
ewillwin·2023년 4월 16일


  • RNN은 sequential data (Speech, Text, Image)를 사용하여 Nest step prediction, Classification, Sequence Generation 등을 수행할 수 있음
  • RNN process의 4가지 유형

1. Text generation
2. Text classficiation

Text generation

Data preprocessing

sentence = "life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get".split() 
#Make a vokabulary list
vocab = list(set(sentence))
word2index = {tkn: i for i, tkn in enumerate(vocab, 1)}
  • word2index (dictionary type)
#T his dict transfroms index to number(number)
index2word = {v: k for k, v in word2index.items()}
  • index2word (dictionary type)
# Function to make the input data(X) and the labels(Y)
def build_data(sentence, word2index):
  encoded = [word2index[token] for token in sentence] # transforms word to index
  input_seq, label_seq = encoded[:-1], encoded[1:] # Split the input sequence and label sequence
  input_seq = torch.LongTensor(input_seq).unsqueeze(0)
  label_seq = torch.LongTensor(label_seq).unsqueeze(0)
  return input_seq, label_seq, encoded
x, y, encoded = build_data(sentence, word2index)
  • x는 encoded[:-1], y는 encoded[1:] -> RNN 구조에 따라
embedding_function = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len(word2index), embedding_dim = 5)
  • text data의 word를 모두 numeric value로 바꿔줘야함 (embedding dimension as 5)

Many to Many RNN model 구현

  • Many to Many RNN model을 사용할거임 -> multiple inputs & get multiple outputs sequentially
  • 처음 단어 'life'가 time t에 input으로 들어가면, time t+1에 "life"와 "is"가 hidden representation으로 생성횜.
  • 마지막 단계에서 softmax가 확률을 주고, cross entrophy를 사용해 loss를 생성함
#hyper parameter
vocab_size = len(word2index) # 16
input_size = 5 # embbeding dim
hidden_size = 20 # hidden size of RNN layer
epochs = 200
  • 임의로 Hyper parameters 설정 (grid search를 하는 게 더 좋긴함)
class RNN_model(torch.nn.Module):
  # vocab_size = size of the using word 16 (decided from original text)
  # hidden_size = size of the RNN's output 20 (hyper-parameter)
  # input size = size of input embedding 5 (decided from previous cell)
  def __init__(self, vocab_size, input_size, hidden_size):
    super(RNN_model, self).__init__()
    # Embedding layer
    self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=vocab_size,embedding_dim=input_size) # give embedding for each word
    # RNN layer
    self.rnn_layer = torch.nn.RNN(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True) # RNN(5, 20, num_layers=1)
    # linear layer
    self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size) # Linear(in_features=20, out_features=16, bias=True)
  def forward(self, x):
    #1. Embedding layer
    # size of the data: (batch_size, length of the sequence) -> (batch_size, lenth of the sequence, dimension of embedding)
    y = self.embedding_layer(x)
    # x: tensor([[ 5,  3,  7, 12,  8, 14, 15,  9,  4, 10,  6,  9,  1, 11,  2]]) torch.Size([1, 15]) 
    # y: torch.Size([1, OO, 5])

    #2. RNN layer
    # size of the data: (batch_size, length of the sequence, embedding dimension) -> y: (batch_size, length of the sequence, hidden_size), hidden: (num_layer, batch_size, hidden_size)
    y, hidden = self.rnn_layer(y)
    # y: torch.Size([1, 15, 20]) hidden: torch.Size([1, 15, OO]) 

    #3. Linear layer 
    # size of the data: (batch_size, length of the sequence, hidden_size) -> (batch_size, length of the sequence, vocab_size)
    y = self.linear(y)
    # y: torch.Size([1, 15, 16])

    # Size of the return value: (batch_size*length of the sequence, vocab_size)
    return y.view(-1, y.size(2)) # torch.Size([15, 16])
  • embedding_layer -> (vacab_size, input_size)
  • rnn_layer -> (input_size, hidden_size)
  • linear -> (hidden_size, vocab_size)
  • rnn_layer에서 batch_first를 True로 줘야함

Train the RNN model

model = RNN_model(vocab_size, input_size, hidden_size)
loss_function = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters())
  • optimizer는 torch.optim.Adam
  • loss_function은 torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
decode = lambda y: [index2word.get(x) for x in y]
  • model result를 word로 decode 해줌
# Training
print(f'life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get')
for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):
    output = model(x)
    loss = loss_function(output, y.view(-1))
    # Observe the result
    if epoch % 20 == 0:
        print(f"Epoch: {epoch}, Loss: {loss}")
        pred = output.softmax(-1).argmax(-1).tolist()
        print(" ".join(['life']+ decode(pred)))
  • training 진행

One Hot Encoding

def one_hot_encoding(sentence, word2index):
    encoded = torch.zeros(len(word2index), len(word2index))
    for idx, word in enumerate(sentence):
      word_index = word2index[word]
      encoded[idx][word_index] = torch.LongTensor([1])
    input_seq, label_seq = encoded[:-1], encoded[1:]

    return input_seq.to(torch.long), label_seq.to(torch.long), encoded.to(torch.long)

x, y, encoded = one_hot_encoding(sentence, word2index)

