AI is the field of study that aims at building machines that are as intelligent as people.
→ One way to work towards that goal is through the use of explict programming.
(Python, Java, C++, C, Perl, Bash)
→ Need to specify every detail of particular action in exactly the correct format.
field of study that aims at giving machines the ability to act without being explicitly programmed.
Learning Algorithm
1. Supervised Learning
Learning algorithm gets access to manually labeled examples (help of human access)
< Prediction of House prices based on historical data >
→ Using Regression, Prediction of continous valued output.
< Prediction of the nature of a tumor based on historical data >
→ Classification : Prediction of discrete-valued output.
2. Unsupervised Learning
Learning algorithm gets access to non-labeled examples, and needs to find structure and semantics itself, typically through clustering
attributes that charaterize the problem at hand, used as an input for learning algorithms
Multiple features are typically aggregated(집계된) into a feature vector
Features can be constructed manually or automatically
여기서 (x,y)는 hypothesis를 세우기 위한 example이다.
How to choose the 계수 do to have good prediction?
→ Trend line이 training set에 근접하도록 계수(parameter)를 골라야한다.
How to measure closeness with trendline and training set?
→ By using means of a cost or loss function(=prediction error)
Cost function
Gradient descent: stepwise approximate procedure to go from a randomly selected point to a valley.
Gradient Descent for Finding Local Minima
Mathematical property
How to find minimum 세타?
Derivative of ⍬minimum almost equals to 0.
Gradient Descent for Univariate Linear Regression
Gradient descent는 걍 minmum 값을 찾을때까지 계속 iteration.
2. Multivariate Linear Regression
How to address overfitting
reduced the number of features
→ manually or automatically(PCA/SVD)
→ keep all the features, but reduce the magnitudes of 𝜃𝑖
→ that way, each feature can only contribute a bit to predicting 𝑦
Small values for parameters
→ "Simpler and Smoother" hypothesis
→ less prone to overfitting
→ Regularization Parameter exist
influences what part to minimize most: prediction error or model complexity.
λ = 0: least-squared regression
λ != 0: ridge regression
기본 선형모델을 사용하다보면 데이터에 매우 적합되어 극단적으로 오르락내리락하는 그래프 발생
→ 선형회귀의 계수 값이 매우 큰, y = 34152 - 24423x + 234234x^2 이런식으로 나타난다. variance가 매우 큰 경우를 막기 위해 계수 자체가 크면 페널티를 주는 ridge regression리다,