한국전력공사에서 월별&법정동별 전기에너지소비량 데이터를 제공하고 있음을 확인하여 test를 진행함
아직 미완
from urllib.request import urlopen
import boto3
from typing import final
from venv import create
import pandas as pd
from multiprocessing import Process
import bisect
import pandas as pd
from typing import final
from venv import create
from decimal import Decimal
import shutil
import pandas
import re
def code_truc(s):
tmp = s[:8]
ans = tmp + "00"
return ans
##### map1 open #####
map1 = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/TSM/OneDrive/바탕 화면/alladdr/map1.xlsx",names=['행정동코드','법정동코드'])
map1 = map1.astype({'행정동코드':'str','법정동코드':'str'})
map1_set = set(list(map1['법정동코드']))
##### code map open #####
codemap = pd.read_csv("C:/Users/TSM/Downloads/국토교통부_전국 법정동_20221031.csv", header=1, names=['법정동코드','시도명','시군구명','읍면동명','리명','순위','생성일자','삭제일자','과거법정동코드'], encoding='cp949')
codemap = codemap[['법정동코드','시도명','시군구명','읍면동명']]
codemap = codemap.astype({'법정동코드':'str','시도명':'str','시군구명':'str','읍면동명':'str'})
codemap['코드'] = codemap['법정동코드'].apply(code_truc)
codemap = codemap[['코드','시도명','시군구명','읍면동명']]
codemap['주소'] = 0
for idx, row in codemap.iterrows():
s = row['시도명'] + ' ' + row['시군구명'] + ' ' + row['읍면동명'][idx, '주소'] = s
codemap = codemap[['코드', '주소']]
codemap = codemap.drop_duplicates(subset='코드', keep='first')
codemap_set = set(list(codemap['주소']))
filename = ['201301-06','201307-12','201401-06','201407-12','201501-06','201507-12','201601-06','201607-12','201701-06','201707-12','201801-06','201807-12','201901-06','201907-12','202001-06','202007-12','202101-06','202107-10','202111','202112','202201','202202','202203','202204','202205','202206','202207','202208']
for i in range(len(filename)):
df = pd.read_excel("C:/Users/TSM/OneDrive/바탕 화면/한국전력공사_전기에너지/" + filename[i] + ".xlsx")
df = df.fillna(0)
##### elcty list에 row insert #####
elcty = []
for idx, row in df.iterrows():
if row[5] != '가로등' and row[5] != '농사용' and row[6] != '5호미만제거':
month = str(row[1])
month_str = ''
if len(month) != 2:
month_str = '0' + month
month_str = month
elcty.append([str(row[0]) + month_str, str(row['시도']), str(row['시군구']), str(row[4]), str(row[5]), row[6], row[7]]) #[날짜, 시도, 시군구, 읍면동, 유형, 호수, 전기에너지]
print("elcty 생성 완료.")
##### 주소를 (법정동)코드로 변환 #####
elcty_code = []
for a in range(len(elcty)):
index_tmp = elcty[a][3].find(' ')
if index_tmp != -1 : # 읍면동에서 '리' 없애기
sss = elcty[a][3][:index_tmp]
elcty[a][3] = sss
sss = elcty[a][2].replace(' ', '') # 시군구에서 공백 없애기
elcty[a][2] = sss
addr = elcty[a][1] + ' ' + elcty[a][2] + ' ' + elcty[a][3]
code = ''
if addr in codemap_set:
code = codemap.loc[codemap['주소'] == addr]['코드'].values.astype('str')[0]
print("법정동코드 변환에서 예외 발생")
elcty_code.append([elcty[a][0], code, elcty[a][4], elcty[a][5], elcty[a][6]]) #[날짜, (법정동)코드, 유형, 호수, 전기에너지]
print("elcty_code 생성 완료.")
##### 법정동 행정동 매핑 #####
elcty_hjd = []
for x in range(len(elcty_code)):
if elcty_code[x][3] in map1_set:
elcty_hjd.append([elcty_code[x][0], map1.loc[map1['법정동코드']==elcty_code[x][1]]['행정동코드'].values.astype('str')[0], elcty_code[x][2], elcty_code[x][3], elcty_code[x][4]])
print("elcty_hjd 생성 완료.")
##### elcty_hjd을 file로 추출 #####
des = open("C:/Users/TSM/OneDrive/바탕 화면/한국전력공사_전기에너지/elcty_by_type.txt", 'a')
for y in range(len(elcty_hjd)):
line = str(elcty_hjd[y][0]) + ',' + str(elcty_hjd[y][1]) + ',' + str(elcty_hjd[y][2]) + ',' + str(elcty_hjd[y][3]) + ',' + str(int(elcty_hjd[y][4])) + '\n'
print("file로 추출 완료.")