bulk-RNA sequencing analysis [2] : enrichGO in R

JB·2024년 4월 19일

Step 1 : Load required packages


Step 2 : Import DESeq2 results

	res <- deseq2.res
	res <- na.omit(res)

Step 3 : Prepare input

	original_gene_list <- res$log2FoldChange									# res에서 log2FoldChange 부분 새로운 변수에 할당
	names(original_gene_list) <- rownames(res)									# 변수 riginal_gene_list에 이름 붙이기
	gene_list <- na.omit(original_gene_list)									# NA 제거
	gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)								# log2FoldChange 값을 기준으로 내림차순 정렬 (required for clusterProfiler)
	sig_genes_df <- subset(res, padj < 0.05)									# 통계상 유의미한  추출 (pvalue < 0.05 or padj < 0.05)
	genes <- sig_genes_df$log2FoldChange										# sig_genes_df에서 log2FoldChange  추출
	names(genes) <- rownames(sig_genes_df)										# Name the vector
	genes <- na.omit(genes)														# NA 제거
	genes <- names(genes)[abs(genes) > 2]										# Filtering genes with log2fold > 2 / abs()함수는 절대값을 반환함

Step 4 : Create enrichGO object

	keytypes(org.Mm.eg.db)														# org.Mm.eg.db의 keytype 확인
	go_enrich <- enrichGO(gene = genes, universe = names(gene_list), OrgDb = org.Mm.eg.db, keyType = "SYMBOL", readable = TRUE, ont = "ALL", pvalueCutoff = 0.01, qvalueCutoff = 0.001)

Step 5 : EnrichGO filtering

	go_enrich_filtered <- go_enrich
	go_enrich_filtered_results <- go_enrich_filtered@result
  # Sort GO terms by counting results
	go_enrich_filtered_results <- go_enrich_filtered_results %>% arrange(p.adjust)
	go_enrich_filtered@result <- go_enrich_filtered_results
  # Extract genes for cleaning view
	core_genes <- str_split(as.data.frame(go_enrich_filtered_results)[,"geneID"], "/")
  # Transform list into matrix - conserving proper list characteristics
	core_genes_top <- stringi::stri_list2matrix(core_genes) 
	core_genes_top <- core_genes_top[1:10, ]
  # Re-transforming list
	core_genes_top <- as.list(as.data.frame(core_genes_top))  
  # putting new gene list into go_enrich again -> This is an important process for processing cnetplot
	filtered_core_genes_top <- sapply(lapply(core_genes_top, function(x) x[x %in% genes]), paste, collapse = "/")
	go_enrich_filtered@result$geneID <- filtered_core_genes_top

Step 6 : Making graphs

 ## Upset plot
  # filtering 안한 data 이용
	upsetplot(go_enrich, n = 9, layout = "mds") + ggtitle("Upset-plot with raw GO enrichment data")
  # filtered data 이용    
	upsetplot(go_enrich_filtered, n = 9, layout = "mds") + ggtitle("Upset-plot with filtered GO enrichment data")

 ## Bar plot
  # filtering 안한 data 이용
	barplot(go_enrich, drop = TRUE, showCategory = 15, title = "GO Biological Pathways", font.size = 8) + facet_grid(ONTOLOGY ~ ., scale = "free") + ggtitle("Bar-plot with raw GO enrichment data")
  # filtered data 이용    
	barplot(go_enrich_filtered, drop = TRUE, showCategory = 15, title = "GO Biological Pathways", font.size = 8) + facet_grid(ONTOLOGY ~ ., scale = "free") + ggtitle("Bar-plot with filtered GO enrichment data")

 ## Dot plot
  # filtering 안한 data 이용
	dotplot(go_enrich, showCategory = 10) + ggtitle("dotplot for ORA") + facet_grid(ONTOLOGY ~ ., scale = "free") + ggtitle("Dot-plot with raw GO enrichment data")
  # filtered data 이용    
	dotplot(go_enrich_filtered, showCategory = 10) + ggtitle("dotplot for ORA") + facet_grid(ONTOLOGY ~ ., scale = "free") + ggtitle("Dot-plot with filtered GO enrichment data")

 ## Enrichment map plot
  # filtering 안한 data 이용
	mdf <- pairwise_termsim(go_enrich)
	emapplot(emdf, showCategory = 15) + ggtitle("Enrichment-map with filtered GO enrichment data")
  # filtered data 이용    
	emdf <- pairwise_termsim(go_enrich_filtered)
	emapplot(emdf, showCategory = 15) + ggtitle("Enrichmend-map with raw GO enrichment data")
  # plot title 제거    
	emapplot(emdf, showCategory = 15)

 ## Category Net plot
  # filtering 안한 data 이용
	cnetplot(go_enrich, categorySize = "pvalue", foldChange = gene_list) + ggtitle("Standard cnet-plot with raw GO enrichment data")
  # filtered data 이용    
	cnetplot(go_enrich_filtered, categorySize = "pvalue", foldChange = gene_list) + ggtitle("Standard cnet-plot with filtered GO enrichment data")
  # plot title 제거    
	cnetplot(go_enrich_filtered, categorySize = "pvalue", foldChange = gene_list)
  # circular 형태로 그리기 
	cnetplot(go_enrich_filtered, circular = TRUE, color.params = list(foldChange = gene_list), colorEdge = TRUE, showCategory = 8, cex.params = list(gene_node = 0.01), node_label = "all", cex_label_category = 0.6, cex_label_gene = 0.9) + ggtitle("Round cnet-plot with filtered GO enrichment data")

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