[CrashCourse CS] #23 Screens & 2D Graphics

Steve·2021년 6월 19일

Earliest display method: Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT)

  • Vector scanning (following the line)
  • Raster scanning (drawing horizontal line from top to bottom)

Liquid Crystal Displays (LCD)

  • Uses raster scanning to update the brightness of little tiny red, green, and blue pixels many times a second.

Character generator - The first graphics card

  • ASCII art
  • DOS

1962 - Sketchpad, an interactive graphical interface that offered Computer-Aided Design (CAD). Invented by Ivan Sutherland.

  • light pen

Late 1960's - displays with true pixel graphics.

  • Bits in memory directly "mapped" to pixel on the screen, what are called bitmapped displays.

  • With full pixel control, totally arbitrary graphics were possible.

  • Before, computers reserve a special region of memory for pixel data, called the frame buffer.

  • In the early days, the computer's RAM was used, but later systems used special high speed Video RAM, or VRAM, which was located on the graphics card itself for high speed access.


  • rudimentary - basic
  • pseudo - 가짜의
  • milestone - 어떠한 것의 역사나 성장에 있어 중요한 사건
  • behemoth - 지나치게 큰 (부정적)
  • chug - 척척 하는 소리
  • eye-opening - 놀랄만한
  • brain-melting - 매우 복잡하여서 머리를 헷깔리게 만드는
  • hum - 웅웅거리다
  • augment - supplemeting
  • arbitrary - 임의적인
  • ubiquitous - 어디에나 있는. everywhere


1962년에 터치펜이 처음 나왔다는게 그저 경이롭다.

게임과 프론트엔드에 관심이 많습니다.

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