생성일: 2021년 10월 3일 오후 9:08
- In a basic single-cycle implementation: all operations take the same amount of time-a single cycle.
- In a pipelined implementation, a processor can overlap the execution of several instructions, potentially leading to big performance gains.
I will discuss three types of instructions (R-type, I-Type, J-Type) separately.
All instructions will execute in the same amount of time; this will determine the clock cycle time for our performance equations.
Computers are state machines
computers are just a big fancy state machine
- Registers, memory, hard disks and other storage form the state.
- The processor keeps reading and updating the state, according to the instructions in some program
Finite state machine
Finite state machine is a function F:(S x I) → (S x O)
- S = {s0, s1, ⋯ , sn−1} is a finite set of states
- I = {i0, i1, ⋯ , ik−1} is a finite set of input values
- O = {o0, o1, ⋯ , om−1} is a finite set of output values
Instruction fetching
- the program counter or PC register holds the address of the current instruction
- MIPS instructions are each of 4 bytes long, so the PC should be incremented by 4 to read the next instruction in sequence.

Decoding instructions (R-type)

encoding 된 R 타입 instruction