Variance of Hypergeom(w, b, n)
← finite population correation
Let be a continuous r.v. with PDF ,
Then the PDF of is given by where , and this is written in terms of .
CDF of is
[chain rule]
Example. (log normal)
← multiply by
, ← This is PDF.
, : n dimentional
Joint PDF of is ← Jacobian, abs value of determinant.
Let , , indep.
Discrete case :
Continuous case :
← 미분 먼저 하고 적분하기
Idea : prove existence of objects with desired properties using prob.
Suppose each object has a "score". Show there is an object with "good" score.
100 people, 15 committees of 20, each person is on 3 committees.
Idea : find average overlap of 2 random committies.
there exists pair of committies with overlap of
have overlap of