생성일: 2021년 10월 16일 오후 9:42
Issues in Pipeline Design
- Balancing work in pipline stages
- How many stages and what is done in each stage
- Keeping the pipeline correct, moving, and full in the presence of events that disrupt pipeline flow
- Handling exceptions, interrputs
- Improving pipeline throughput
Pipeline Hazards‼️
Hazards는 지정된 clock cycle동안 다음 명령어가 실행되지 않게 할 수 있다.
- Structural hazards
- Multiple instructions use a single HW resource
- Data hazards
- Instructions depends on result of prior instruction still in the pipeline
- Control hazards
- A branch in the control flow makes ambiguous what is the next instruction to fetch
Common solution = stall the pipeline until the hazard is resolved, inserting one or more "bubbles" in the pipeline
- Pipeline interlock logic detects hazards and fixes them simple solution
- Better solution : partial stall
- Best solution : remove hazard sources
Pipeline의 stall 조건
Stall = A condition when pipline stops moving
- Resource contention(리소스 경합)
- Dependences(between instructions)
- Data
Flow dependence (read after write)
Output dependence (write aftter write)
Anti dependence (write after read)
이 3가지 타입의 data dependence 가 stall을 발생 시킬수 있다 ⇒ 전부 semantics of program이 올바른지 확인해야 함

- Control
- Question: What should the fetch PC be in the next cycle?
- Answer: The address of the next instruction
- If the instruction that is fetched is a control-flow instruction:
How do we determine the next Fetch PC?
- Long-latency (multi-cycle) operations
Structual Hazards
Memory나 Floating point 연산에서 주로 발생

- 비용 절감을 위해 CPU는 메모리에 대한 단일 interface로 설계될 수 있다
- 이 interface는 IF 동안 항상 사용 됨
- Load 또는 Store operations를 위한 MEM 중에도 사용 됨
- Load or Store이 MEM 단계에 도달하면 IF 단계의 instruction이 stall 되어야만 함

- Dealing with Structural Hazards
- Stall
- 장: Low cost, simple
- 단: Increase CPI
- Use for rare case since stalling has perforamance effect
- Pipeline hardware resource
- 장: useful for multi-cycle resources, good performance
- 단: sometimes complex e.g. Ram
- Replicate resource (e.g. Havard Architecture)
- 장: good performance
- 단: increases cost (+ maybe interconnect delay)
- Useful for cheap or divisible resources
- Strctural hazards are reduced with these rules
- Each instruction uses a resource at most once
- Always use the resource in the same pipeline stage
- Use the resource for one cycle only
Data Hazards
These occur when at any time, there are instructions active in pipeline that need to access the same data locations
In pipeline architecture, instructions sometimes could not use right data for its processing without proper handling
Read After Write (RAW) - Flow dependence
Instruction J tries to read operand before Instruction I writes it

Caused by a “Dependence” (in compiler nomenclature). This hazard results from an actual need for communication
- Solution
- Hardware detects RAW and stalls
- Assumes register written then read each cycle
- Minimizing RAW stalls
- Bypass/forward/shortcircuit (We will use the word “forward”)
- Use data before it is delivered to the register
- Crucial for common RAW hazards
Write After Read (WAR) - Anti dependence
Instruction J tries to write operand before Instruction I reads I

This results from reuse of the name “r1”
- Can’t happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline
Write After Write (WAW) - Output dependence
Instruction J tries to write operand before Instruction I writes it

This also results from the reuse of name “r1”
- Can’t happen in MIPS 5 stage pipeline

Control Hazards

- if CPI = 1, 30% branch, Stall 3 cycles ⇒ new CPI = 1.9 (매우 성능 하락)
- Solution to prevent these increase
- Determine branch taken or not sooner, AND
- Compute taken branch address earlier
Five Branch Hazard Alternatives
- Stall until branch direction is clear
- Predict Branch Not Taken
- Execute successor instructions in sequence
- 47% MIPS branches not taken on average
- PC+4 already calculated, so use it to get next instruction
- Predict Branch Taken
- 53% MIPS branches taken on average
- But haven’t calculated branch target address in MIPS
- Execute Both Paths
- Delayed Branch
Branch Prediction으로 연결됨