본격적으로 슬라이딩 퍼즐을 다루지는 않음(예시로만 사용).
Operator-oriented genetic algorithm 설명.
사실 퍼즐 종류가 직사각형 퍼즐과는 다르지만, 슬라이딩 퍼즐을 어느 정도 언급하고 있기 때문에 정리.
15 Puzzle을 풀 수 있는지 여부는 그래프를 2개로 나누는 parity property에 의존한다 알려져 있음
Sliding puzzle 구현 코드(js..)위주이나, BFS, A* 알고리즘에 대해서도 간단히 느림.
BFS : 쉽지만 너무 느림
모든 사이즈의 슬라이딩 퍼즐을 푸는 법을 소개중.
CVS Pharmacy is currently conducting a customer feedback survey to enhance its services. By participating in this survey at, customers can win a $1000 cash prize. This survey aims to gather valuable customer insights regarding their experiences at CVS Pharmacy, allowing the company to understand their needs and preferences better. Participating in this survey provides an opportunity for customers to contribute to improving CVS Pharmacy's services while also having a chance to win a cash prize.
Customers may not only help improve their future in-store experiences by spending a few minutes to take the survey, but they also stand a chance to win enticing gift cards and vouchers that can be used at a later time.
With the use of a feedback survey, WalgreensListens seeks to get a more diverse and comprehensive understanding of consumer opinions in order to make improvements to the stores.
Nowadays, every establishment have providing customer satisfaction surveys to collect feedback from it's customers. So, keep the purchase receipt to participate in the surveys and get a chance to win free rewards. The Wawa food store invites it's customers to participate in the Mywawavisit Survey at the official survey page website.