[Network week2] IP Address, Classful Addressing, Subnetting, CIDR, DHCP, NAT

Hailey·2020년 9월 21일

Computer Science

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IP Address

  • Concept of IP adress
  • Classful and Classless
  • Subnet and Supernet

IP Address Assignment

  • The IP address space is managed by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) globally
  • 5 regional Internet registries (RIR) are ARIN, LACNIC, RIPENCC, AFRINIC and APNIC
  • Responsible for assignment to end users and local Internet service providers


  • The number of IP addresses in version 4
    = Approximately 4.5 billion ( 2^32 )
  • Subset of these have been distributed by IANA to the RIRs in blocks of approximately 16.8 million address each (*/8)
  • Several new technologies have been adopted to mitigate an address shortage
    : Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) in 1993
    : Network address translation (NAT) in 1998
    : A new version of the Internet Protocol, IPv6, in 1998
    = Can support 3.4 x 10 ^ 38 adresses
    = The only available long-term solution to IPv4 address exhaustion

Address Depletion

  • IANA exhausted its IPv4 free pool on 3 January 2011
  • IANA issued the LAST /8 address blocks equally to the five RIRs
  • On 15 April 2011, APNIC reached the last /8
  • RIPE depleted on 14 Sep.2012
  • LACNIC depleted on Sep 2014
  • ARIN is expected to exhaust in May 2015

Global Address

  • Needs to be a way of identifying all the hosts (Global Uniqueness)
  • Ethernet address are globally unique
    : Flat structure
    : Theoretically hierarchical
  • IP addresses are hierarchical
    : Made up of several parts
  • Hierarchical Addressing
    : It is unique
    : It has hierarchy reading from bottom up or top down
    : Quick to search

Area Routing Hierarchy

  • A fixed-length AREA portion and an intra-area portion
    : For instance, 8 bits for the area and 24 bits for the intra-area address
  • If a router sees a packet not in its own area
    : It does a lookup on the "area" portion and forwards packets on
  • If a router sees a packet in its own area
    : Just believer it toe destination
  • Usually hard to determine right size of "area" field
    : Fixed length simply does not work

Address Structures in IP

  • Topological Addressing
    : Different from Ethernet addressing
    : MAC address is location-independent
    : Depends on its location in network topology
  • Can be aggregated in the routing table

Internet (IP) Address

  • IP adress is a 32-bit binary address
    : Unique and Universal
    : 2^32 = 4,294,967,296
  • Notation
  1. Binary
    10000000 00001011 00000011 00011111
  2. Dotted-decimal

Classful Addressing

  • In real deployment
  • Five classes: Class A, B, C, D, and E
  • A, B and C for unicast and D for multicast

Net id and Host id

  • 2-layer hierarchical
    : Networks and hosts
  • Not applicable for class D and E

Network Address

  • Hosts belonged to one network has the same network address
    : Hosts in SKKU has the same network address
  • Representation
    : NetID with all hostID bytes zeros
  • The first address in the block
  • Cannot be assigned to host

Blocks in Class

  • How many hosts can be assigned in class A?
    = 2^24 = 16 X 10^6, 16 million hosts
  • Millions of class A addresses are wasted
  • Many class addresses are wasted
  • In contrast, the number of addresses class C is smaller than needs
  • Sample Internet (4 network)

Hierarchy in addressing

  • Network address is used by routers in the rest of Internet to route packets destined for network
  • To reach host on Internet, we must first reach the network and then host
    : 2-level hierarchy


  • How does a router find a network address?
    : Network address can be found by applying the default mask to any address in the block
  • What is mask?
    : A bit expression to represent the number of bits for network address


  • A router outside the organization receives a packet with destination address Show how it finds the network address to route the packet
  • The router follows three steps:
  1. The router looks at the first byte of the address to find the class. It is class B.
  2. The default mask for class B is The router ANDs this mask with the address to get
  3. The router looks in its routing table to find out how to route this packet to this destination


  • One network divided into several subnetworks
    : SKKU has two campuses and two subnetworks in Seoul and in Suwon
  • Outside knows network address
    : Subnetwork address is recognized inside
    : Three levels of hierarchy (Network, Subnet, Host)


  • How does a router find a subnetwork address?
    : Subnet mask
    : Routers outside use a default mask
    : Routers inside use a subnet mask
  • The number of subnets is determined by the number of extra 1s.
    : If the number of extra 1s is n, the number of subnets is 2^n


  • A router inside the organization receives the same packet with destination address
  • Show how it finds the subnetwork address to route the packet
  • The router follows three steps:
  1. The router must know subnet mask
    ex. Assume it is /19
  2. The router applies the mask to the address
    : The subnet address is
  3. The router looks in its routing table to fine how to route the packet to this destination
  • How does a router find a subnet mask?
    : Network administrator must specify

< CIDR >

Allocation Problem

  • Exhastion of the class B network address space
    : Not 2^32 addresses but the number of network classes
  • Lack of a network class of size which is appropriate for mid-sizes organizaiton
    : Class C, with maximum 254 hosts, too small
    : While class B, with maximum 65534 hosts, too large
  • Allocate blck of class C instead
    : We still need more network classes
    : Issue multiple block class C addresses by spliting class B address into multiple class addresses
    : How many class C addresses we have in the classful address?
    : How many class C addresses in the single class B address?


