NDM Reference Libraries

SungchulCHA·2024년 2월 7일


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NDM Reference Libraries

Library Manager

IC Compiler 2 Library Manager

Library Manager => 별개의 툴
logical libraries + physical libraries = NDM Reference Library

  1. Create a workspace
  2. Read input data
    • physical libraries
    • logical libraries
    • tech file
  3. Check the workspace : version 등
  4. Commit the workspace : ndm 파일 출력

Automated Reference Library Creation

create_workspace <EXPLORE> -flow exploration -technology <tech.tf>

read_ndm [glob <*.frame_only.ndm>]
read_db [glob <*.db>]

# set_app_options -list {lib.worspace.group_libs_create_slg true}

write_workspace -file <lib_template.tcl>


Exploration Flow

create_workspace -technology <tech.tf> -flow exploration <EXPLORE>
set_pvt_configuration -voltages {0.95 1.16} -temperatures {125 -40}
read_db [glob <./libs/DB/*.db>]
reaad_ndm [glob <./libs/NDM/*.f.ndm>]
write_workspace -file <lib_template.tcl>

hvt 와 lvt로 분류해서(툴이 분류할 수 있는건 싹다 나눠서) ndm 파일 생성
group_libs : Analyzes all library source files and groups the timing and physical data
write_workspace : Generates a Tcl script to re-create the library groupings from the group_libs command

Tech-Only NDM

create_workspace <TECH_LIB> -technology $TECH_FILE

read_parasitic_tech -tlup $TLUPLUS_MAX_FILE -name <maxTLU>
read_parasitic_tech -tlup $TLUPLUS_MIN_FILE -name <minTLU>

set_attribute [get_site_defs <unit_st>] is_default true
set_attribute [get_site_defs <unit_st>] symmetry Y

set_attribute [get_layers {<M1> <M3>}] track_offset 0.03
set_attribute [get_layers {<M1> <M3> <M5>}] routing_direction horizontal
set_attribute [get_layers {<M2> <M4> <M6>}] routing_direction vertical


unit_st : 셀이 들어갈 공간.규격, tech file 안에 있음
symmetry : 배치 방향
X : 가로, Y : 세로
is_default : 위에서 정의한 방향을 default로 설정
track_offset : track을 깔 수 있는 위치(규격)이 있는데, 해당 track이 시작점(좌측 하단)으로 부터 얼마나 떨어질 지

Myongji UNIV. B.S. in Electronic Engineering

0개의 댓글

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