n toy types, equally likeyly, Find expected time (i.e. # toys) until have complete set.
n 가지 장난감을 모아야 전체를 모은다고 할 때, 장난감 전부를 모으는 데까지 걸리는 시간 T(뽑아야 하는 장난감 수)의 기댓값을 구하시오.
= 1, , ...
for large n
Logistic distribution
is logistic.
Let , , be i.i.d. positive r.v.s.
Find (symmetry)
, , , Find as an integral.
, is PDF of
CDF: if
Better way:
, find distribution of n-X.
Story: , by swapping "success" and "failure"
Example: # emails I get in time is
with = (# emails in [0, ])
CDF is ,