: jth card in desk is labeled; Find
, there are
such terms, all same by symmetry.
-> Tayler's series
Events A, B are independent if
Note : Completely different from disjointness
A, B, C are indep. if , , ,
Similarly for events : "indep. means multiply"
Have fair dice; which is most likely?
(A) at least one 6 with 6 dice ← truth
(B) ... two 6's ... 12 dice
(C) ... three 6's ... 18 dice ← Pepys
: Binomial Prob
ex. | 6 | 6 | ... | not 6 | not 6 |
How should you update prob/beliefs/uncertainty based on new evidence?
Definition , if (A occurs when if B occurs)
Intuition 1: pebble word
ex. 9 pebbles in S, total mass is 1.
| o o x |
| o x x |
| x x x |
: get rid of pebbles in , renormalize to make mass 1 again
을 선택하면, 전체 집합인 의 total mass가 더이상 1이 아니게 되므로 를 곱함으로써 renormalize 하는 것이다.
Intuition 2: frequentist world; repeat, except many times
Thrm 1:
Thrm 2: [n! times] [Chain rule]
Thrm 3: [Bayse's rule]