컨캣할 때에는 작은 따옴표('')를 사용한다
postgres ~이름의 릴레이션(relation)이 없습니다 해결
we're taking all of the values in the table and we're producing one value.
We're not producing one output, we're producing multiple outputs.
So when you want to filter out a specific group, all the & will be chained together the moment the
where clause finds in or it's going to start a new filter, it's going to look for other things, potentially a different set of information that could also be matched.
같은 결과가 나온다
So the not keyword removes results.
괄호가 우선순위가 있다
not 키워드가 우선순위를 갖는다
괄호 -> not -> and 순으로 우선순위를 갖는다
괄호가 없기 때문에 or 를 기준으로 2개의 필터로 나뉜다
or 마다 각각의 필터를 갖는다
So we're looking for all of the females that have a salary of over ten thousand from the state of New York or are between the ages of twenty one and twenty nine and have a salary of lower than or equal to twenty thousand.
첫번째 괄호가 먼저 적용되고 gender를 특정하는 and 키워드는 첫번째 괄호 안의 or 로 나뉜 두 개의 괄호 필터에 공통 적용이된다.
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