Why is syntax important?
- Foundation for semantic analysis
Why is syntax insufficient?
- syntax encodes the structure of language but doesn't directly address meaning
- syntax alone doesn't "grab" in an action to take in the world
Lexical semantics
- Vector representation that encodes information about the distribution of contexts a word appears in
- Words that appear in similar contexts have similar representations
- We can represent what individual words "mean" as a function of what other words they're related to
- "Grab" = execute GrabbingFunction() -> 코드화해서 의미 전달
- "the cup" = object ID 9AF1948A81CD22 -> representation
- Lexical semantics is concerned with representing the meaning of words
- Logical semantics is concerned with representing the meaning of sentences
Meaning representaion
- A meaning representation should be unambiugous; each statement in a meaning representation should be have one meaning
First-order logic (FOL)
- We want to representation every sentence as an umambiguous proposition in FOL
- How we map a natural language sentence to FOL is the task of semantic parsing; but we define the FOL relations and entities to be sensitive to what matters in our model
- N-art relations hold among FOL terms (constants, variables, functions) -> 더 복잡하게 가능하다.
Event semantics
shallow semantics
[뉴스 - twitter ... 에 따라 방법이 다를 수 있다.]
Thematic rolse
- Thematic roles capture the semantic commonality among arguments for different ralations
- John broke the window
- The window was broken by John
-> 이 두 문장은 syntax로만 보면 완전히 다른 문장이다.
근데, Thematic role 까지 보면 같은 문장이다.
=> "창문이 깨졌다" 가 핵심이고 위의 features 을 이용해서 부가적인 정보를 더 붙임
- Thematic roles are very useful but difficlt to formally difine AGENT, THEME, etc.
- At the same time, they may be too coarse for som applications
Coarsening : Proto-roles
- 좀 더 '일반적'으로 role을 부여 (피상적 Level)
- Proto-roles = generalize thematic roles
2가지 Data
Sentences from the Penn Treebank annotated with proto-roles, along with lexical entries for each sense of a verb identifying the specific meaning of each proto-role that verb sense
Verb-sepcific argument structures lets us map the commonalities among the different surface forms
Propbank maps argument structure for individual verb senses
FrameNet maps argument structure for frames, which are evoked by a lexical unit
"A frame is a data-structure for representing a stereotyped situation" - Minsky 1975
Semantic Frame
=> Lexical units 를 이용해서 Destroy 에 Frame 을 씌울 수 있다.
=> 서로 같은 뜻이지만 문장 구조가 다른 두 문장에 Frame 을 씌워서 같은 문장으로 바라볼 수 있게 된다.
=> 같은 sell 과 bought 가 각 문장에서 같은 것을 의미한게 된다.