[Paper Review] A complexity-based theory of compositionality

JaeHeon Lee, 이재헌·2024년 10월 29일

Paper Review

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A complexity-based theory of compositionality

Compositionality is fundamental to intelligence. espeically in human, the structure of thought, language, higher-level reasoning. however, there's no measurable and mathematical definition of this, so they tried to quantify this with algorithmic information theory, Kolmogorov complexity.

Definition 1 (compositinality)

  • existence of a symbolic complex expression -> where do these expressions saved? in human, they're saved in "language" or other kinds of expression but in neural network it could be only exist by some combination of representations.
  • similarly, the structure of expression (somehow language) is also unclear
  • in language, there's no limit on mapping the sentence and the semantics.
  • also the semantics varies in what context that the sentence is located.

compressing a representation, Kolmogorov complexity

  • through the lens of optimal compresseion and Kolmogorov complexity
  • kolmogorov complexity defines a notion of information quantity
    :length of the shortest program in some programming language that outputs that object
    ex) KC of 101010: length(repeat 10, 3 times)
    : the more it has structure or pattern the small value of kolmogorov complexity that object get

  • in the context of ML, given dataset X = (x1, ,,, xn) sufficiently large drawn iid from dist p(x)
  • the optimal method for compressing :let's say K(X) = K(X|p) + K(p)
  • then K(X|p) can be optimally encoded using only log2p(xi)-log_2p(x_i) bits Shannon information
  • second term K(p) refers to complexity of the data distribution

Compressing ZZ as a function of parts

  • denote a representation by a matrix ZRN×DZ \in {\R}^{N \times D} where each row znz_n is D-dimesional vector from p(zx)p(x)p(z|x)p(x).
  • describe a representation using short parts-based constituents sentences WVN×MW \in \mathcal{V}^{N \times M} where nu is finite set of discrete symbols to vocabulary where M is maximum sentence length.
  • let's say pw(w)p_w(w) is their most compressed forms
  • then we can say like below

  • then for the representation decoding from their sentences, we need new mapper f:VMRDf:\mathcal{V}^{M} - \R^D : semantics
  • one thing important about K(f), set p with Normal distribution, and introduced additional error term induced by Gaussian assumption -> thats K(Z|W,f)

Summary and further intuition

  • total Kolmogorov complexity of the representation:

  • Representational compositionality: a formal definition of compositionality



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