⛅️ BE TIL Day 4 0317

JB·2022년 3월 17일

CodeCamp BE 02

목록 보기

⬇️ Main Note

☁️ [Express]

Framework vs. Library

Library: particular one tool
framework is the condensation of those tools.
Library < Framework

How to install

yarn init
yarn add express
yarn install
  • yarn.lock: version management file
    --> Functions depend on the version of the module, so it's quite sensitive.
    --> So versions must be fixed.
  • If the particular file isn't really in charge, deleting node modules file is good for the storage management.
    --> To exclude node modules file from git push, create .gitignore file and write node_modules in there.

☁️ [Port]

  • One's computer can operate multiple programs, and there could some programs that contain ports.
  • These programs are linked with network and communication.
  • Here, the port numbers can be given by the developer, and the port number can be between 0-65535.
  • These programs that contain ports are called server program.

🖥 Computers

The computer, which the server program is executed, is called the server computer.

  • Frontend Computer: This computer must be operated for 27/7 to make sure that it can send request to backend computer.
  • Backend Computer: The server computer that waits for the request after creating the APIs.
  • Database server Program: 24 hours waiting for access of backend.
  • Server Developer = Backend developer

❗️ Caution

  • Port numbers cannot be overlapped in one computer.
  • If I have 10 programs, for instance, all 10 programs must contain different port numbers.

☁️ [Practice - Create API]

Postman = Frontend
When send button is clicked in postman, the request is sent to the backend server(vscode).

If I want to get the arguments from the user, const myPhone = req.body.phoneNumber
--> Meaning, request to body in the variable name of "phoneNumber".

import { getPhoneNumber, sendTokenToSMS, getToken } from "./phone.js"

import express from 'express'
// ===> const express = require('express)

const app = express()

//express.json() => JSON.parse 
// 스트링을 객체로 바꾸는것 : JSON.parse

app.get('/boards', (req, res) => {  // 게시글 목록 부분
  // 1. data를 조회하는 Logic 이 줄에 입력 (DB에 접속해서 게시글 목록 data 꺼내오기)

  // result는 DB에서 꺼내온 데이터
  const result = [
    { number: 1, writer: "짱구", title: "짱구 제목", contents: "짱구 내용" },
    { number: 2, writer: "훈이", title: "훈이 제목", contents: "훈이 내용" },
    { number: 3, writer: "맹구", title: "맹구 제목", contents: "맹구 내용" },

  // 2. 꺼내온 결과 응답 주기

app.post('/boards', (req, res) => { 
  // 1. data를 등록하는 Logic 이 줄에 입력 (DB에 접속해서 data 저장하기)
  // 2. 저장 결과 알려주기
  res.send("성공적으로 등록되었습니다")

app.post('/tokens/phone', (req, res) => {
  // "facade pattern" makes the efficiency go higher
  const phone = req.body.phoneNumber

  const isValid = getPhoneNumber(phone)
    if (isValid){
        const myToken = getToken()
        sendTokenToSMS(phone, myToken)
        res.send("인증완료 " + myToken)

//waiting for the request
app.listen(3001, () => {
    console.log(`Example app listening on port ${3001}`)

☁️ [Swagger]

Document for API usage for frontend developers.

While creating the swagger, the indent is very important.
--> There isn't really a specific rule for the indent, but at least the same-categorized-contents must be in the same indent column.

//Swagger box
 * @openapi
 * /boards:
 *   get:
 *     summary : 게시글 가져오기
 *     tags: [Board]
 *     parameters:
 *             - in: query
 *               name: number
 *               type: int
 *     responses: 
 *             200: 
 *                  description: 성공
 *                  content: 
 *                      application/json:
 *                          schema:
 *                              type: array
 *                              items:
 *                                  properties: 
 *                                      number: 
 *                                          type: int
 *                                          example: 2
 *                                      writer:
 *                                          type: string
 *                                          example: JB
 *                                      title:
 *                                          type: string
 *                                          example: 제목입니다
 *                                      contents:
 *                                          type: string
 *                                          example: 내용입니다
// Swagger config
export const options = {
    definition: {
      openapi: '3.0.0',
      info: {
        title: 'My API docs',
        version: '1.0.0',
    apis: ['./swagger/boards.swagger.js'], // files containing annotations as above

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