  • Topologically allocate IP address assignment
  • Divide the world into 8 regions allocate multiple class C blocks


  • New class C address assignment becomes meaningless becasue it introduces problem of a large routing table
    : By default, a routing table contains an entry for every network
  • Technique called Classless Interdomain Routing is introduced
    : CIDR or Supernet
  • Key concept is to allocate multiple classes of addresses in the way that allow summarization into a smaller number of routing table
    : Route aggregation
  • CIDR is based on route aggregation
    : For instance, 16 class C addresses can be summarized to a single routing entry

Subnetting VS Supernetting

  • Subnetting
    : A network address block is divided into several subnetwork blocks
  • Supernetting
    : Combine several class C blocks into a larger block
    : Attractive to organizations that need more than 256 addresses


  • An organization is allocated a block of class C address in 2^n with a bitwise contiguous address space
    : Achieved by using bits which belongs to the network address as hosts bits
    : Alter the default class C subnet mask such that some bit change from 1 to 0

  • Supernetting example
    : 4 class C networks appear to network outside as a single network
    11111111 11111111 111111111 00000000 (Default class C mask)
    11111111 11111111 111111100 00000000 (

Supernetting sample

  • An organization with 4 class C
  • After Supernetting
  • Changed from 4 networks to a single network with 1,022 hosts

Classless Addressing

  • Variable length of network address instead of fixed 8, 16, 24
  • The total number of 1000 hosts
    : 22 bit of network address is sufficient
    : => 256 X 2^2 = 1024
  • ISP granted class B blocks can subdivide block of address to sell
    : The number of blocks needs to be a power of 2
  • How to specify variable network address?
    : Use subnet mask
  • Given the first address and subnet mask
    : (mask) and (first)
    => (CIDR notation)


  • A classless address is given as
  • The first address can be found by keeping the first 27 bits and changing the rest of bits to 0s.
  • In classful address this address is belonged to class B
  • The number of addresses in the network is 2^(32-27) = 2^5 = 32
    : Address
    10100111 11000111 10101010 01010010
    : First Address
    10100111 11000111 10101010 01000000
    : Last Address
    10100111 11000111 10101010 01011111


  • An organization is granted a block of addresses with the beginning address
  • The organization needs to have 3 subblocks of addresses to use its three subnets
    : One subblock of 10 addresses
    : One subblock of 60 addresses, and
    : One subblock of 120 addresses

The first address is, the last address is and 254 addresses

( *)

Special Addresses

  • This-host address
    : Send an IP datagram but not knowing its own address to use as source

  • Limited-broadcast address
    : A router or a host needs to send a packet to all host in a network
    : Packets cannot travel outside network

  • Private address

  • Loopback
    : Packets with one of these addresses in this block as destination never leaves the host

  • Multicast
    : is reserved for multicast address

Solutions to Depletion
1. Long term solution is IPv6
2. CIDR(Classress Interdomain Routing) is a possible short term solution
3. DHCP and NAT are another short term solutions


  • Temporary, on demand, IP addresses assignments to hosts
    : A traveler in the hotel
    : ISP with 1000 granted address to service 4000 customers
  • Done automatically using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
    : Application-layer program
    : A client-server paradigm
    : Plug-and-play protocol
  • DHCP assumes that not more than 1/4 customers use the Internet at the same time


  • Network Address Translation
  • 4000 hosts in company want to access the Internet simultaneously
    : Use 4000 address from the private block addresses for internal communication
    : 1000 addresses for global communication
  • NAT implements a mapping between private and global addresses
    : to and vice versa
    : A router function

Address Translation

  • Outgoing packets
    : The NAT router replaces SRC address with the global NAT address
  • Incoming packets
    : The NAT router replaces DST address with private address

Translation Table

  • to (DST)
  • Straightforward to translate SRC for outgoing packets
  • How does the NAT know DST for incoming packets?
    : Translation table
  • 3 situations depending on the number of global IP addresses
    : Single global IP address ( One private-network host to access a given external host)
    : Pool of global IP addresses
    : Both IP addresses and port addresses

Pool of IP address

  • In case of four global IP addresses
  • 4 private-network hosts can communicate with the same external host at the same time
    : one-to-many is okay
    : No more than 4 connection made to the same destination
  • No private-network host can access 2 external hosts at the same time
    : Many-to-one is NOT okay

IP addresses and Pool addresses

  • Using TCP/UDP port number
    : Ephemeral port address must be unique in host
  • Many-to-many relationship
  • 5-column translation table
  • For incoming packet
    : and 1401 defines private-network host
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