GitHub 계정은 있으나 git을 못 다뤄서 깃허브는 텅텅 비었고눈 뜬 장님마냥 살아온 지 어언 3년... 😂책도 빌려다 보고 구글링도 해보고 나름 고군분투했던 것 같은데깃 명령어 좀 쳐보면 뭔가가 자꾸 꼬이고 커맨드라인만 보니 깃 흐름도 모르겠고하지만 이제 난 드
Notion templit is better than velog post,so you'd better visit here for the same content :(Notion) How to Resolve Conflict?If user changed the same li
Follow these commands 😉 한국어 페이지 1. (skip) Create ignore file Create '.gitignore' file in project directory You don't want to add file / directory,
(Code) GitHubThe most widely applied pattern for backend API codea.k.a Multi-tier architecture patternSeparate the cord into an independent moduleOne-
Both of these commands are designed to integrate changes from one branch into another branchThey just do it in very different ways.https://gitfor
Unit TestTest each function and class unit (modular test)Integration TestTest by combining modulesAcceptance TestTest by assuming the production envir
When we start & terminate server on linux,sometimes we have to kill server.Usually we use kill -9 \[pid].However, this command can cause some problems