[텍스트 마이닝] 12. Semantic Roles

황재성·2022년 5월 24일

텍스트 마이닝

목록 보기

Why is syntax important?

  • Foundation for semantic analysis

Why is syntax insufficient?

  • syntax encodes the structure of language but doesn't directly address meaning
  • syntax alone doesn't "grab" in an action to take in the world

Lexical semantics

  • Vector representation that encodes information about the distribution of contexts a word appears in
  • Words that appear in similar contexts have similar representations
  • We can represent what individual words "mean" as a function of what other words they're related to
  • "Grab" = execute GrabbingFunction() -> 코드화해서 의미 전달
  • "the cup" = object ID 9AF1948A81CD22 -> representation


  • Lexical semantics is concerned with representing the meaning of words
  • Logical semantics is concerned with representing the meaning of sentences

Meaning representaion

  • A meaning representation should be unambiugous; each statement in a meaning representation should be have one meaning

First-order logic (FOL)

  • We want to representation every sentence as an umambiguous proposition in FOL

  • How we map a natural language sentence to FOL is the task of semantic parsing; but we define the FOL relations and entities to be sensitive to what matters in our model


  • N-art relations hold among FOL terms (constants, variables, functions) -> 더 복잡하게 가능하다.

Event semantics




shallow semantics

[뉴스 - twitter ... 에 따라 방법이 다를 수 있다.]

Thematic rolse

  • Thematic roles capture the semantic commonality among arguments for different ralations
  • John broke the window
  • The window was broken by John
    -> 이 두 문장은 syntax로만 보면 완전히 다른 문장이다.

근데, Thematic role 까지 보면 같은 문장이다.

=> "창문이 깨졌다" 가 핵심이고 위의 features 을 이용해서 부가적인 정보를 더 붙임

  • Thematic roles are very useful but difficlt to formally difine AGENT, THEME, etc.
  • At the same time, they may be too coarse for som applications

Coarsening : Proto-roles

  • 좀 더 '일반적'으로 role을 부여 (피상적 Level)
  • Proto-roles = generalize thematic roles

2가지 Data


  • Sentences from the Penn Treebank annotated with proto-roles, along with lexical entries for each sense of a verb identifying the specific meaning of each proto-role that verb sense

  • Verb-sepcific argument structures lets us map the commonalities among the different surface forms


  • Propbank maps argument structure for individual verb senses

  • FrameNet maps argument structure for frames, which are evoked by a lexical unit

  • "A frame is a data-structure for representing a stereotyped situation" - Minsky 1975

Semantic Frame

=> Lexical units 를 이용해서 Destroy 에 Frame 을 씌울 수 있다.

=> 서로 같은 뜻이지만 문장 구조가 다른 두 문장에 Frame 을 씌워서 같은 문장으로 바라볼 수 있게 된다.
=> 같은 sell 과 bought 가 각 문장에서 같은 것을 의미한게 된다.

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