If memoryless, we would have
is a positive continuous r.v. with memoryless property,
Let be the CDF of , = 1 - 지수함수's CDF
memoryless property is , Solve for
, So for all real
A r.v. has MGF , as a function of ,
Why moment "generating"?
by taylor series.
: nth moment
Why is MGF important?
The nth moment, , is coef of in Taylor series of M,
MGF determines the distribution, i.e., if , have same MGF,
If has MDF , has MDF , indep. , then
, ,
내일 해가 뜰 확률은 얼마인가?
unknown, Bayesian: treat as a r.v.
Let (사전 확률 prior). Let
is prior 1, does not depend on