
  • It's hard to swallow

    be hard to swallow : 납득하기 어렵다, 받아들이기 힘들다

  • Yeah, I don't beilieve he lost his keys
  • I think he exhausted just didn't want to bump into Linda

    just didn't want to : 저스 디든 원투 범핀투 린다
    bump into : (우연히) ~ 와 마주치다.

  • I'd put money on that, too

    put money on that: ~을 확신하다.

  • I wish theyd sort out their differences

    sort out: ~을 잘 해결하다, 정리하다, 분류하다.

  • I'll think they will, eventually
  • The sooner the better

22.04.15(금) ~ They'll weather the storm

  • Do you think Jane and Tom might split up?
  • No, they'llthere weather the storm

    weather the storm : 어려움을 견디다. 날씨를 뜻하는 weather가 동사로 쓰이면 ~을 견디다, ~을 헤쳐 나가다라는 의미를 나타냄.

  • I certainly hope so
  • They're just having a stressful time right now
  • Is it because of money problem?
  • Yeah, Tom lost his job recently
  • I hope Jane sticks by his side

    stick by one's side: ~의 곁을 지키다.

  • She has stayed with him through thick and thin

    through thick and thin : 좋을 때나 안 좋을 때나

22.04.16(토) ~ we're like two piece and a pie peas in a pod

  • You and your brother do everything together
  • Yeah, we're like two piece and a pie peas in a pod
    like two peas in a pod : 쌍둥이나 마찬가지인, peas는 완두콩을, pod는 그 콩알이 들어있는 꼬투리를 각각 의미함.
  • I wish I was that closed to my sister

    여기서 that은 형용사 앞에 쓰여 그렇게, 그만큼의 강조의 뜻으로 사용됨.

  • Well, you have a pretty large age gap
  • That's true, how about you and your brother?
  • There is only one year between us
  • So do you always get along well with one another
  • No, we get anon each other's nerves sometimes

    get on one's nerves : ~의 신경을 건드리다.

22.04.17(일) ~ I'll leave no stone unturned

  • Did you find your wedding ring yet?
  • No, can you look for ait while I'm at work
  • I'll liveleave no stone at turnunturned

    동사 leave + 대상 + 상태 의 순서로 ~을 A한 상태로 만들다라는 뜻을 나타내기도 함. 그래서 leave no stone unturned는 '어떤 돌도 뒤집어지지 않은 상태로 두지 않다`라는 뜻인데, 모든 돌을 뒤집어 확인해보겠다라는 의미로 온갖 수단을 써서 찾아보겠다는 뜻을 나타낼 때 사용하는 표현

  • I feel so disappointed atin myself for losing it
  • why did you take it off in the first place?

    in the first place : (이유와 관련해 말할 때) 애초에, 우선, 먼저

  • Because I was doing the dishes
  • Put it in a safe place next time
  • I definitely will

22.04.18(월) ~ it was a bolt from the blue

  • Were you surprised to get the sales award?
  • It was a boatbolt from the blue!

    bolt from the blue : 전혀 예상하지 못한 일, 청천벽력, 단어 그대로 푸른 하늘의 번개

  • Actually, I knew about it for a few days
  • Why didn't you mention it to me?
  • Our manager swore me to securacy secrecy

    swear A to secrecy : A에게 비밀 유지 맹세를 하게 하다.

  • Well, it did come as a pleasant surprise
  • You deserve it after all your hard work
  • Thanks, but I'd said it was a team effort

22.04.21(목) ~ You have a memory like a sieve

  • Did you remember to buy laundry detergent?
  • Oh, I completely forgot
  • You have a memory like a soupsieve!

    have a memory like a sieve : 건망증이 심하다, 기억력이 좋지 못하다.
    sieve는 주방에서 가루를 곱게 거르는 '체'를 가리킵니다. 그물망처럼 생긴 부분으로 가는 입자가 통과해 나오는 모습에 빗대어 기억력이 새어 나간다는 뜻으로, 건망증이 심한 경우에 대해 사용하는 표현

  • I know, I'm really sorry
  • Can you go back to the supermarket now then?
  • Sure, what brand should I get
  • Get a big box of mint detergent
  • Okay, I won't let you down this time

22.04.22(금) ~ Thailand would be your best bet

  • Have you decided where to go on your vacation?
  • I want to go somewhere hot with lots of attraction
  • Thailand would be your best bet

    one's best bet : 최선책, 가장 적합한 것

  • Have you been there before?
  • Yeah, a few years ago
  • Maybe you can give me some travel tips then
  • Sure, I'll'd give my right arm to go back there someday

    give one's right arm to ~: ~ 하기 위해 무엇이든 하다, 어떤 대가든 치르다

  • I guess it must be a really great place then

22.04.23(토) ~ Our boss has been breathing down my neck all day

  • Our boss has been breathing down my neck all day

    breath down one's neck : ~을 철저히 감시하다.
    ~의 목에 숨이 닿을 정도로 내쉬다. 라는 의미로 누군가의 목에 숨이 느껴질 정도로 가깝게 붙어있는 모습에 빗대어 ~을 아주 철저하게 감시하다라는 뜻을 나타냄

  • What's his problem?
  • He wants to check if I'm following the correct procedures
  • But you always do everything perfectly
  • I know, I have no idea why he has lost faith in me

    lose[have] faith in ~ : ~에 대한 신뢰를 잃다[지니고 있다]

  • Just show him how good you are at your job
  • I will, but it's hard when he's always watching
  • Yeah, it must be pretty stressful

22.04.25(월) ~ my credit card is missing

  • I have a question regarding my credit card.
  • Yes, could you give me more details
  • My credit card is missing
  • I called and reported that my credit card was missing
  • And now I'd like to confirm a charge on my credit card
  • Please hold on for an minute
  • Let me transfer you to the person who can immediately help you with this problem

22.04.26(화) ~ I think we just have different preference

  • How often do you go to the bank?
  • Maybe once a year?
  • I used to internet banking system instead of visiting the bank
  • I don't use the internet banking system because it sounds so complicated to me
  • That's fine I think we just have different preference.
  • But it's also helpful to get an advice forfrom the expert
You matter, never give up

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