19일차 (2) - flex를 활용한 사이트 만들기

Yohan·2024년 3월 18일


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  • 아직 자바스크립트를 활용해야하는 부분은 넣지 않았다.
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    <section class="visual">
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                <img src="img/visual1.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
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                <img src="img/visual2.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
                <img src="img/visual3.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
                <img src="img/visual4.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
                <img src="img/visual5.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
                <img src="img/visual6.jpg" alt="슬라이드 이미지1">
                <div class="txt">
                    <p>Creative design with Hong Studio</p>
                    <h3>Website & APP, <br>Responsive Web and <br>Brand Identity </h3>
                    <a href="#">See the work <span class="lnr lnr-chevron-right"></span></a>
                <span class="scroll">Scroll down</span>
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        <div class="main-text animate" data-animate="fadeInUp" data-duration="1s">
            <h3>Great experience <br> build great brands.</h3>
            <p>다양한 온라인 서비스들을 구축하고 운영해온 풍부한 경험으로<br class="mo">
                UI/UX 기획과 디자인 그리고 구축에서 운영까지, 우리 스튜디오는<br class="mo">
                고객의 비즈니스를 위해 수준 높은 결과물을 제작하는 크리에이티브<br class="mo">
                파트너(Creative Partner) 입니다.
                <span>Soongu Hong, HONG STUDIO</span>
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                <h3 class="animate" data-animate="fadeInLeft" data-duration="1s" data-delay="0.5s">Meet <br>Out Projects</h3>
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                        <img src="img/project1.jpg" alt="project1">
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                            <h3>Linkin Aviation</h3>
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                        <img src="img/project2.jpg" alt="project2">
                        <div class="name">
                            <h3>HEESUNG LMS</h3>
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                        <img src="img/project3.png" alt="project3">
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                        <img src="img/project4.jpg" alt="project4">
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                            <h3>APMA WEB/APP</h3>
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        <div class="partner">
            <h3>우리의 소중한 고객입니다.</h3>
            <ul class="animate" data-animate="fadeInRight" data-duration="1s">
                <li><img src="img/partner1.png" alt=""></li>
                <li><img src="img/partner2.png" alt=""></li>
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        <div class="contact animate" data-animate="fadeIn" data-duration="2s" data-delay="0.5s">            
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                <h3>당신의 프로젝트를 이야기해 주세요.</h3>
                <p class="tel">010.1234.1234</p>
                <p>모바일 앱/웹 디자인 및 웹 표준화 작업 <br> UI/UX설계 및 제안서 작성<br> 스프링 기반 웹사이트 구축 등을 제공합니다.</p>
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    <!-- footer-->
            <li>Hong Studio<br>사업자등록번호:123-12-12345 <br>대표자:홍길동</li>
                <span>A :</span>서울 강남구 중앙정보처리교육원<br>
                <span>T :</span>010.7270.9984<br>
                <span>E :</span>hsg9984@gmail.com<br>
            <li> &#xa9 Hong Studio 2023 <br>All Rights Reseved</li>
        <a href="#top" class="go-top"><span class="lnr lnr-arrow-up"></span></a>
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     X를 오른쪽으로 보내기 위해
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/* 형제인 img에 position이 걸려있기 때문에 txt를
   사진 위로 올리려면 position
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/* > .project */
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/* 이미지 애니메이션 */
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/* 이미지 */
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/* 이름 */
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/* > .partner */
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section.contents .partner ul li img {
  opacity: 0.3;
  transition: 0.4s;
section.contents .partner ul li img:hover {
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  transition: 0.4s;
/* > .contact */

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