Dev log - 39, 트위치 카피캣 실습 #2

박강산·2021년 8월 23일

학습한 내용

트위치 실습 - 기본 세팅


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CSS 문서

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  • position: absolute 속성을 통해 영역을 구분을 하였을 때, 상단부를 포함한 영역까지 스크롤바가 생기면, overflow-y: auto 속성을 적용시키면 됨

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  • 본문의 더보기 버튼을 만들 때는, 정렬 공식을 사용해 중간에 위치시키고, 영역크기와 배경색을 설정하여 선 중간에 빈 공간을 만듦


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						<p>Nice to meet you</p>

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						<h2>취향 저격 생방송 채널</h2>

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										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

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										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
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										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

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										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

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						<h2>취향 저격 <span class="font-purple">카테고리</span></h2>

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									<img src="">

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										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<img src="">

									<div class="txt-wrap">
										<h3>League of Legends</h3>
										<p class="count">시청자 7.6만명</p>

										<div class="tag-wrap">
											<span class="tag">MOBA</span>
											<span class="tag">한국어</span>

				<div class="video-section">
					<div class="title-wrap">
						<h2>추천 <span class="font-purple">Just Chatting</span> 채널</h2>

					<div class="video-wrap">
								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

					<button type="button" class="btn-more font-purple">더보기</button>

				<div class="video-section">
					<div class="title-wrap">
						<h2>모두의 후원 열차에 탑승해 주세요!</h2>

					<div class="video-wrap">
								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

					<button type="button" class="btn-more font-purple">더보기</button>

				<div class="video-section">
					<div class="title-wrap">
						<h2>추천 <span class="font-purple">League of Legends</span> 채널</h2>

					<div class="video-wrap">
								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

					<button type="button" class="btn-more font-purple">더보기</button>

				<div class="video-section">
					<div class="title-wrap">
						<h2>추천 <span class="font-purple">LOST ARK</span> 채널</h2>

					<div class="video-wrap">
								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

								<a href="#">
									<div class="image-wrap">
										<img src="">
										<span class="mark">생방송</span>

									<div class="video-bottom">
										<img class="thumbnail" src="">
										<div class="txt-wrap">
											<h3>Playoffs Round2 Match1 | GEN vs NS | 2021 LCK CL Summer</h3>
											<p class="source">LCK_Korea</p>
											<p class="game">League of Legends</p>

											<div class="tag-wrap">
												<span class="tag">e스포츠</span>
												<span class="tag">한국어</span>

					<button type="button" class="btn-more font-purple">더보기</button>

					<div class="txt-wrap">
						<p>상호명: 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록</p>
						<p>대표자: 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록</p>
						<p>주소: 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록</p>
						<p>호스팅 서비스 제공자: 동해물과 백두산이 마르고 닳도록</p>
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							<li><a href="#">지원팀에 문의</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">판매약관</a></li>
							<li><a href="#">사업자 정보</a></li>

CSS 문서 1 - style.css

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학습한 내용 중 어려웠던 점 또는 해결못한 것들

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  • background: url() 속성에 대한 학습을 했었지만, 오늘 학습을 통해 제대로 내용이 떠오르지 않아서 복습하였음.

학습 소감

  • 오늘은 어제에 이어서 트위치 페이지 카피캣 실습을 마무리 하였음. 오늘 학습에는 상당히 3차원 속성을 많이 활용해서 이해하기 복잡했는데, 하나하나 따라가다보니 실습 페이지와 같은 결과물은 나왔음. 솔직히 아직 position: relative 영역 안에 position: absolute 속성을 넣는 정도만 활용할 수 있는 것 같은데, 각 영역의 속성을 이해해가면서 오차가 나지 않도록 짜는 것은 확실히 많은 경험이 필요한 것 같음.
안녕하세요. 맡은 업무를 확실하게 수행하는 웹 개발자가 되기 위하여 끊임없이 학습에 정진하겠습니다.

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