[Paper Review] The Simplicity Bias in Multi-Task RNNs: Shared Attractors, Reuse of Dynamics, and Geometric Representation

JaeHeon Lee, 이재헌·2024년 10월 22일

Paper Review

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The Simplicity Bias in Multi-Task RNNs: Shared Attractors, Reuse of Dynamics, and Geometric Representation

  • How can a single neural population combine these disparate objects (dynamical motifs) into a joint representation? And under what conditions do these representations become shared or separate?
  • simplicity bias: the author wasn’t trying to quantify; they were just pointing out such tendency.
    • persists regardless of the number of tasks or the nature of the dynamical objects
      ( observed in various objects including fixed points, limit cycles, line- plane- attractors)
    • link this bias to “sequential emergence” of attractors
    • how external factors can resist this bias and create more complex dynamic objects
      → this external factors means, ‘architectural constraints’ ~ gated, orthogonal, parallel
  • They use “separate” input and output

  • In this settings, they have

    • gated setting: only one task in a time, no output in other task
      • in code, they ignore loss from other tasks
    • orthogonal setting: only one task in a time, zero output in other task
    • parallel setting: multiple tasks in a time, no constraint in other task
  • Compared to gated settings, orthogonal and parallel setting allow ‘interaction btw tasks’

  • task examples
    - from the top, fixed point, limited cycles, line-, plane- attractor (left) and attractors (right)

  • They trained two tasks in gated mode (sky blue) and orthogonal mode (blue)

  • Especially in gated mode, they tend to share the attractors — simplicity bias (why? below)

    • A : gated mode resulted in a complete overlap between the tasks (even diff tasks), the opposite with orthogonal settings
    • B: linear classifier to separate the neural trajectories (2) — failed in gated, success in ortho
    • C: ratio variances between and within tasks (F-factor) — shared in gated, separated in ortho
    • D: when we look at the spectrum of connectivity matrix (W_recurrent) - lambda
      • the number of unstable eigenvalues was larger in the orthogonal settings
      • oh, in orthogonal settings, there are multiple fixed points! hey then how it emerges???
  • Next question is, what is the origin of this simplicity bias??

  • consider the two task needs two fixed points each (4 points)

    • In Gated mode: 2 shared 2 shared
      • the recurrent dynamics cause the states to mostly depend on the “task agnostic attractors”, and less on the task-specific inputs
    • In orthogonal mode: 4 all different
      • two attractors have to be orthogonal to each other, forcing the network to separate them
      • because the network architecture make the other zero when one is training
  • ok let’s track this hypothesis by following the attractor landscape of networks (low-rank) [13]

  • with this projection (approximation), they followed the evolution of the dynamics in parallel settings trained on two fixed-point tasks

  • in C and D,

    • at epoch0 only origin is stable. (two eigenvalues are in unit circle)
    • origin destabilizes, single unstable eigenvalue emerges
    • more training, second eigenvalue leaves the unit circle → pair of stable fixed points emerges
  • in B, they repeated this analysis. (skyblue, blue, darkblue - gated, ortho, parallel)

    • in orthogonal, parallel mode, we can see the clear sequential emergence of two outliers
    • the gated setting is solved with a single outlier, as all tasks share a common attractor

In dicussion,

  • reusing existing representation leads to faster learning of task ~ i think they wanted to mention the "efficiency" as shown in gated setting
  • if there're modular representation, it could be some constraint on architecture. good point! since in typical multitask learning setting, the 'rule' signals are separately processing at the head of the RNN..
  • an attractor shared btw tasks is not identical to an attractor that was formed in response to a single task so if one task has oscillatory component, it might suggest that the same circuit is also capable of generating such oscillation in another context. (?!?)

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