[HCI] Usefulness - Mental Model

윰지·2020년 6월 17일

Goals of the Study

  1. What is USFULNESS
    Whether using digital systems helps people effectively achieve their goals.
  2. What needs to be understood?
    • 시스템의 목적
    • 시스템의 구조
    • 시스템의 작동
  3. Mental model
    What people have in mind about the valuel, function & structure of a digital system
  4. Can be divided by three depending on the level of abstraction
    • Structural model
    • Functional model
    • Value model
      • Functional value
      • Playful value
      • Personal value
      • Social value
  5. Can be divided by three depending on perspective
    • User model
    • Developer model
    • System image


  1. Problem space
    • Initial state
    • Goal state
    • Operator
    • Condition
  2. Design space
    • all product and service alternatives의 집합
    • Mental model : Model of the system drawn in a user's mind, user perspective

Mental Model

  • 사람마다 다른 knowledge structure
  • Dynamic
    상황에 대해 자율적으로 수정과 업데이트 가능, target들은 사람의 머리에 가상적으로 작동
  • Incomplete and sometimes conflicting
    개인 인지 능력에 영향을 받는다. 사람에 의존되기 때문에 정확 혹은 부정확한 model이 만들어진다.

Mental model의 역할

  • Describing phenomenon
    • 현재의 시스템 상황을 설명
  • Explaining reason
    • 시스템 작동과 관련된 인과관계 설명
  • Predictin future
    • 시스템이 어떻게 작동될지 예측

User vs Developer

Norman's Action Cycle

  1. What do I want to accomplish?(goal)

  1. What are the alternative actions sequences?(plan)
  2. What action can I do now?(specify(
  3. How do I do it?(perform)

  1. What happened?(perceive)
  2. What does it mean?(interpret)
  3. Is it okay? Have I accomplished my goal?(compare)

Mental Model and Behavioral Theory

  • Gulf of execution(실행차)
  • Gulf of evaluation(평가차)

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