  • One hot encoding function 정의
#hyper parameter
vocab_size = len(word2index) # 16
input_size = 5 # embbeding dim
hidden_size = 20 # hidden size of RNN layer
epochs = 200
class RNN_model(torch.nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, vocab_size, input_size, hidden_size):
    super(RNN_model, self).__init__()
    self.vocab_size = vocab_size
    self.input_size = input_size
    self.hidden_size = hidden_size
    #Embedding layer
    self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Linear(vocab_size, input_size)
    #RNN layer
    self.rnn_layer = torch.nn.RNN(input_size=input_size, hidden_size=hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)
    #linear layer
    self.linear = torch.nn.Linear(hidden_size, vocab_size)
  def forward(self, x):
    y = self.embedding_layer(x.to(torch.float)).reshape(1,x.shape[0],self.input_size)

    y, hidden = self.rnn_layer(y)
    y = self.linear(y)

    return y.view(-1, y.size(2)) # torch.Size([15, 16])
model = RNN_model(vocab_size, input_size, hidden_size)
loss_function = torch.nn.MSELoss()

optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
print(f'life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get')
for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):
    output = model(x)
    loss = loss_function(output, y.float())
    # Observe the result
    if epoch % 20 == 0:
        print(f"Epoch: {epoch}, Loss: {loss}")
        pred = output.argmax(-1).tolist()
        print(" ".join(['life']+ decode(pred)))
  • 다시 training 진행

Text Classification (by using LSTM)

  • RNN의 문제점: long term dependency problem (gradient vanishing issue 때문) -> LSTM model을 통해 해결
  • 사용하고자 하는 Dataset: movie reviews & labels whether reviews are positive or negative
TEXT = torchtext.data.Field(sequential=True, batch_first=True, lower=True)
LABEL = torchtext.data.Field(sequential=False, batch_first=True)
trainset, testset = torchtext.datasets.IMDB.splits(TEXT, LABEL)
pos_data = vars(trainset[0]) # vars: returns dictionary of used class' object(사용된 클래스의 객체에 대한 dictionary 를 반환한다. )
neg_data = vars(trainset[20000])
  • vars(): dictionary를 반환함
TEXT.build_vocab(trainset, min_freq=5)
vocab_size = len(TEXT.vocab)
trainset, valset = trainset.split(split_ratio=0.8)
  • train dataset을 train, validation으로 나눔
train_iter, val_iter, test_iter = torchtext.data.BucketIterator.splits(
        (trainset, valset, testset), batch_size=64,
        shuffle=True, repeat=False
batch = next(iter(train_iter))
print(f'Shape of first batch: {batch.text.shape}')
batch = next(iter(train_iter))
print(f'Shape of second batch: {batch.text.shape}')

# Reset the data loader to learn the observed data as well
train_iter, val_iter, test_iter =torchtext.data.BucketIterator.splits(
        (trainset, valset, testset), batch_size=64,
        shuffle=True, repeat=False)

LSTM model 정의 및 training

def train(model, optimizer, train_iter):
  for b, batch in enumerate(train_iter):
    x, y = batch.text.to(DEVICE), batch.label.to(DEVICE)
    y.data.sub_(1)  #transforms the labels into (0, 1)

    logit = model(x)
    loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(logit, y)
  • train 정의
def evaluate(model, val_iter):
  corrects, total_loss = 0, 0
  for batch in val_iter:
    x, y = batch.text.to(DEVICE), batch.label.to(DEVICE)
    y.data.sub_(1) #transforms the labels into (0, 1)
    logit = model(x)
    loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy(logit, y, reduction='sum')
    total_loss += loss.item()
    corrects += (logit.max(1)[1].view(y.size()).data == y.data).sum()
  size = len(val_iter.dataset)
  avg_loss = total_loss / size
  avg_accuracy = 100.0 * corrects / size
  return avg_loss, avg_accuracy
  • evalute 정의
class LSTM(torch.nn.Module):
  def __init__(self, vocab_size, input_size, n_labels, hidden_size, num_layers = 1, batch_first=True):
    super(LSTM, self).__init__()
    self.vocab_size = vocab_size # 46159
    self.input_size = input_size # 128
    self.hidden_size = hidden_size # 256
    self.num_layers = num_layers # 2
    # Embedding layer
    self.embedding_layer = torch.nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=self.vocab_size,embedding_dim=self.input_size)
    # Embedding(46159, 128)

    # LSTM layer
    self.lstm_layer = torch.nn.LSTM(input_size=self.input_size, hidden_size=self.hidden_size, num_layers =self.num_layers, batch_first=True)
    # LSTM(128, 256, num_layers=2, batch_first=True)

