Dynamic Programming
- recursion sometimes repeatedly solves the same subproblems. (recursive Fibonacci)
< Main Idea >
- Reorganize the computation of subproblems so
not to solve them over and over again.
- compute the solution for each subproblem just once.
- cache the computed solution in a table for future reuse
(하나의 문제를 한번만 풀게 하는 알고리즘 -> 재귀의 단점을 극복하기 위함.)
Example: Manhattan tourist problem
- Find route that passes most tourist attractions
=> attraction을 가장 많이 지나는 길 찾기
- Graph = (V, E)
- edges: streets between crossings
- vertices: streets crossings
- possible to draw as a regular n x m grid
Directed Graph
edges point from one vertex to another
NO directed cycles
Find longest path in DAG, from (0, 0) to (𝑛, 𝑚)
- 이전 계산을 미리 해놓고 저장해놓고 이후 반복 계산 수행을 줄인다.
For general DAGs
Graph is not a regular grid.
Each vertex may have arrows to other vertices.
Order in which to visit vertices.
When 𝑣 is visited, all its predecessors must have been processed before.
Topological ordering of DAG
Linear ordering of vertices such that all arrows, which represent dependencies, point forward.
Arrow from 𝑢 to 𝑣 indicates 𝑢 should come before 𝑣.
Choose vertex without predecessors.
- "Remove" vertex and outgoing edges from DAG.
- Add vertex to ordered list.
Repeat until no verices left.
DNA sequence alignment
- measure "similarity" between DNA sequences
< Hamming Distance >
The number of positions in which the two strings differ.
NOT GOOD for similarity of DNA sequences
- Evolutionary noise( reversal )
- Sequencing and assembly noise
Edit distance
Edit distance between two strings
Edit operations
- How to compute(minimum) edit distance?
- by translating this problem into the Manhattan tourist problem
- by representing an alignment of two strings as a graph.
Representing alignments
tring 𝑣 (length 𝑛) and string 𝑤 (length 𝑚)
- first row has characters of 𝑣 in order
- second row has characters of 𝑤 in order
- gaps interspersed in different places
⭐️ NO COLUMN has GAP in both ROWS. ⭐️
- strings as integer lists
- The number of characters up to position.
Integer lists as matrix
- Combine row representation
path represents alignment
Edit Graph
- n x m grid with →, ↓, ↘︎, arrows.
- path in edig graph corresponds to alignment.
- edge on path: column in alignment matrix.
Scoring function
- Used to analyze merit of alignment
Merit-high merit for alignments with more matches
Longest common Subsequences(LCS)
- Find Longest Common Subsequences(LCS)
- Length of LCS = ( A의 길이 + B의 길이 - Edit Distance(A, B)) /
- Only insertions and deletions are allowed.
- Substitutions are not allowed.
- ↘ edges for non-matching symbols are removed
Weights on edges in edit graph
- 왼쪽, 아래로 움직이는건 weight 0
- 대각선 matching symbol만 weight + 1
LCS problem is to find longest path in edit graph.
Use Dynamic programming
→ So to be able to reuse previous computaion.
→ 이전 값을 계산해놓고, 다이나믹 프로그래밍 maximum값을 선택한다. (Greedy apprach)
< Backtracking >
LCS 길이를 구했다면, backtracking을 통해 정확한 염기서열을 추적할 수 있다.
- if si,j = si-1,j then bi,j = ↑
- if si,j = si,j-1 then bi,j = ←
- if si,j = si-1,j-1 then bi,j = ↖︎
< Time Complexity >
Computing s(v,w)
length of LCS = n*m
Reconstruction LCS = n + m
Loop가 stop되는 조건이 n+m=0 이므로, 총 while는 n+m 만큼을 연산을 수행하게 된다.
< Space Complexity >
- Dynamic Programming table takes (n*m) memory
- Table with backtracking pointers takes (n*m) memory
Global sequnce alignment
< Scoring System >
- scoring matrix
- (k+1) * (k+1) matrix
- with k size of alphabet + gap symbol
- matrix(x,y) = score of (x,y) in alignment matrix