드모르간의 법칙 증명

Matt Lee·2020년 8월 23일

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이번 포스팅에서는 드모르간의 법칙에 대해서 증명 해 보겠습니다.


드모르간의 합법칙 증명

(nSn)c=nSnc( \underset{n} \cup S_n )^c = \underset{n} \cap S_n^c

x(nSn)cxnSn    by the defn. of set complimentnΩ,xSn    by the ¬(defn. of union of family of sets):=¬{xnΩ:xSn} )nΩ,xSnc    by the defn. of set complimentxnSnc    by the defn. of intersection of family of sets:={xnΩ:xSn} \begin{aligned} x \in ( \underset{n} \cup S_n )^c &\Leftrightarrow x \notin \underset{n} \cup S_n \;\; \text{by the defn. of set compliment} \\ &\Leftrightarrow \forall n \in \Omega, x \notin S_n \;\; \text{by the $\neg$(defn. of union of family of sets):=$\neg\{ x|\exist n \in \Omega : x \in S_n \} $ )} \\ &\Leftrightarrow \forall n \in \Omega, x \in S_n^c \;\; \text{by the defn. of set compliment} \\ &\Leftrightarrow x \in \underset{n} \cap S_n^c \;\; \text{by the defn. of intersection of family of sets:=$\{ x|\forall n \in \Omega : x \in S_n \} $ } \end{aligned}

드모르간의 교법칙 증명

(nSn)c=nSnc( \underset{n} \cap S_n )^c = \underset{n} \cup S_n^c

x(nSn)cxnSn    by the defn. of set complimentnΩ    such that    xSn    by the ¬(defn. of intersection of family of sets):=¬{xnΩ:xSn} nΩ    such that    xSnc    by the defn. of set complimentxnSnc    by the ¬(defn. of union of family of sets):={xnΩ:xSn} \begin{aligned} x \in ( \underset{n} \cap S_n )^c &\Leftrightarrow x \notin \underset{n} \cap S_n \;\; \text{by the defn. of set compliment} \\ &\Leftrightarrow \exist n \in \Omega \;\; \text{such that} \;\; x \notin S_n \;\; \text{by the $\neg$(defn. of intersection of family of sets):=$\neg\{ x|\forall n \in \Omega : x \in S_n \} $ } \\ &\Leftrightarrow \exist n \in \Omega \;\; \text{such that} \;\; x \in S_n^c \;\; \text{by the defn. of set compliment} \\ &\Leftrightarrow x \in \underset{n} \cup S_n^c \;\; \text{by the $\neg$(defn. of union of family of sets):=$\{ x|\exist n \in \Omega : x \in S_n \} $ } \end{aligned}
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