Codecademy [Learn Natural Language Processing]
워드 임베딩(Word Embedding) :컴퓨터가 이해할 수 있도록 자연어를 적절히 변환 / 단어를 벡터로 표현하는 방법으로, 단어를 밀집 표현으로 변환
단어의 의미를 벡터화시킬 수 있는 워드투벡터(Word2Vec)와 글로브(Glove)가 많이 사용
a representation of a word as a numeric vector, enabling us to compare and contrast how words are used and identify words that occur in similar contexts
application: 1.entity recognition in chatbots 2.sentiment analysis 3.syntax parsing
의 arrays()
메서드로 파이썬에서 백터 표현
odd_vector = np.array([1, 3, 5, 7, 9])
vector representations of a word
English word embedding model
nlp = spacy.load('en')
- nlp라는 변수에 spacy 모델 로드하는게 관례
- 단어의 벡터 representation 얻기위해
Manhattan distance = city block distance
: sum of the differences across each individual dimension of the vectors
Euclidean distance = straight line distance : the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences in each dimension
cosine distance : angle between two vectors
functions from
로 이런 백터 구하기 가능
from scipy.spatial.distance import cityblock, euclidean, cosine
vector_a = np.array([1,2,3])
vector_b = np.array([2,4,6])
# Manhattan distance:
manhattan_d = cityblock(vector_a,vector_b) # 6
# Euclidean distance:
euclidean_d = euclidean(vector_a,vector_b) # 3.74
# Cosine distance:
cosine_d = cosine(vector_a,vector_b) # 0.0
CBOW(Continuous Bag of Words) : 주변에 있는 단어들을 가지고, 중간에 있는 단어들을 예측하는 방법
Skip-Gram : 중간에 있는 단어로 주변 단어들을 예측하는 방법
파이썬의 gensim
패키지에는 Word2Vec
을 지원
With gensim, however, we are able to build our own word embeddings on any corpus of text we like
train a word2vec model on our own corpus of text
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(corpus, size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=2, sg=1)
- size : how many dimensions our word embeddings will include.
To view the entire vocabulary used to train the word embedding model
vocabulary_of_model = list(model.wv.vocab.items())
To easily find which vectors gensim placed close together in its word embedding model
model.most_similar("my_word_here", topn=100)
which term is furthest from the others
model.doesnt_match(["asia", "mars", "pluto"])
import gensim
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from romeo_juliet import romeo_and_juliet
# load stop words
stop_words = stopwords.words('english')
# preprocess text
romeo_and_juliet_processed = [[word for word in romeo_and_juliet.lower().split() if word not in stop_words]]
# view inner list of romeo_and_juliet_processed
# train word embeddings model
model = gensim.models.Word2Vec(romeo_and_juliet_processed , size=100, window=5, min_count=1, workers=2, sg=1)
# view vocabulary
vocabulary = list(model.wv.vocab.items())
# similar to romeo
similar_to_romeo= model.most_similar("romeo", topn=20)
# one is not like the others
not_star_crossed_lover = model.doesnt_match(["romeo", "juliet", "mercutio"])
Vectors : containers of information,
can have anywhere from 1-dimension to thousands of dimensions
Word embeddings : are vector representations of a word, where words with similar contexts are represented with vectors that are closer together
spaCy is a package to view and use pre-trained word embedding models
The distance between vectors can be calculated in many ways, and the best way for measuring the distance between higher dimensional vectors is cosine distance
Word2Vec is a shallow neural network model that can build word embeddings using either continuous bag-of-words or continuous skip-grams
Gensim is a package that allows us to create and train word embedding models using any corpus of text
import spacy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cosine
# load word embedding model
nlp = spacy.load('en')
# define word embedding vectors
sponge_vec = nlp("sponge").vector
starfish_vec = nlp("starfish").vector
squid_vec = nlp("squid").vector
# compare vectors with cosine distance
dist_sponge_star = cosine(sponge_vec,starfish_vec)
dist_sponge_squid = cosine(sponge_vec,squid_vec)
dist_star_squid = cosine(starfish_vec,squid_vec)