White Hats - Good guys, Black Hats - Bad guys
Hacktivist - who use their skills to promote a social or political goal
Social Engineering - where a person is manipulated into divulging confidential information, or configuring a computer system so that it permits entry by attackers.
- Phishing
- Pretexting - The attacker pretends to be from a company's IT department, often call a first number, and then ask to be transferred to a second, so that the phone number appears to be internal to the company. Then instruct to configure their computer in a compromising way, or get them to reveal confidential details.
- Trojan horse (often through emails)
Malware - malicious software
Ransomeware - encrypt files and demand a ransom
Brute force entry - try every password
- NAND mirroring - if you have physical access to the computer, you can attach wires to the device's memory chip and make a perfect copy of its contents. If password attempts fails and devices makes you wait, simply reflash(reset) the memory and try again.
Exploit - utilizing a bug to gain capabilities or access
Buffer overflow

bounds checking - testing the length of input before copying it into a buffer
Code injection

- Most username and password forms on the web don't let ouy include special symbols like ';' as a first level of defense.
- Good servers sanitize input by removing or modifying special characters before running query.
Zero day vulnerability - when a new exploitable bug is discovered that the software creators weren't aware of.
Worms - If bugs are left open on enough systems, it allows hackers to write a program that jump from computer to computer automatically.
Botnet - If a hacker can take over a large number of computers, they can be used together to form a botnet.
- sending huge volumes of spam
- mine bitcoins
- launch DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service) attacks against servers.
DDoS is where all the computers in the botnet send a flood of dummy messages. This can knock services offline.
Cyberwarfare - cyber attacks
- hacking - developing creative solutions to problems
- resilient - 회복력 있는, 탄력있는
- divulge - (비밀을)누설하다, 폭로하다.
- yield - 산출하다, 생산하다.
- compromised - 손상된
- unwitting - 자신도 모르는
- ransom - 몸값
- thwart - 좌절시키다
- mayhem - 대혼란, 아수라장
- nefarious - 범죄의, 비도덕적인
- arbitary - 임의적인, 제멋대로인