    # linear layer
    self.linear = torch.nn.Linear( hidden_size, n_labels) 
    # Linear(in_features=256, out_features=2, bias=True)

  def forward(self, x):
    #1. Embedding layer
    #size of the data: (batch_size, lenth of the sequence) -> (batch_size, lenth of the sequence, dimension of embedding)
    y = self.embedding_layer(x) # y torch.Size([64, 727, 128])
    #Initial hidden state
    h_0 = torch.zeros((self.num_layers, y.shape[0], self.hidden_size)).to(DEVICE)# h_0 torch.Size([2, 64, 256])
    #Initial cell state
    c_0 = torch.zeros((self.num_layers, y.shape[0], self.hidden_size)).to(DEVICE)# c_0 torch.Size([2, 64, 256])
    #2. LSTM layer
    # size of the data: (batch_size, lenth of the sequence, dimension of embedding) -> h_n, c_0 = (num_layers, batch size, hidden_size)
    hidden_states, (h_n , c_n) = self.lstm_layer(y, (h_0, c_0)) # hidden_states torch.Size([64, 727, 256]) h_n torch.Size([2, 64, 256]) c_n torch.Size([2, 64, 256])
    h_t = hidden_states[:,-1,:] # h_t torch.Size([64, 256]). ## Only need last one from sequence! Look at the dimension of h_t
    #3. Linear layer
    # size of the data: (batch_size, hidden_size) -> (batch_size, n_labels)
    result = self.linear(h_t) # result torch.Size([64, 2])
    #Size of the return value: (batch_size, n_labels)
    return result
model = LSTM(vocab_size=vocab_size, input_size=128,num_layers = 1, n_labels=2, hidden_size=256).to(DEVICE)
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
  • LSTM model 정의
for e in range(1, epochs+1):
    train(model, optimizer, train_iter)
    val_loss, val_accuracy = evaluate(model, val_iter)
    print(f"Epoch: {e}, Loss of validation: {val_loss} Accuracy of validation: {val_accuracy}")
  • training & evaluating
  • LSTM에선 tanh를 사용함으로서, 기울기가 0 ~ 1 사이이기 때문에 Vanishing Gradient problem을 막을 수 있음
  • LSTM은 tanh 활성화 함수와 gate 메커니즘을 통해 long term dependency, 다양항 활성화 함수, gradient 흐름 관리 등의 장점을 갖고 있어, 단순한 RNN보다 더 나은 성능을 발휘함

  • 아래 코드는 LSTMCell을 직접 구현한 코드임
class LSTMCell(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, bias=True):
        super(LSTMCell, self).__init__()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.bias = bias

        self.xh = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size * 4, bias=bias)
        self.hh = nn.Linear(hidden_size, hidden_size * 4, bias=bias)

    def reset_parameters(self):
        std = 1.0 / np.sqrt(self.hidden_size)
        for w in self.parameters():
            w.data.uniform_(-std, std)

    def forward(self, x, hx, cx):

        gates = self.xh(input) + self.hh(hx)

        input_gate, forget_gate, cell_gate, output_gate = gates.chunk(4, 1)

        i_t = torch.sigmoid(input_gate)
        f_t = torch.sigmoid(forget_gate)
        g_t = torch.tanh(cell_gate)
        o_t = torch.sigmoid(output_gate)

        ct = cx * f_t + i_t * g_t

        ht = o_t * torch.tanh(ct)

        return (ht, ct)
  • LSTMcell이 nn.Linear of hidden_size 4 times 로 초기화되는 이유
    -> 빨간 화살표가 4개의 각각 다른 방향으로 감. linear layer의 outputdmf 4 방향으로 나눠줘야함
    -> 한번 이렇게 input을 받고 4 gates로 chunk해주면 나머지는 이 공식을 따라서 실행됨

GRU 구현

  • 아래 코드는 GRUCell을 직접 구현한 코드임
class GRUCell(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, bias=True):
        super(GRUCell, self).__init__()
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.bias = bias

        self.x2h = nn.Linear(input_size, 3 * hidden_size, bias=bias)
        self.h2h = nn.Linear(hidden_size, 3 * hidden_size, bias=bias)


    def reset_parameters(self):
        std = 1.0 / np.sqrt(self.hidden_size)
        for w in self.parameters():
            w.data.uniform_(-std, std)

    def forward(self, x, hx):

        x_t = self.x2h(x)
        h_t = self.h2h(hx)

        x_reset, x_upd, x_new = x_t.chunk(3, 1)
        h_reset, h_upd, h_new = h_t.chunk(3, 1)

        reset_gate = torch.sigmoid(x_reset + h_reset) 
        update_gate = torch.sigmoid(x_upd + h_upd) 
        candidate_hidden_state = torch.tanh(x_new + (reset_gate * h_new))

        hy = update_gate * hx + (1 - update_gate) * candidate_hidden_state

        return hy
  • Linear layer는 3 parts로 chunk 됨 -> colored arrowrk 3개의 방향으로 쪼개지기 때문
💼 Software Engineer @ LG Electronics | 🎓 SungKyunKwan Univ. CSE

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