Constraint-based Algorithm_pc

둘러봐 기술블로그·2023년 9월 11일

Note : PC Algorithm

Pseudo Code


  • No hidden confounder Assumption
  • Markov Causal Assumption
  • Faithfulness Assumption
Problem : Given a set IND of d-separations, determine the DAG pattern faithful
to IND if there is one

Input : a set V of nodes and a set IND of d-separations among subsets of the

Outputs : If IND admits a faithful DAG representation, the DAG pattern gp
containing the d-separations in this set

# Warning : the notations in this code are not in the original code. I wrote it. 
#           So, the notations are possibly wrong

def PC(V, IND) -> Graph G:
	S[(x,y)] <- the set Sxy that render X and Y are conditional independent
	# step 0 and step 1
	# Lemma 1, Verma and Pearl, 1991, On the Equivalence of Causal Models
	# X and Y are adjacent 
	# <-> X and Y are not d-separated by any subset of PA_X or PA_Y

	# => X and Y are not adjacent 
	# <-> X and Y are d-separated by some subset of PA_X or PA_Y

	# therefore, we do not have to check d-separation for every possible subset S, 
  # only have to do for subsets of PA_X or PA_Y
	G <- the complete undirected graph over V
	i = 0
	while |ADJ_X| > i for any X in V:
		for each X in V:
			for each Y in ADJ_X:
				if there is a set S_ <= ADJ_X/{Y} such that |S_| = i and I({X},{Y}|S_) in IND:
					S[(X,Y)] = S_
					remove the link X-Y from G
		i += 1

	SAME WITH STEP 2, 3, 4, 5 in Basic algorithm

	return G

❗ The original code is C-style, so I modify the code to be similar to Python style

❓ What is 'Basic algorithm'? ⇒ See Constraint-based Algorithm_basic

Even in the worst-case, PC algorithm has the same time complexity as Basic algorithm and it becomes reasonably efficient if the graph becomes sparse. [3]

Soundness & Completeness of PC algorithm

The result of step 0 & 1 in PC algorithm is same with the one of step 0 & 1 in Basic algorithm.[4] The other steps are equal with Basic algorithm. Therefore, the DAG pattern generated by PC algorithm is sound and complete.


We only need to change step 0 & 1.

STEP 0 & 1 : Find Skeleton by relation of adjacency and d-separation ( = p-independence in practice)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from collections import deque
from itertools import combinations, chain
from collections import defaultdict
def identify_skeleton_from_full_link_graph(self, data, test_kwarg):
    self.ptn = pattern()

    self.p_independence_set = defaultdict(set)
    self.p_independence_set = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))

    # Lemma 1, Verma and Pearl, 1991, On the Equivalence of Causal Models
    # X and Y are adjacent 
    # <-> X and Y are not d-separated by any subset of PA_X or PA_Y

    # => X and Y are not adjacent 
    # <-> X and Y are d-separated by some subset of PA_X or PA_Y

    # therefore, we do not have to check d-separation for every possible subset S, 
    # only have to do for subsets of PA_X or PA_Y


    adj = {x : self.ptn.adjacent(x) for x in self.ptn.vertex}
    i = 0
    while any(i < len(adj[x]) for x in adj.keys()):
        for x in self.ptn.vertex:
            adj_x = adj[x]

            for y in adj_x:
                adj_x_not_y = list(adj_x - {y})
                power_set = combinations(adj_x_not_y, i)
                for subset in power_set:
                    if self.test(data, {x}, {y}, set(subset), **test_kwarg):
                        self.p_independence_set[y][x] = self.p_independence_set[x][y]

                        self.ptn.remove_links([(x, y)])
            adj[x] = self.ptn.adjacent(x)

        i += 1

class pc

pip install cdpi -q
from cdpi import pattern
from cdpi.causal_discovery.test import get_test
from cdpi.causal_discovery.util import (identify_skeleton_by_ind,
                                        identify_meeks_rule_4 )
class pc:
    def __init__(self):
        self.ptn = pattern()
    def identify(self, data:pd.DataFrame = None, test:str = None, ind:dict = None, vertex = None, **test_kwarg) -> pattern: 
        # STEP 0 ~ 1 : Find skeleton
        if ind is not None:
            self.identify_skeleton_by_ind(ind, vertex)
        elif data is not None and test is not None:
            self.test = get_test(test)
            self.identify_skeleton_from_full_link_graph(data, test_kwarg = test_kwarg)
            print("pc.identify : both ind and (data, test) are None!")

        # # STEP 2 : Find v-structure

        # STEP 3~5 : use Meek's rules
        cnt = True
        while cnt:
          cnt2 = self.identify_meeks_rule_2()
          cnt3 = self.identify_meeks_rule_3()
          cnt4 = self.identify_meeks_rule_4()

          cnt = cnt2 or cnt3 or cnt4 # Check there are vertexs which could be changed

        return self.ptn
    def draw(self):

    def draw_by_pos(self, pos):
pc.identify_skeleton_from_full_link_graph = identify_skeleton_from_full_link_graph
pc.identify_v_structure_with_adjacency_orient_faithfulness = identify_v_structure_with_adjacency_orient_faithfulness
pc.identify_meeks_rule_2 = identify_meeks_rule_2
pc.identify_meeks_rule_3 = identify_meeks_rule_3
pc.identify_meeks_rule_4 = identify_meeks_rule_4
pc.identify_skeleton_by_ind = identify_skeleton_by_ind




import scipy.stats as stats

size = 500

data = pd.DataFrame()
data['A'] =  stats.bernoulli(p = 0.5).rvs(size = size)
data['B'] =  stats.bernoulli(p = 0.5).rvs(size = size)
data['C'] =  stats.bernoulli(p = 0.5).rvs(size = size)
data['D'] =  data['A'] + data['B'] + data['C'] + stats.bernoulli(p = 0.5).rvs(size = size)
data['E'] =  data['A'] + data['B'] + stats.bernoulli(p = 0.5).rvs(size = size)

pc_al = pc()
pc_al.identify(data, test = 'conditional_mutual_information_test')

For given IND

ptn = pattern()
    ('A', 'D'),
    ('D', 'B'),
    ('B', 'E'),
    ('C', 'E'),
    ('C', 'F'),
    ('D', 'H'),
    ('E', 'I'),
    ('F', 'I'),
    ('H', 'K'),
    ('I', 'L'),
    ('J', 'L'),
    ('G', 'J')])
pos = ptn.pos

ind = ptn.get_all_d_separation()
pc_al = pc()
pc_al.identify(ind = ind)


[3] Metropolitan. (2004). Learning Bayesian Networks. chapter 10. pp.546.

[4] Verma, T., Pearl, J. (1990). On the Equivalence of Causal Models. Appears in Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI1990).

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