Let F be a continuous, strictly increasing CDF
Then if
Also: if , Then
Let , (Expo(1)),
Simulate ,
(symmetry of Unif)
Unif on same interval (linear transform of Unif)
Defn in Continuous case:
indep if
for all
Defn in Discrete case:
Joint PMF
for all
These are pairwise indep, not indep.
(, ), (, ), (, ) is indep, but not (, , ) indep!
After determined and , and possible to know
Central Limit Thm: Sum of a lot of i.i.d. r.v.s looks Normal
has PDF , c is normalizing const.
Intergal function
→ 부정적분이므로 닫힌 형태로의 적분이 불가능!
, ( is Jacobian matrix)
Let &
Normalizing constant c =
, by symmetry
if is an odd fn, i.e. then
$Var(Z) = E(Z^2) - (EZ)^2 = E(Z^2)
<even fn>
Let & , &
\Phi is the standard Normal CDF
by symmetry