Story: X is # of successes in n independent Bern(p) trials
Sum of indicator random variables(지시 확률 변수): ,
i.i.d (indep. identically distribution) Bern(p)
PMF(Prob. Math Function, 확률 질량 함수): ,
There is a sample space:
CDF(Cumulative Distribution Function, 누적 분포 함수)
is an event.
then F is the CDF of X
Discrete: possible values or
PMF: for all j
PMF of Binomial distribution
, by Binomial Thm.
, indep. \Rightarrow
Immediate from story: successes of nth and mth trials
:sum of n+m i.i.d. Bern(p) Bin(n+m, p)
→ VanderMonde:
5 card hand, find distribution(PMF or CDF) of # aces
Find . This is 0 except if .
Assume: Not Binomial
Like(Same as) the elk problem.
Have b black, w white marbles. Pick simple random sample of size n.
Find dist. of (# white marbles in sample)
, ,
Hypergeometric(초기하 분포): sampling without replacement
→ we do not get a binomial because trials are not indep.(dep!)
This is difference between Binomial(복원 추출) and Hypergeometric(비복원 추출)
by VanderMonde.
Form of distribution
CDF 참고할 만한 문서 : CDF의 정의
CDF 참고할 만한 강의 → CDF의 미분 = PDF(확률 밀도 함수), PDF의 적분 = CDF
출처 : Statistics 110, boostcourse