April 22,2021

Jinnie·2021년 4월 22일


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The future UI trend of 2025?

기사전문 출처 : medium

first paragraph

neumorphism : new skeuomorph
skeuomorph : 사실적인 묘사를 특징으로 한 UI디자인
ex) 금속광택같은 재질표현, 디테일한 묘사

cemented : 시멘트로 접착한, 침탄한
variant : 변종
Apple has cemented the rule of a variant of the popular Modern/Soft UI style

controversy : 논란
it wasn’t without controversy.

fidelity : 충실한, 신임있는
because touch interfaces with that fidelity were new and scary.

virtual : 사실상의, 가상의, 거의 ~와 다름 없는
stitch : 꿰메다
That’s why our virtual books were on a shelf, and our notepads were stitched leather and a paper texture

savvy : 지식있는, 상식이 있는, 전문가
Corners were getting progressively more rounded, as the target audience of touch interface grew from early-adopters and the tech-savvy to “the general population”.

second paragraph

afar : 멀리, 아득히
if you look at them from afar, they’re all pretty much “the same” trend.

third paragraph

implant : 이식하다
The technology has to catch up with the decreasing fear of having brain implants

dorky : 바보의 ,이상한
most real people wouldn’t go for a coffee in a dorky looking headset just to scroll instagram with their eyes easier.

fourth paragraph
desperately : 필사적으로
eye-strain : 눈의 피로감
The background blur effect known from Smartphone UI’s will likely cause eye-strain as we’ll desperately try to re-focus the blurry part.

first paragraph : One style to rule them all?

they had their own twist on it,
그들만의 반전을 가지고 있다.

Second paragraph : Modern UI 2020

Third paragraph : So what will?

what could that be?
그게 무엇일까?

(1) Neuralink
테슬라 CEO 일론 머스크가 설립한 뇌연구 스타트업.
엘론 머스크가 설립한 뇌 연구 스타트업으로, 뇌에 작은 전극을 이식하는 신경 레이스(전자그물망) 기술 개발을 목표로 한다

(2) AR Glasses

forth paragraph : AR UI?

Before, our UI was displayed on a screen. A flat, glass canvas that goes black when it’s off. It’s only a window to the amazing new worlds when it’s on.
When it’s off it’s just a piece of glass and metal.

fifth paragraph : Don’t walk into a wall.?

AR안경쓰면 앞이 안보여서 벽에 부딪힐 수 있다.
그 부분을 신경써서 디자인하는게 좋을 듯 !

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ생각하지도 못한 부분;;;ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

six paragraph : Do we really want the future?

can shut us out in “our own little world” even more
"우리만의 작은세상" 에서 쫓겨날 수 있다.

저자의 main idea :
I think we’ll likely see two paths — one being the AR revolution, that’s just behind the corner. The other will be a constant, steady evolution of Modern/Soft UI trends.

per ardua ad astra

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