>> A = 5;
>> ndims(A) # 2
>> size(A) # 1 1
>> isscalar(A) # 1
>> A = [5.73 2-4i 9/7 25e3 .046 sqrt(32) 8j];
>> size(A) # 1 7
>> isvector(A) # 1
>> tmp = [30.3, 31.2; 26.0, 24.3; 28.0, 27.3];
>> tmp(:,:,2) = [31.2, 31.3; 27.3, 24.7; 29.3, 29.2];
>> tmp(:,:,3) = [33.2, 35.1; 29.1, 28.2; 34.2, 33.1];
>> avg_1F = mean(mean(tmp(:,:,1))) # 27.8500
>> avg_2F = mean(mean(tmp(:,:,2))) # 28.8333
>> avg_3F = mean(mean(tmp(:,:,3))) # 32.1500
>> avg_Win = mean(mean(tmp(1,:,:))) # 32.0500
>> avg_AC = mean(mean(tmp(:,1,:))) # 32.0500
>> A = {rand(2,2,2), 'Hello', 17.35} # [2x2x2 double] 'Hello' [17.3500]
>> B{1,1} = 1:10;
>> B{2,2} = A
# [1x10 double] []
# [] {1x3 cell}
>> B{1,1} # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
>> A{1,1}(2,:,1) # 0.9157 0.9595
>> Students.Name = 'Mary';
>> Students.Grades = [97 93];
>> Students(2).Name = 'Joe';
>> Students(2).Grades = [94 96];
>> NewStudents = struct('Name',{'Mary', 'Joe'}, 'Grades',{[97 93], [94 96]});
>> Students(1).Name
ans =
>> NewStudents(1).Name
ans =
>> Grades = [Students.Grades]
Grades = 97 93 94 96
>> Grades2 = {Students(:).Grades}
Grades2 = [1x2 double] [1x2 double]
>> KeySet = {'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr'};
>> RainFallValueSet = [327.2 368.2 197.6 178.4];
>> M = containers.Map(KeySet, RainFallValueSet)
M =
Map - 속성 있음:
Count: 4
KeyType: char
ValueType: double
>> Rain_Fall_Data = M('Jan')
>> Students = struct('Name',{'Mike', 'Jessie', 'Sue', 'Tom'},...
'Korean',{75, 68, 78, 99},...
'English',{78, 56, 99, 54},...
'Math',{82, 55, 80, 78});
>> Grade = [Students.Korean; Students.English; Students.Math];
>> SueAvg = mean(Grade(:,3))
SueAvg =
>> EnglishAvg = mean(Grade(2,:))
EnglishAvg =
>> A = [1 3; 2 4]
>> B = [3 0; 1 5]
>> A*B
ans =
6 15
10 20
>> A .* B
ans =
3 0
2 20
>> A = [ -1 1 2; 3 -1 1; -1 3 4];
>> b = [2;6;4];
>> x = inv(A)*b
x =
>> x = A\b
x =
• Operator Precedence
1. Parentheses ()
2. Transpose (.'), power (.^), complex conjugate transpose ('), matrix power (^)
3. Power with unary minus (.^-), unary plus (.^+), or logical negation (.^~) as well as matrix power with unary minus (^-), unary plus (^+), or logical negation (^~).
4. Unary plus (+), unary minus (-), logical negation (~)
5. Multiplication (.), right division (./), left division (.), matrix multiplication (), matrix right division (/), matrix left division ()
6. Addition (+), subtraction (-)
7. Colon operator (:)
8. Less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), equal to (==), not equal to (~=)
9. Element-wise AND (&)
10. Element-wise OR (|)
11. Short-circuit AND (&&)
12. Short-circuit OR (||)